Source code for qblox_instruments.qcodes_drivers.quad

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description    : Quad QCoDeS interface
# Git repository :
# Copyright (C) Qblox BV (2020)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# -- include -----------------------------------------------------------------

from typing import List, Union, Tuple, NoReturn
from functools import partial
from qcodes import validators as vals
from qcodes import Instrument, InstrumentChannel
from qblox_instruments.docstring_helpers import partial_with_numpy_doc
from qblox_instruments.qcodes_drivers.component import Component

# -- class -------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] class Quad(Component): """ This class represents a single quad. It combines all quad specific parameters and functions into a single QCoDes InstrumentChannel. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __init__( self, parent: Union[Instrument, InstrumentChannel], name: str, quad_idx: int, ): """ Creates a quad class and adds all relevant parameters for the quad. Parameters ---------- parent : Union[Instrument, InstrumentChannel] The QCoDeS class to which this quad belongs. name : str Name of this quad channel quad_idx : int The index of this quad in the parent instrument, representing which quad is controlled by this class. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- """ # Initialize instrument channel super().__init__(parent, name) # Store quad index self._quad_idx = quad_idx # Add required parent attributes for the QCoDeS parameters to function for attr_name in Quad._get_required_parent_attr_names(): self._register(attr_name) # Add parameters # -- Channel map ----------------------------------------------------- # -- TBD # -- Quad parameters (QTM-only) -------------------------------------- self.add_parameter( "timetag_oversampling", label="Timetag oversampling setting of all channels in the given quad", docstring="Sets/gets the timetag oversampling setting of all " "channels in the given quad ('disabled' = no oversampling, '2x' = " "events are sampled by the converter twice with a typical " "single-shot RMS of 15 ps, '4x' = events are sampled by the " "converter four times with a typical single-shot RMS of 10 ps)", unit="", vals=vals.Enum("disabled", "x2", "x4"), set_parser=str, get_parser=str, set_cmd=partial( self._set_quad_config_val, ["timetag_oversampling"], ), get_cmd=partial( self._get_quad_config_val, ["timetag_oversampling"], ), ) self.add_parameter( "tdc_latency", label="Latency of the TDC-capable input path in the given quad", docstring="Sets/gets the Latency of the TDC-capable input path " "in the given quad. Lower values decrease the feedback latency.", unit="ns", vals=vals.Numbers(), set_parser=float, get_parser=float, set_cmd=partial( self._set_quad_config_val, ["tdc_latency"], ), get_cmd=partial( self._get_quad_config_val, ["tdc_latency"], ), ) self.add_parameter( "channel_combine", label="Latency of the TDC-capable input path in the given quad", docstring="Sets/gets the Latency of the TDC-capable input path " "in the given quad. Lower values decrease the feedback latency.", unit="", vals=vals.Enum("fan-out", "independent"), set_parser=str, get_parser=str, set_cmd=partial( self._set_quad_config_val, ["channel_combine"], ), get_cmd=partial( self._get_quad_config_val, ["channel_combine"], ), )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @property def quad_idx(self) -> int: """ Get quad index. Parameters ---------- Returns ---------- int Quad index Raises ---------- """ return self._quad_idx # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @staticmethod def _get_required_parent_attr_names() -> List: """ Return list of parent attribute names that are required for the QCoDeS parameters to function, so that the can be registered to this object using the _register method. Parameters ---------- Returns ---------- List List of parent attribute names to register. Raises ---------- """ # IOChannel attributes attr_names = [] for operation in ["set", "get"]: attr_names.append(f"_{operation}_quad_config") attr_names.append(f"_{operation}_quad_config_val") return attr_names # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _register(self, attr_name: str) -> None: """ Register parent attribute to this quad using functools.partial to pre-select the quad index. If the attribute does not exist in the parent class, a method that raises a `NotImplementedError` exception is registered instead. The docstring of the parent attribute is also copied to the registered attribute. Parameters ---------- attr_name : str Attribute name of parent to register. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- """ if hasattr(self.parent, attr_name): parent_attr = getattr(self.parent, attr_name) partial_doc = ( "Note\n" + "----------\n" + "This method calls {1}.{0} using functools.partial to set the " + "quad index. The docstring above is of {1}.{0}:\n\n" ).format(attr_name, type(self.parent).__name__) partial_func = partial_with_numpy_doc( parent_attr, self.quad_idx, end_with=partial_doc ) setattr(self, attr_name, partial_func) else: def raise_not_implemented_error(*args, **kwargs) -> None: raise NotImplementedError( f'{} does not have "{attr_name}" attribute.' ) setattr(self, attr_name, raise_not_implemented_error)