.. figure:: /figures/qblox_logo.svg :width: 400px :target: https://www.qblox.com :align: center :alt: Qblox :class: only-light .. figure:: /figures/qblox_logo_white.svg :width: 400px :target: https://www.qblox.com :align: center :alt: Qblox :class: only-dark ################### Qblox Documentation ################### Qblox develops fully-integrated quantum control stacks for qubit control and readout. This documentation is a manual for both our hardware and software packages. .. grid:: 1 1 1 2 :gutter: 2 .. grid-item-card:: Getting Started :text-align: center :img-top: figures/index_getting_started.svg :img-alt: getting started image Handling and installation instructions. .. button-ref:: getting_started/index :expand: :color: secondary :click-parent: .. grid-item-card:: User Guide :text-align: center :img-top: figures/index_user_guide.svg :img-alt: User guide image Detailed user guide for Qblox products. .. button-ref:: cluster/index :expand: :color: secondary :click-parent: .. grid-item-card:: Tutorials :text-align: center :img-top: figures/material_school.svg :img-alt: Tutorials image Tutorials for Q1ASM and Quantify. .. button-ref:: tutorials/index :expand: :color: secondary :click-parent: .. grid-item-card:: Application Examples :text-align: center :img-top: figures/index_contribute.svg :img-alt: Application examples image In depth examples for specific applications, ready for use. .. button-ref:: applications/index :expand: :color: secondary :click-parent: .. grid-item-card:: API Reference :text-align: center :img-top: figures/index_api.svg :img-alt: API reference image A detailed description of the functions, modules, and objects included in the `qblox_instruments` software package. .. button-ref:: api_reference/index :expand: :color: secondary :click-parent: What's new ########## Learn about new features and API changes. :ref:`Release Notes` Quantify ########## Detailed documentation of the quantify software package. `Quantify-Scheduler `_ `Quantify-Core `_ About us ########## This software is free to use under the conditions specified in the `license `_. For more information, do not hesitate to get in touch with `support@qblox.com` or via the form below. .. raw:: html .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents :name: contents :hidden: getting_started/index cluster/index tutorials/index applications/index api_reference/index