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We will only work with qubit 0.\n", "\n", "The hardware connectivity is as follows, by cluster slot:\n", "\n", "- **QCM** (Slot 2)\n", " - $\\text{O}^{1}$: Flux line for `q0`.\n", " - $\\text{O}^{2}$: Flux line for `q1`.\n", "\n", "- **QCM-RF** (Slot 6)\n", " - $\\text{O}^{1}$: Drive line for `q0` using fixed 80 MHz IF.\n", " - $\\text{O}^{2}$: Drive line for `q1` using fixed 80 MHz IF.\n", "\n", "- **QRM-RF** (Slot 8)\n", " - $\\text{O}^{1}$ and $\\text{I}^{1}$: Shared readout line for `q0`/`q1` using a fixed LO set at 7.5 GHz.\n", "\n", "Note that in the hardware configuration below the mixers are uncorrected, but for high fidelity experiments this should also be done for all the modules." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "10b9bdcd", "metadata": { "tags": [ "no_demo" ] }, "source": [ "### Quantum device settings\n", "Here we initialize our `QuantumDevice` and our qubit parameters, checkout this [tutorial](https://quantify-os.org/docs/quantify-scheduler/tutorials/Operations%20and%20Qubits.html) for further details.\n", "\n", "In short, a `QuantumDevice` contains device elements where we save our found parameters. Here we are loading a template for 2 qubits, but we will only use qubit 0." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "a93ec56e", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Configure external flux control\n", "In the case of flux-tunable transmon qubits, we need to have some way of controlling the external flux.\n", "This can be done by setting an output bias on a module of the cluster which is then connected to the flux line.\n", "If your system is not using flux-tunable transmons, then you can skip to the next section." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "e0494e93", "metadata": { "lines_to_next_cell": 2, "title": "BODY" }, "source": [ "## Resonator Flux Spectroscopy" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "id": "46585e6e", "metadata": { "execution": { "iopub.execute_input": "2025-03-12T18:00:13.447354Z", "iopub.status.busy": "2025-03-12T18:00:13.447012Z", "iopub.status.idle": "2025-03-12T18:00:13.455377Z", "shell.execute_reply": "2025-03-12T18:00:13.454753Z" }, "lines_to_next_cell": 0 }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "def resonator_spectroscopy_schedule(\n", " qubit, # noqa: ANN001\n", " freqs: np.array,\n", " repetitions: int = 1,\n", ") -> Schedule:\n", " \"\"\"Schedule to sweep the resonator frequency.\"\"\"\n", " sched = Schedule(\"schedule\", repetitions=repetitions)\n", " for i, freq in enumerate(freqs):\n", " sched.add(\n", " Measure(\n", " qubit.name,\n", " acq_index=i,\n", " freq=freq,\n", " )\n", " )\n", " sched.add(IdlePulse(8e-9))\n", " return sched\n", "\n", "\n", "freqs = ManualParameter(name=\"freq\", unit=\"Hz\", label=\"Frequency\")\n", "freqs.batched = True\n", "freqs.batch_size = 100\n", "\n", "spec_sched_kwargs = dict(\n", " qubit=qubit,\n", " freqs=freqs,\n", ")\n", "gettable = ScheduleGettable(\n", " quantum_device,\n", " schedule_function=resonator_spectroscopy_schedule,\n", " schedule_kwargs=spec_sched_kwargs,\n", " real_imag=False,\n", " batched=True,\n", ")\n", "\n", "meas_ctrl.gettables(gettable)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "id": "7113c666", "metadata": { "execution": { "iopub.execute_input": "2025-03-12T18:00:13.457455Z", "iopub.status.busy": "2025-03-12T18:00:13.456978Z", "iopub.status.idle": "2025-03-12T18:00:16.023770Z", "shell.execute_reply": "2025-03-12T18:00:16.022699Z" } }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Starting batched measurement...\n", "Iterative settable(s) [outer loop(s)]:\n", "\t out0_offset \n", "Batched settable(s):\n", "\t freq \n", "Batch size limit: 100\n", "\n" ] }, { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "4161cc381da5458e8fa0dbfbd978827e", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "Completed: 0%| [ elapsed time: 00:00 | time left: ? ] it" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 29kB\n",
       "Dimensions:  (dim_0: 900)\n",
       "    x0       (dim_0) float64 7kB 7.58e+09 7.58e+09 ... 7.62e+09 7.62e+09\n",
       "    x1       (dim_0) float64 7kB 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0\n",
       "Dimensions without coordinates: dim_0\n",
       "Data variables:\n",
       "    y0       (dim_0) float64 7kB nan nan nan nan nan nan ... nan nan nan nan nan\n",
       "    y1       (dim_0) float64 7kB nan nan nan nan nan nan ... nan nan nan nan nan\n",
       "    tuid:                             20250312-180013-462-0d1fa1\n",
       "    name:                             resonator flux spectroscopy\n",
       "    grid_2d:                          True\n",
       "    grid_2d_uniformly_spaced:         True\n",
       "    1d_2_settables_uniformly_spaced:  False\n",
       "    xlen:                             300\n",
       "    ylen:                             3
" ], "text/plain": [ " Size: 29kB\n", "Dimensions: (dim_0: 900)\n", "Coordinates:\n", " x0 (dim_0) float64 7kB 7.58e+09 7.58e+09 ... 7.62e+09 7.62e+09\n", " x1 (dim_0) float64 7kB 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0\n", "Dimensions without coordinates: dim_0\n", "Data variables:\n", " y0 (dim_0) float64 7kB nan nan nan nan nan nan ... nan nan nan nan nan\n", " y1 (dim_0) float64 7kB nan nan nan nan nan nan ... nan nan nan nan nan\n", "Attributes:\n", " tuid: 20250312-180013-462-0d1fa1\n", " name: resonator flux spectroscopy\n", " grid_2d: True\n", " grid_2d_uniformly_spaced: True\n", " 1d_2_settables_uniformly_spaced: False\n", " xlen: 300\n", " ylen: 3" ] }, "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "quantum_device.cfg_sched_repetitions(80)\n", "center = qubit.clock_freqs.readout()\n", "frequency_setpoints = np.linspace(center - 20e6, center + 20e6, 300)\n", "flux_setpoints = np.linspace(0, 1, 3)\n", "meas_ctrl.settables([freqs, flux_settable])\n", "meas_ctrl.setpoints_grid((frequency_setpoints, flux_setpoints))\n", "\n", "rfs_ds = meas_ctrl.run(\"resonator flux spectroscopy\")\n", "rfs_ds" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "id": "e6d98dd5", "metadata": { "execution": { "iopub.execute_input": "2025-03-12T18:00:16.027794Z", "iopub.status.busy": "2025-03-12T18:00:16.026582Z", "iopub.status.idle": "2025-03-12T18:00:16.378877Z", "shell.execute_reply": "2025-03-12T18:00:16.378010Z" }, "tags": [ "no_demo" ] }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "58b0cc5d88b54953ac05e32926cf722b", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "Tab(children=(Tab(children=(Tab(children=(Output(),), selected_index=0, titles=('other values',)), Tab(childre…" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "inst_coord.last_schedule.compiled_instructions" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 10, "id": "c89faae8", "metadata": { "execution": { "iopub.execute_input": "2025-03-12T18:00:16.405885Z", "iopub.status.busy": "2025-03-12T18:00:16.405608Z", "iopub.status.idle": "2025-03-12T18:00:16.619258Z", "shell.execute_reply": "2025-03-12T18:00:16.618340Z" }, "tags": [ "no_demo" ] }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "e398b664532e4bd588a0d35e5c940ec9", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "Tab(children=(Tab(children=(Tab(children=(Tab(children=(Tab(children=(Output(),), selected_index=0, titles=('o…" ] }, "execution_count": 10, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "display_dict(quantum_device.hardware_config())" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "id": "d6fd5ab7", "metadata": { "execution": { "iopub.execute_input": "2025-03-12T18:00:16.652486Z", "iopub.status.busy": "2025-03-12T18:00:16.652245Z", "iopub.status.idle": "2025-03-12T18:00:16.663593Z", "shell.execute_reply": "2025-03-12T18:00:16.662817Z" } }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "'devices/device_2q_2025-03-12_18-00-16_UTC.json'" ] }, "execution_count": 11, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "quantum_device.to_json_file(\"devices/\")" ] } ], "metadata": { "files_to_bundle_in_zip_file": [ "figures/Banner.jpeg", "configs/tuning_transmon_coupled_pair_hardware_config.json", "devices/transmon_device_2q.json", "utils.py" ], "jupytext": { "cell_metadata_filter": "all", "notebook_metadata_filter": "files_to_bundle_in_zip_file,is_demo,execute" }, "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.9.20" }, "widgets": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-state+json": { "state": { "002813213ebe45079af8e0b7bd60c68d": { "model_module": 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auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 432909699 # set nco frequency to 1.082274e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,11,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 433444816 # set nco frequency to 1.083612e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,12,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 433979933 # set nco frequency to 1.084950e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,13,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 434515050 # set nco frequency to 1.086288e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,14,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 435050167 # set nco frequency to 1.087625e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,15,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 435585284 # set nco frequency to 1.088963e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,16,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 436120401 # set nco frequency to 1.090301e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,17,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 436655518 # set nco frequency to 1.091639e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,18,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 437190635 # set nco frequency to 1.092977e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,19,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 437725753 # set nco frequency to 1.094314e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,20,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 438260870 # set nco frequency to 1.095652e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,21,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 438795987 # set nco frequency to 1.096990e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,22,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 439331104 # set nco frequency to 1.098328e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,23,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 439866221 # set nco frequency to 1.099666e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,24,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 440401338 # set nco frequency to 1.101003e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,25,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 440936455 # set nco frequency to 1.102341e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,26,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 441471572 # set nco frequency to 1.103679e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,27,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 442006689 # set nco frequency to 1.105017e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,28,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 442541806 # set nco frequency to 1.106355e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,29,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 443076923 # set nco frequency to 1.107692e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,30,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 443612040 # set nco frequency to 1.109030e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,31,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 444147157 # set nco frequency to 1.110368e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,32,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 444682274 # set nco frequency to 1.111706e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,33,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 445217391 # set nco frequency to 1.113043e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,34,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 445752508 # set nco frequency to 1.114381e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,35,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 446287625 # set nco frequency to 1.115719e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,36,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 446822742 # set nco frequency to 1.117057e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,37,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 447357860 # set nco frequency to 1.118395e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,38,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 447892977 # set nco frequency to 1.119732e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,39,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 448428094 # set nco frequency to 1.121070e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,40,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 448963211 # set nco frequency to 1.122408e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,41,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 449498328 # set nco frequency to 1.123746e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,42,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 450033445 # set nco frequency to 1.125084e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,43,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 450568562 # set nco frequency to 1.126421e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,44,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 451103679 # set nco frequency to 1.127759e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,45,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 451638796 # set nco frequency to 1.129097e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,46,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 452173913 # set nco frequency to 1.130435e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,47,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 452709030 # set nco frequency to 1.131773e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,48,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 453244147 # set nco frequency to 1.133110e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,49,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 453779264 # set nco frequency to 1.134448e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,50,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 454314381 # set nco frequency to 1.135786e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,51,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 454849498 # set nco frequency to 1.137124e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,52,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 455384615 # set nco frequency to 1.138462e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,53,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 455919732 # set nco frequency to 1.139799e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,54,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 456454849 # set nco frequency to 1.141137e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,55,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 456989967 # set nco frequency to 1.142475e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,56,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 457525084 # set nco frequency to 1.143813e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,57,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 458060201 # set nco frequency to 1.145151e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,58,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 458595318 # set nco frequency to 1.146488e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,59,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 459130435 # set nco frequency to 1.147826e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,60,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 459665552 # set nco frequency to 1.149164e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,61,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 460200669 # set nco frequency to 1.150502e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,62,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 460735786 # set nco frequency to 1.151839e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,63,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 461270903 # set nco frequency to 1.153177e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,64,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 461806020 # set nco frequency to 1.154515e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,65,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 462341137 # set nco frequency to 1.155853e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,66,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 462876254 # set nco frequency to 1.157191e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,67,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 463411371 # set nco frequency to 1.158528e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,68,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 463946488 # set nco frequency to 1.159866e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,69,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 464481605 # set nco frequency to 1.161204e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,70,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 465016722 # set nco frequency to 1.162542e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,71,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 465551839 # set nco frequency to 1.163880e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,72,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 466086957 # set nco frequency to 1.165217e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,73,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 466622074 # set nco frequency to 1.166555e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,74,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 467157191 # set nco frequency to 1.167893e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,75,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 467692308 # set nco frequency to 1.169231e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,76,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 468227425 # set nco frequency to 1.170569e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,77,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 468762542 # set nco frequency to 1.171906e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,78,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 469297659 # set nco frequency to 1.173244e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,79,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 469832776 # set nco frequency to 1.174582e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,80,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 470367893 # set nco frequency to 1.175920e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,81,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 470903010 # set nco frequency to 1.177258e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,82,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 471438127 # set nco frequency to 1.178595e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,83,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 471973244 # set nco frequency to 1.179933e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,84,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 472508361 # set nco frequency to 1.181271e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,85,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 473043478 # set nco frequency to 1.182609e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,86,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 473578595 # set nco frequency to 1.183946e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,87,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 474113712 # set nco frequency to 1.185284e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,88,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # play SquarePulse (4 ns) \n wait 100 # auto generated wait (100 ns) \n set_freq 400000000 # set nco frequency to 1.000000e+08 Hz \n upd_param 4 \n wait 4 # auto generated wait (4 ns) \n set_freq 474648829 # set nco frequency to 1.186622e+08 Hz \n reset_ph \n set_awg_offs 1638,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n upd_param 4 \n wait 196 # auto generated wait (196 ns) \n acquire 0,89,4 \n wait 1792 # auto generated wait (1792 ns) \n set_awg_offs 0,0 # setting offset for SquarePulse \n set_awg_gain 1638,0 # setting gain for SquarePulse \n play 0,0,4 # 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