# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description : Qblox instruments build information
# Git repository : https://gitlab.com/qblox/packages/software/qblox_instruments.git
# Copyright (C) Qblox BV (2020)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -- include -----------------------------------------------------------------
import re
import functools
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Union, Optional, Tuple, Dict
# -- definitions -------------------------------------------------------------
# Wildcard import definition
__all__ = ["get_build_info", "BuildInfo", "DeviceInfo", "__version__"]
# -- classes -----------------------------------------------------------------
class BuildInfo:
Class representing build information for a particular component.
__slots__ = ["_version", "_build", "_hash", "_dirty"]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(
version: Union[str, Tuple[int, int, int]],
build: Union[str, int, datetime],
hash: Union[str, int],
dirty: Union[str, bool],
Makes a build information object.
version: Union[str, Tuple[int, int, int]]
Either a canonical version string or a three-tuple of integers.
build: Union[str, int, datetime],
The build timestamp, either as a string formatted like
"17/11/2021-19:04:53" (as used in ``*IDN?``), a Unix timestamp in
seconds, or a Python datetime object.
hash: Union[str, int]
The git hash of the repository that the build was run from,
either as a hex string with at least 8 characters, or as an
integer. If 0x is prefixed, the hash may have less than 8 digits,
implying zeros in front.
dirty: Union[str, bool]
Whether the git repository was dirty at the time of the build,
either as a ``0`` or ``1`` string (as in ``*IDN?``) or as the
boolean itself.
# Convert and check version.
if isinstance(version, str):
version = map(int, version.split("."))
version = tuple(version)
if len(version) != 3:
raise ValueError("invalid version specified")
for comp in version:
if not isinstance(comp, int):
raise TypeError("unsupported type for version")
if comp < 0:
raise ValueError("invalid version specified")
self._version = version
# Convert and check build timestamp.
if isinstance(build, str):
build = datetime.strptime(build, "%d/%m/%Y-%H:%M:%S")
elif isinstance(build, int):
build = datetime.fromtimestamp(build)
if not isinstance(build, datetime):
raise TypeError("unsupported type for build")
self._build = build
# Convert and check git hash.
if isinstance(hash, str):
m = re.fullmatch("0x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,8}|[0-9a-fA-F]{8}", hash)
if not m:
raise ValueError(f"invalid or too short git hash specified: {hash!r}")
hash = int(m.group(0), 16)
if not isinstance(hash, int):
raise TypeError("unsupported type for hash")
if hash < 0 or hash > 0xFFFFFFFF:
raise ValueError("hash integer out of range")
self._hash = hash
# Convert and check dirty flag.
if isinstance(dirty, str):
if dirty == "0":
dirty = False
elif dirty == "1":
dirty = True
raise ValueError("invalid string specified for dirty")
if not isinstance(dirty, bool):
raise TypeError("unsupported type for dirty")
self._dirty = dirty
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def version(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
The version as a three-tuple.
:type: Tuple[int, int, int]
return self._version
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def version_str(self) -> str:
The version as a string.
:type: str
return ".".join(map(str, self._version))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def build(self) -> datetime:
The build timestamp as a datetime object.
:type: datetime
return self._build
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def build_str(self) -> str:
The build time as a string, as formatted for ``*IDN?``.
:type: str
return self._build.strftime("%d/%m/%Y-%H:%M:%S")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def build_iso(self) -> str:
The build time as a string, formatted using the ISO date format.
:type: str
return self._build.isoformat()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def build_unix(self) -> int:
The build time as a unix timestamp in seconds.
:type: int
return int(self._build.timestamp())
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def hash(self) -> int:
The git hash as an integer.
:type: int
return int(self._hash)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def hash_str(self) -> str:
The git hash as a string.
:type: str
return f"{self._hash:08x}"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def dirty(self) -> bool:
Whether the repository was dirty during the build.
:type: bool
return self._dirty
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def dirty_str(self) -> str:
The dirty flag as a ``0`` or ``1`` string (as used for ``*IDN?``).
:type: str
return "1" if self._dirty else "0"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def from_idn(cls, idn: str, prefix: str = "") -> Optional["BuildInfo"]:
Constructs a build information structure from an ``*IDN?`` string.
idn: str
The ``*IDN?`` string.
prefix: str
The prefix used for each key (currently ``fw``, ``kmod``, ``sw``,
or ``cfgMan``).
The build information structure if data is available for the given
key, or None if not.
build_data = {
x[0]: x[1]
for x in (s.split("=", maxsplit=1) for s in idn.split(",")[-1].split())
return cls(
except KeyError:
return None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def to_idn(self, prefix: str = "") -> str:
Formats this build information object in the same way ``*IDN?`` is
prefix: str
The prefix used for each key (currently ``fw``, ``kmod``, ``sw``,
or ``cfgMan``).
The part of the ``*IDN?`` string for this build information object.
return "{4}Version={0} {4}Build={1} {4}Hash=0x{2:08X} {4}Dirty={3}".format(
self.version_str, self.build_str, self.hash, self.dirty_str, prefix
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def from_dict(cls, build_data: dict) -> "BuildInfo":
Constructs a build information structure from a JSON-capable dict,
as used in ZeroMQ/CBOR descriptions, plug&play descriptions, update
file metadata, and various other places.
build_data: dict
Dictionary with (at least) the following keys:
- ``"version"``: iterable of three integers representing the
- ``"build"``: Unix timestamp in seconds representing the build
- ``"hash"``: the first 8 hex digits of the git hash as an
integer; and
- ``"dirty"``: boolean dirty flag.
The build information structure.
return cls(
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
Formats this build information object as a JSON-capable dict, as used
in ZeroMQ/CBOR descriptions, plug&play descriptions, update file
metadata, and various other places.
The generated dictionary, having the following keys:
- ``"version"``: iterable of three integers representing the
- ``"build"``: Unix timestamp in seconds representing the build
- ``"hash"``: the first 8 hex digits of the git hash as an
integer; and
- ``"dirty"``: boolean dirty flag.
return {
"version": self.version,
"build": self.build_unix,
"hash": self.hash,
"dirty": self.dirty,
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def to_idn_dict(self) -> dict:
Formats this build information object as a human-readable JSON-capable dict,
as used in get_idn.
The generated dictionary, having the following keys:
- ``"version"``: string representation of the version;
- ``"build"``: string representation of timestamp in seconds representing the build
- ``"hash"``: string representation of the first 8 hex digits of the git hash; and
- ``"dirty"``: boolean dirty flag.
return {
"version": self.version_str,
"build": self.build_str,
"hash": self.hash_str,
"dirty": self.dirty,
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def to_tuple(self) -> tuple:
Formats this build information object as a tuple for ordering purposes.
A tuple, containing all the information in this structure in a
canonical format.
return (self.version, self.build_unix, self.hash, self.dirty)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, BuildInfo):
return self.to_tuple() == other.to_tuple()
return NotImplemented
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __lt__(self, other) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, BuildInfo):
return self.to_tuple() < other.to_tuple()
return NotImplemented
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.version_str}, built on {self.build_iso} from git hash {self.hash_str}{' (dirty)' if self.dirty else ''}"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class DeviceInfo:
Class representing the build and model information of a device. Has the
same information content as what ``*DESCribe?`` returns.
__slots__ = [
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(
manufacturer: str,
model: str,
name: str = "unknown",
serial: Optional[str] = None,
is_extended_instrument: bool = False,
is_rf: bool = False,
sw_build: Optional[BuildInfo] = None,
fw_build: Optional[BuildInfo] = None,
kmod_build: Optional[BuildInfo] = None,
cfg_man_build: Optional[BuildInfo] = None,
modules: Optional[Dict[str, "DeviceInfo"]] = None,
if not isinstance(manufacturer, str):
raise TypeError("invalid type specified for manufacturer")
self._manufacturer = manufacturer.replace(" ", "_").lower()
if not isinstance(model, str):
raise TypeError("invalid type specified for model")
self._model = model.replace(" ", "_").lower()
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError("invalid type specified for name")
self._name = name
if serial is not None and not isinstance(serial, str):
raise TypeError("invalid type specified for serial")
self._serial = serial
if not isinstance(is_extended_instrument, bool):
raise TypeError("invalid type specified for is_extended_instrument")
self._is_extended_instrument = is_extended_instrument
if not isinstance(is_rf, bool):
raise TypeError("invalid type specified for is_rf")
self._is_rf = is_rf
if sw_build is not None and not isinstance(sw_build, BuildInfo):
raise TypeError("invalid type specified for sw_build")
self._sw_build = sw_build
if fw_build is not None and not isinstance(fw_build, BuildInfo):
raise TypeError("invalid type specified for fw_build")
self._fw_build = fw_build
if kmod_build is not None and not isinstance(kmod_build, BuildInfo):
raise TypeError("invalid type specified for kmod_build")
self._kmod_build = kmod_build
if cfg_man_build is not None and not isinstance(cfg_man_build, BuildInfo):
raise TypeError("invalid type specified for cfg_man_build")
self._cfg_man_build = cfg_man_build
if modules is not None and (
not isinstance(modules, dict)
or not all(
isinstance(k, str) and isinstance(v, DeviceInfo)
for k, v in modules.items()
raise TypeError("invalid type specified for modules")
self._modules = modules
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def manufacturer(self) -> str:
The manufacturer name, in lowercase_with_underscores format.
:type: str
return self._manufacturer
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def model(self) -> str:
The model name, in lowercase_with_underscores format.
:type: str
return self._model
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def name(self) -> str:
The customer-specified name of the instrument.
:type: str
return self._name
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def update_name(self, new_name: str):
Update the name of the device if the new name is not "unknown".
new_name: str
The new name to set.
if isinstance(new_name, str):
self._name = new_name
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def is_extended_instrument(self) -> bool:
Indicates whether the module is an extended instrument.
:type: bool
return self._is_extended_instrument
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def is_rf(self) -> bool:
Indicates whether the module has RF functionality.
:type: bool
return self._is_rf
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def serial(self) -> Optional[str]:
The serial number, if known.
:type: Optional[str]
return self._serial
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def sw_build(self) -> Optional[BuildInfo]:
The software/application build information, if known.
:type: Optional[BuildInfo]
return self._sw_build
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def fw_build(self) -> Optional[BuildInfo]:
The FPGA firmware build information, if known.
:type: Optional[BuildInfo]
return self._fw_build
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def kmod_build(self) -> Optional[BuildInfo]:
The kernel module build information, if known.
:type: Optional[BuildInfo]
return self._kmod_build
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def cfg_man_build(self) -> Optional[BuildInfo]:
The configuration management build information, if known.
:type: Optional[BuildInfo]
return self._cfg_man_build
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def modules(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, "DeviceInfo"]]:
The managed modules, if any.
:type: Optional[dict[str, DeviceInfo]]
return self._modules
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_build_info(self, key: str) -> Optional[BuildInfo]:
Returns build information for the given key.
key: str
The key. Must be one of:
- ``"sw"``: returns the application build info;
- ``"fw"``: returns the FPGA firmware build info;
- ``"kmod"``: returns the kernel module build info; or
- ``"cfg_man"`` or ``"cfgMan"``: returns the configuration manager
build info.
The build information structure, if known.
For unknown keys.
if key == "sw":
return self._sw_build
elif key == "fw":
return self._fw_build
elif key == "kmod":
return self._kmod_build
elif key in ("cfg_man", "cfgMan"):
return self._cfg_man_build
raise KeyError(f"unknown key {key!r}")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> BuildInfo:
Same as get_build_info(), but raises a KeyError if no data is known.
key: str
The key. Must be one of:
- ``"sw"``: returns the application build info;
- ``"fw"``: returns the FPGA firmware build info;
- ``"kmod"``: returns the kernel module build info; or
- ``"cfg_man"`` or ``"cfgMan"``: returns the configuration
manager build info.
The build information structure.
If no data is known for the given key or the key itself is unknown.
result = self.get_build_info(key)
if result is None:
raise KeyError(f"no data for key {key!r}")
return result
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
Returns whether data is known for the given key.
key: str
The key. Must be one of:
- ``"sw"``: returns the application build info;
- ``"fw"``: returns the FPGA firmware build info;
- ``"kmod"``: returns the kernel module build info; or
- ``"cfg_man"`` or ``"cfgMan"``: returns the configuration
manager build info.
Whether data is known.
return self.get_build_info(key) is not None
except KeyError:
return False
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def from_idn(cls, idn: str) -> "DeviceInfo":
Constructs a device information structure from an ``*IDN?`` string.
idn: str
The ``*IDN?`` string.
The parsed device information structure.
manufacturer, model, *serial, build_data = idn.split(",")
if serial:
serial = serial[0]
serial = None
return cls(
False, # Assuming default value
False, # Assuming default value
BuildInfo.from_idn(build_data, "sw"),
BuildInfo.from_idn(build_data, "fw"),
BuildInfo.from_idn(build_data, "kmod"),
BuildInfo.from_idn(build_data, "cfgMan"),
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def to_idn(self) -> str:
Formats this device information object in the same way ``*IDN?`` is
The ``*IDN?`` string.
idn = []
for key in ("sw", "fw", "kmod", "cfgMan"):
bi = self.get_build_info(key)
if bi is not None:
idn = " ".join(idn)
if self._serial is not None:
idn = f"{self._serial},{idn}"
idn = f"{self._manufacturer},{self._model},{idn}"
return idn
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def from_dict(cls, description: dict) -> "DeviceInfo":
Constructs a device information structure from a JSON-capable dict,
as used in ZeroMQ/CBOR descriptions, plug&play descriptions, update
file metadata, and various other places.
description: dict
Dictionary with the following keys:
- ``"manufacturer"``: manufacturer name (string);
- ``"model"``: model name (string);
- ``"name"``: device name (string);
- ``"ser"``: serial number (string);
- ``"is_extended_instrument"``: flag indicating if the device is an extended instrument (boolean);
- ``"is_rf"``: flag indicating if the device has RF functionality (boolean);
- ``"sw"``: application build information (dict);
- ``"fw"``: FPGA firmware build information (dict);
- ``"kmod"``: kernel module build information (dict);
- ``"cfg_man"``: configuration management build information (dict);
- ``"modules"``: dictionary of modules (optional).
The build information structure.
return cls(
description.get("manufacturer", "unknown"),
description.get("model", "unknown"),
description.get("name", "unknown"),
description.get("ser", None),
description.get("is_extended_instrument", False),
description.get("is_rf", False),
BuildInfo.from_dict(description["sw"]) if "sw" in description else None,
BuildInfo.from_dict(description["fw"]) if "fw" in description else None,
BuildInfo.from_dict(description["kmod"]) if "kmod" in description else None,
if "cfg_man" in description
else None
module_id: DeviceInfo.from_dict(module_data)
for module_id, module_data in description.get("modules", {}).items()
if "modules" in description
else None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
Formats this device information object as a JSON-capable dict, as used
in ZeroMQ/CBOR descriptions, plug&play descriptions, update file
metadata, and various other places.
The generated dictionary, having the following keys:
- ``"manufacturer"``: manufacturer name (string);
- ``"model"``: model name (string);
- ``"name"``: device name (string);
- ``"ser"``: serial number (string);
- ``"is_extended_instrument"``: flag indicating if the device is an
extended instrument (boolean);
- ``"is_rf"``: flag indicating if the device has RF functionality
- ``"sw"``: application build information (dict);
- ``"fw"``: FPGA firmware build information (dict);
- ``"kmod"``: kernel module build information (dict);
- ``"cfg_man"``: configuration management build information (dict);
- ``"modules"``: dictionary of modules (optional).
Some keys may be omitted if the information is not available.
description = {}
if self._manufacturer != "unknown":
description["manufacturer"] = self._manufacturer
if self._model != "unknown":
description["model"] = self._model
if self._name != "unknown":
description["name"] = self._name
description["is_extended_instrument"] = self._is_extended_instrument
description["is_rf"] = self._is_rf
if self._serial is not None:
description["ser"] = self._serial
for key in ("sw", "fw", "kmod", "cfg_man"):
bi = self.get_build_info(key)
if bi is not None:
description[key] = bi.to_dict()
if self._modules:
description["modules"] = {
module_id: module.to_dict()
for module_id, module in self._modules.items()
return description
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def to_idn_dict(self) -> dict:
Formats this device information object as a human-readable
JSON-capable dict, as used get_idn.
The generated dictionary, having the following keys:
- ``"manufacturer"``: manufacturer name (string);
- ``"model"``: model name (string);
- ``"serial_number"``: serial number (string);
- ``"firmware"``: build info (dict);
- ``"fpga"``: FPGA firmware build information (dict);
- ``"kernel_mod"``: kernel module build information (dict);
- ``"application"``: application build information (dict); and
- ``"driver"``: driver build information (dict);
Some keys may be omitted if the information is not available.
description = {}
if self._manufacturer != "unknown":
description["manufacturer"] = self._manufacturer
if self._model != "unknown":
description["model"] = self._model
if self._serial is not None:
description["serial_number"] = self._serial
description["firmware"] = {}
for key, idn_key in zip(
["fw", "kmod", "sw"], ["fpga", "kernel_mod", "application"]
bi = self.get_build_info(key)
if bi is not None:
description["firmware"][idn_key] = bi.to_idn_dict()
description["firmware"]["driver"] = get_build_info().to_idn_dict()
return description
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def to_tuple(self) -> tuple:
Formats this device information object as a tuple for ordering
A tuple, containing all the information in this structure in a
canonical format.
return (
self._sw_build.to_tuple() if self._sw_build is not None else None,
self._fw_build.to_tuple() if self._fw_build is not None else None,
self._kmod_build.to_tuple() if self._kmod_build is not None else None,
self._cfg_man_build.to_tuple() if self._cfg_man_build is not None else None,
tuple(sorted(self._modules)) if self._modules else None,
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, DeviceInfo):
return self.to_tuple() == other.to_tuple()
return NotImplemented
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __ne__(self, other) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, DeviceInfo):
return self.to_tuple() != other.to_tuple()
return NotImplemented
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.manufacturer} {self.model}"
# -- functions -----------------------------------------------------------------
def get_build_info() -> BuildInfo:
Get build information for Qblox Instruments.
Build information structure for Qblox Instruments.
return BuildInfo(
version="0.15.0", build="20/12/2024-16:46:05", hash="0x5fc66717", dirty=False
# Set version.
__version__ = get_build_info().version_str