Source code for qblox_instruments.cfg_man.update_file

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description    : Update file format utilities
# Git repository :
# Copyright (C) Qblox BV (2021)
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# -- include -----------------------------------------------------------------

import tarfile
import zipfile
import json
import tempfile
import re
import os
import copy
from typing import Optional, BinaryIO, Callable
from qblox_instruments.cfg_man.probe import ConnectionInfo
from qblox_instruments.cfg_man.const import VERSION
from import DeviceInfo
import qblox_instruments.cfg_man.log as log

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[docs] class UpdateFile: """ Representation of a device update file. """ __slots__ = [ "_fname", "_update_fname", "_tempdir", "_format", "_models", "_metadata", ] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __init__(self, fname: str, check_version: bool = True): """ Loads an update file. Parameters ---------- fname: str The file to load. check_version: bool Whether to throw a NotImplementedError if the minimum configuration management client version reported by the update file is newer than our client version. """ super().__init__() # Save filename. self._fname = fname # Be lenient: if the user downloaded a release file and forgot to # extract it, extract it for them transparently. self._update_fname = None self._tempdir = None def extract(fin): log.debug( '"%s" looks like a release file, extracting update.tar.gz from it...', self._fname, ) self._tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() self._update_fname = os.path.join( self._tempdir.__enter__(), "update.tar.gz" ) with open(self._update_fname, "wb") as fout: while True: buf = if not buf: break while buf: buf = buf[fout.write(buf) :] try: log.debug('Determining file type of "%s"...', self._fname) with, "r:*") as tar: for name in tar.getnames(): if name.endswith("update.tar.gz"): with tar.extractfile(name) as fin: extract(fin) break else: log.debug( '"%s" looks like it might indeed be an update file.', self._fname, ) self._update_fname = self._fname except tarfile.TarError: try: with zipfile.ZipFile(self._fname, "r") as zip: for name in zip.namelist(): if name.endswith("update.tar.gz"): with, "r") as fin: extract(fin) break except zipfile.BadZipFile: pass if self._update_fname is None: raise ValueError("invalid update file") # Read the tar file. try: log.debug('Scanning update tar file "%s"...', self._update_fname) with, "r:gz") as tar: fmts = set() meta_json = None models = set() metadata = {} while True: info = if info is None: break name = log.debug(" %s", name) if name.startswith("."): name = name[1:] if name.startswith("/") or name.startswith("\\"): name = name[1:] name, *tail = re.split(r"/|\\", name, maxsplit=1) if name == "meta.json" and not tail: fmts.add("multi") meta_json = info elif name.startswith("only_"): name = name[5:] if name not in models: fmts.add("multi") metadata[name] = {"manufacturer": "qblox", "model": name} models.add(name) elif name == "common": fmts.add("multi") else: if name not in models: fmts.add("legacy") metadata[name] = {"manufacturer": "qblox", "model": name} models.add(name) log.debug("Scan complete") log.debug("") if meta_json is not None: with tar.extractfile(meta_json) as f: metadata.update(json.loads( if len(fmts) != 1: raise ValueError("invalid update file") self._format = next(iter(fmts)) self._models = { model: DeviceInfo.from_dict(metadata[model]) for model in sorted(models) } self._metadata = metadata.get("meta", {}) except tarfile.TarError: raise ValueError("invalid update file") # Check client version. if check_version: if ( self._metadata.get("meta", {}).get("min_cfg_man_client", (0, 0, 0)) > VERSION ): raise NotImplementedError( "update file format is too new. Please update Qblox Instruments first" )
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[docs] def close(self): """ Cleans up any operating resources that we may have claimed. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ if hasattr(self, "_tempdir") and self._tempdir is not None: self._tempdir.cleanup() self._tempdir = None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __del__(self): self.close() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __enter__(self): return self # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def needs_confirmation(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Returns whether the update file requests the user to confirm something before application, and if so, what message should be printed. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- Optional[str] None if there is nothing exceptional about this file, otherwise this is the confirmation message. """ return self._metadata.get("confirm", None)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __str__(self): return self._fname # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __repr__(self): return repr(self._fname) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def summarize(self) -> str: """ Returns a summary of the update file format. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- str Update file summary. """ if self._format == "legacy": return f"legacy update file for {next(iter(self._models))}" return f"update file for {', '.join(self._models)}"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def pprint(self, output: Callable[[str], None] = -> None: """ Pretty-prints the update file metadata. Parameters ---------- output: Callable[[str], None] The function used for printing. Each call represents a line. Returns ------- """ min_client = self._metadata.get("min_cfg_man_client", None) if min_client is not None: if self._format != "legacy": min_client = (0, 2, 0) min_client = ".".join(map(str, min_client)) query_message = self._metadata.get("confirm", "None") output(f"Update file : {self._fname}") output(f"File format : {self._format}") output(f"Minimum client version : {min_client}") output(f"Query message : {query_message}") output(f"Contains updates for : {len(self._models)} product(s)") for model, di in self._models.items(): output(f" Model : {model}") for key, pretty in ( ("sw", "Application"), ("fw", "FPGA firmware"), ("kmod", "Kernel module"), ("cfg_man", "Cfg. manager"), ): try: output(f" {pretty + ' version':<21}: {di[key]}"), except KeyError: continue
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def load(self, ci: ConnectionInfo) -> BinaryIO: """ Loads an update file, checking whether the given update file is compatible within the given connection context. Returns a file-like object opened in binary read mode if compatible, or throws a ValueError if there is a problem. Parameters ---------- ci: ConnectionInfo Connection information object retrieved from autoconf(), to verify that the update file is compatible, or to make it compatible, if possible. Returns ------- BinaryIO Binary file-like object for the update file. Will at least be opened for reading, and rewound to the start of the file. This may effectively be ``open(fname, "rb")``, but could also be a ``tempfile.TemporaryFile`` to an update file specifically converted to be compatible with the given environment. It is the responsibility of the caller to close the file. Raises ------ ValueError If there is a problem with the given update file. """ # Check whether the update includes data for all the devices we need to # support. for model in ci.all_updatable_models: if model not in self._models: raise ValueError(f"update file is not compatible with {model} devices") # If we're connected to the server via the legacy update protocol, we # must also supply a legacy update file. So if this is not already in # the legacy format, we have to downconvert the file format. if ci.protocol == "legacy" and self._format != "legacy": if len(ci.all_updatable_models) != 1: raise ValueError( "cannot update multiple devices at once with legacy configuration managers" ) "Converting multi-device update to legacy update file for %s...", ci.device.model, ) with, "r:gz") as tar: common = {} specific = {} infos = [] log.debug("Scanning input tar file...") while True: info = if info is None: break log.debug(" %s", infos.append(info) for info in infos: # Split filename into the name of the root directory of the # tar file and the corresponding root path on the device. name = if name.startswith("."): name = name[1:] if name.startswith("/") or name.startswith("\\"): name = name[1:] tar_dir, *root_path = re.split(r"[\\/]", name, maxsplit=1) if root_path: root_path = "/" + root_path[0] else: root_path = "/" # Save the info blocks for the files relevant to us. if tar_dir == "only_" + ci.device.model: specific[root_path] = info elif tar_dir == "common": common[root_path] = info # Device-specific files override common files. files = common files.update(specific) # Create a new tar.gz file with the files for this device # specifically. log.debug("Recompressing in legacy format...") file_obj = tempfile.TemporaryFile("w+b") try: with, "w:gz", file_obj) as tar_out: for idx, (path, info) in enumerate(sorted(files.items())): log.progress( idx / len(files), "Recompressing update archive in legacy format...", ) # Determine the path in the new tarfile. out_info = copy.copy(info) if path == "/": = f"./{ci.device.model}" else: = f"./{ci.device.model}{path}" log.debug(" %s", tar_out.addfile(out_info, tar.extractfile(info)) finally: log.clear_progress() log.debug("Legacy update file complete") log.debug("") # Rewind back to the start of the file to comply with # postconditions. return file_obj # No need to change the contents of the update file, so just open the # file as-is. return open(self._update_fname, "rb")