Cluster API#
The Cluster driver is separated into three layers:
QCoDeS driver: Instrument driver based on QCoDeS and the instrument’s native interface.
Native interface: Instrument API that provides control over the instrument and is an extension of the the SCPI interface.
SCPI interface: Instrument API based on the SCPI standard which in turn is based on IEEE488.2.
QCoDeS driver#
- class qblox_instruments.Cluster(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#
This class connects QCoDeS to the Cluster native interface.
- __init__(name: str, identifier: str | None = None, port: int | None = None, debug: int | None = None, dummy_cfg: Dict | None = None)[source]#
Creates Cluster QCoDeS class and adds all relevant instrument parameters. These instrument parameters call the associated methods provided by the native interface.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Instrument name.
identifier (Optional[str]) – Instrument identifier. See
. If None, the instrument is identified by name.port (Optional[int]) – Override for the TCP port through which we should connect.
debug (Optional[int]) – Debug level (0 | None = normal, 1 = no version check, >1 = no version or error checking).
dummy_cfg (Optional[Dict]) – Configure as dummy using this configuration. For each slot that needs to be occupied by a module add the slot index as key and specify the type of module in the slot using the type
- property times: List#
Get list of time blocks.
- Returns:
List of digital time modules. There is only one, but we still need to be able to iterate through it as if it was a list to not break pytest.
- Return type:
- get_connected_modules(filter_fn: Callable[[Module], bool] | None = None) Dict[int, Module] [source]#
Get the currently connected modules for each occupied slot in the Cluster.
A selection of modules can be made by passing a filter function. For example:
cluster.get_connected_modules( filter_fn = lambda mod: mod.is_qrm_type and not mod.is_rf_type )
- Parameters:
filter_fn – Optional filter function that must return True for the modules that should be included in the return value, and False otherwise.
- Returns:
Dictionary with key-value pairs consisting of slot numbers and corresponding
objects. Only contains entries for modules that are present and match the filter_fn.- Return type:
- reset() None [source]#
Resets device, invalidates QCoDeS parameter cache and clears all status and event registers (see SCPI).
- disconnect_outputs(slot: int) None [source]#
Disconnects all outputs from the waveform generator paths of the sequencers.
- Parameters:
slot (int) – Slot index
- disconnect_inputs(slot: int) None [source]#
Disconnects all inputs from the acquisition paths of the sequencers.
- Parameters:
slot (int) – Slot index
- connect_sequencer(slot: int, sequencer: int, *connections: str) None [source]#
Makes new connections between the indexed sequencer and some inputs and/or outputs. This will fail if a requested connection already existed, or if the connection could not be made due to a conflict with an existing connection (hardware constraints). In such a case, the channel map will not be affected.
- Parameters:
slot (int) – Slot index
sequencer (int) – Sequencer index
*connections (str) – Zero or more connections to make, each specified using a string. The string should have the format <direction><channel> or <direction><I-channel>_<Q-channel>. <direction> must be in to make a connection between an input and the acquisition path, out to make a connection from the waveform generator to an output, or io to do both. The channels must be integer channel indices. If only one channel is specified, the sequencer operates in real mode; if two channels are specified, it operates in complex mode.
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If the connection command could not be completed due to a conflict.
ValueError – If parsing of a connection fails.
QCoDeS instrument parameters#
QCoDeS parameters generated by Cluster
- Cluster.led_brightness()#
Sets/gets frontpanel LED brightness.
- Properties:
value: <Enum: {‘off’, ‘medium’, ‘low’, ‘high’}>
- Cluster.reference_source()#
Sets/gets reference source (‘internal’ = internal 10 MHz, ‘external’ = external 10 MHz).
- Properties:
value: <Enum: {‘internal’, ‘external’}>
- Cluster.ext_trigger_input_delay()#
Sets/gets the delay of the external input trigger in picoseconds.
- Properties:
unit: ps
value: <Ints 0<=v<=1209, Multiples of 39>
- Cluster.ext_trigger_input_trigger_en()#
Enable/disable the external input trigger.
- Properties:
value: <Boolean>
- Cluster.ext_trigger_input_trigger_address()#
Sets/gets the external input trigger address to which the input trigger is mapped to the trigger network (T1 to T15).
- Properties:
value: <Numbers 1<=v<=15>
- Cluster.trigger1_monitor_count()#
Gets the trigger monitor count from trigger address T1.
- Properties:
value: None
- Cluster.trigger2_monitor_count()#
Gets the trigger monitor count from trigger address T2.
- Properties:
value: None
- Cluster.trigger3_monitor_count()#
Gets the trigger monitor count from trigger address T3.
- Properties:
value: None
- Cluster.trigger4_monitor_count()#
Gets the trigger monitor count from trigger address T4.
- Properties:
value: None
- Cluster.trigger5_monitor_count()#
Gets the trigger monitor count from trigger address T5.
- Properties:
value: None
- Cluster.trigger6_monitor_count()#
Gets the trigger monitor count from trigger address T6.
- Properties:
value: None
- Cluster.trigger7_monitor_count()#
Gets the trigger monitor count from trigger address T7.
- Properties:
value: None
- Cluster.trigger8_monitor_count()#
Gets the trigger monitor count from trigger address T8.
- Properties:
value: None
- Cluster.trigger9_monitor_count()#
Gets the trigger monitor count from trigger address T9.
- Properties:
value: None
- Cluster.trigger10_monitor_count()#
Gets the trigger monitor count from trigger address T10.
- Properties:
value: None
- Cluster.trigger11_monitor_count()#
Gets the trigger monitor count from trigger address T11.
- Properties:
value: None
- Cluster.trigger12_monitor_count()#
Gets the trigger monitor count from trigger address T12.
- Properties:
value: None
- Cluster.trigger13_monitor_count()#
Gets the trigger monitor count from trigger address T13.
- Properties:
value: None
- Cluster.trigger14_monitor_count()#
Gets the trigger monitor count from trigger address T14.
- Properties:
value: None
- Cluster.trigger15_monitor_count()#
Gets the trigger monitor count from trigger address T15.
- Properties:
value: None
- Cluster.trigger_monitor_latest()#
Gets the trigger address which was triggered last (T1 to T15).
- Properties:
value: None
- Cluster.arm_scope_trigger(slot: int | None = None) None #
Prepare the scope trigger to start by putting it in the armed state. If it was already running, it is stopped and rearmed.
- Parameters:
slot (Optional[int]) – The slot index of the module being referred to.
- Raises:
RuntimeError – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- Cluster.arm_sequencer(slot: int | None = None, sequencer: int | None = None) None #
Prepare the indexed sequencer to start by putting it in the armed state. If no sequencer index is given, all sequencers are armed. Any sequencer that was already running is stopped and rearmed. If an invalid sequencer index is given, an error is set in system error.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- Cluster.clear_sequencer_flags(slot: int | None = None, sequencer: int | None = None) None #
Clear flags
- Cluster.connect_sequencer(slot: int, sequencer: int, *connections: str) None #
Makes new connections between the indexed sequencer and some inputs and/or outputs. This will fail if a requested connection already existed, or if the connection could not be made due to a conflict with an existing connection (hardware constraints). In such a case, the channel map will not be affected.
- Parameters:
slot (int) – Slot index
sequencer (int) – Sequencer index
*connections (str) – Zero or more connections to make, each specified using a string. The string should have the format <direction><channel> or <direction><I-channel>_<Q-channel>. <direction> must be in to make a connection between an input and the acquisition path, out to make a connection from the waveform generator to an output, or io to do both. The channels must be integer channel indices. If only one channel is specified, the sequencer operates in real mode; if two channels are specified, it operates in complex mode.
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If the connection command could not be completed due to a conflict.
ValueError – If parsing of a connection fails.
- Cluster.delete_acquisition_data(slot: int, sequencer: int, name: str = '', all: bool = False) None #
Delete data from an acquisition specified by name in the acquisition list of indexed sequencer or delete data in all acquisitions if all is True.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – Functionality not available on this module.
- Cluster.delete_dummy_binned_acquisition_data(slot_idx: int, sequencer: int | None = None, acq_index_name: str | None = None)#
Delete all dummy binned acquisition data for the dummy.
- Cluster.delete_dummy_scope_acquisition_data(slot_idx: int, sequencer: int | None)#
Delete dummy scope acquisition data for the dummy.
- Cluster.disconnect_inputs(slot: int) None #
Disconnects all inputs from the acquisition paths of the sequencers.
- Parameters:
slot (int) – Slot index
- Cluster.disconnect_outputs(slot: int) None #
Disconnects all outputs from the waveform generator paths of the sequencers.
- Parameters:
slot (int) – Slot index
- Cluster.get_acquisition_status(slot: int, sequencer: int, timeout: int = 0, timeout_poll_res: float = 0.02) bool #
Return acquisition binning completion status of the indexed sequencer. If an invalid sequencer is given, an error is set in system error. If the timeout is set to zero, the function returns the status immediately. If a positive non-zero timeout is set, the function blocks until the acquisition binning completes. If the acquisition hasn’t completed before the timeout expires, a TimeoutError is thrown. Note that when sequencer state checking is enabled, the sequencer state is checked using get_sequencer_status with the selected timeout period first and then the acquisition status is checked with the same timeout period. This means that the total timeout period is two times the set timeout period.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Indicates the acquisition binning completion status (False = uncompleted, True = completed).
- Return type:
- Raises:
TimeoutError – Timeout
NotImplementedError – Functionality not available on this module.
- Cluster.get_acquisitions(slot: int, sequencer: int) Dict #
Get all acquisitions in acquisition lists of indexed sequencer. The acquisition scope and bin data is normalized to a range of -1.0 to 1.0 taking both the bit widths of the processing path and average count into considaration. For the binned integration results, the integration length is not handled during normalization and therefore these values have to be divided by their respective integration lenghts. The returned dictionary is structured as follows:
name: acquisition name
index: acquisition index used by the sequencer Q1ASM program to refer to the acquisition.
acquisition: acquisition dictionary
scope: Scope data
path0: input path 0
data: acquisition samples in a range of 1.0 to -1.0.
out-of-range: out-of-range indication for the entire acquisition (False = in-range, True = out-of-range).
avg_cnt: number of averages.
path1: input path 1
data: acquisition samples in a range of 1.0 to -1.0.
out-of-range: out-of-range indication for the entire acquisition (False = in-range, True = out-of-range).
avg_cnt: number of averages.
bins: bin data
integration: integration data
path_0: input path 0 integration result bin list
path_1: input path 1 integration result bin list
threshold: threshold result bin list
valid: list of valid indications per bin
avg_cnt: list of number of averages per bin
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Dictionary with acquisitions.
- Return type:
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – Functionality not available on this module.
- Cluster.get_assembler_status(slot: int) bool #
Get assembler status. Refer to the assembler log to get more information regarding the assembler result.
- Cluster.get_connected_modules(filter_fn: Callable[[qblox_instruments.qcodes_drivers.module.Module], bool] | None = None) Dict[int, qblox_instruments.qcodes_drivers.module.Module] #
Get the currently connected modules for each occupied slot in the Cluster.
A selection of modules can be made by passing a filter function. For example:
cluster.get_connected_modules( filter_fn = lambda mod: mod.is_qrm_type and not mod.is_rf_type )
- Parameters:
filter_fn – Optional filter function that must return True for the modules that should be included in the return value, and False otherwise.
- Returns:
Dictionary with key-value pairs consisting of slot numbers and corresponding
objects. Only contains entries for modules that are present and match the filter_fn.- Return type:
- Cluster.get_current_bp_temperature_0() float #
Get current backplane board temperature from sensor 0 (inside device).
- Cluster.get_current_bp_temperature_1() float #
Get current backplane board temperature from sensor 1 (inside device).
- Cluster.get_current_bp_temperature_2() float #
Get current backplane board temperature from sensor 2 (inside device).
- Cluster.get_current_carrier_temperature(slot: int) float #
Get current carrier board temperature (inside device).
- Cluster.get_current_fpga_temperature(slot: int) float #
Get current FPGA junction temperature (inside device).
- Cluster.get_ip_config() str #
Returns the IP address configuration that will go into effect when the device reboots.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- IP configuration. Can be one of the following things:
an IPv4 address including prefix length, for example, - the string dhcp to enable IPv4 DHCP, - an IPv6 address including prefix length, for example 1:2::3:4/64, or - a semicolon-separated combination of an IPv4 configuration (IP address or dhcp) and an IPv6 address.
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- Cluster.get_json_description() Any #
Returns a JSON description of the instrument and all its managed modules.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Instrument description structure.
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- Cluster.get_maximum_bp_temperature_0() float #
Get maximum backplane board temperature from sensor 0 since boot or clear (inside device).
- Cluster.get_maximum_bp_temperature_1() float #
Get maximum backplane board temperature from sensor 1 since boot or clear (inside device).
- Cluster.get_maximum_bp_temperature_2() float #
Get maximum backplane board temperature from sensor 2 since boot or clear (inside device).
- Cluster.get_maximum_carrier_temperature(slot: int) float #
Get maximum carrier board temperature since boot or clear (inside device).
- Cluster.get_maximum_fpga_temperature(slot: int) float #
Get maximum FPGA junction temperature since boot or clear (inside device).
- Cluster.get_num_system_error() int #
Get number of system errors (see SCPI).
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Current number of system errors.
- Return type:
- Cluster.get_scope_data(slot: int, io_channel: int) Dict #
Returns the QTM I/O channel scope data for the given slot and channel acquired since the previous call.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The acquired data. Empty if no data acquired since last call.
- Return type:
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – Functionality not available on this module.
- Cluster.get_sequencer_status(slot: int, sequencer: int, timeout: int = 0, timeout_poll_res: float = 0.02) qblox_instruments.native.generic_func.SequencerStatus #
Get the sequencer status. If an invalid sequencer index is given, an error is set in system error. If the timeout is set to zero, the function returns the state immediately. If a positive non-zero timeout is set, the function blocks until the sequencer completes. If the sequencer hasn’t stopped before the timeout expires, a TimeoutError is thrown.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Tuple containing sequencer status and corresponding flags.
- Return type:
- Raises:
TimeoutError – Timeout
- Cluster.get_service_request_enable() int #
Get service request enable register. The register is cleared after reading it (see SCPI).
- Cluster.get_standard_event_status() int #
Get standard event status register. The register is cleared after reading it (see SCPI).
- Cluster.get_standard_event_status_enable() int #
Get standard event status enable register. The register is cleared after reading it (see SCPI).
- Cluster.get_status_byte() int #
Get status byte register. Register is only cleared when feeding registers are cleared (see SCPI).
- Cluster.get_system_error() str #
Get system error from queue (see SCPI).
- Parameters:
- Returns:
System error description string.
- Return type:
- Cluster.get_system_status() qblox_instruments.native.generic_func.SystemStatus #
Get general system status and convert it to a
.- Returns:
Tuple containing general system status and corresponding flags.
- Return type:
- Cluster.get_waveforms(slot: int, sequencer: int) Dict #
Get all waveforms and weigths in the AWG waveform list of indexed sequencer. The returned dictionary is structured as follows:
name: waveform name.
data: waveform samples in a range of 1.0 to -1.0.
- index: waveform index used by the sequencer Q1ASM program to refer
to the waveform.
- Cluster.get_weights(slot: int, sequencer: int) Dict #
Get all weigths in the acquisition weight lists of indexed sequencer. The returned dictionary is structured as follows:
-name : weight name.
data: weight samples in a range of 1.0 to -1.0.
- index: weight index used by the sequencer Q1ASM program to refer
to the weight.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Dictionary with weights.
- Return type:
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – Functionality not available on this module.
- Cluster.identify() None #
Toggle frontpanel LEDs to visually identify the instrument.
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- Cluster.preset_system_status() None #
Preset system status registers. Connects general system status flags for PLL unlock and temperature out-of-range indications to event status enable, status questionable temperature and status questionable frequency registers respectively (see SCPI).
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- Cluster.reboot() None #
Reboots the instrument.
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- Cluster.reset() None #
Resets device, invalidates QCoDeS parameter cache and clears all status and event registers (see SCPI).
- Cluster.reset_duc_phase(slot: int, tile_id: int, block_id: int) Any #
Reset the NCO of the DAC
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- Cluster.scope_trigger_arm(slot: int) Dict #
Arms the external scope trigger logic on a QTM, such that it will send a trigger to scope acquisition blocks in the I/O channels when the trigger condition is satisfied.
- Parameters:
slot (int) – The slot index of the module being referred to.
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – Functionality not available on this module.
- Cluster.set_dac_current(slot: int, tile_id: int, block_id: int, current: int) Any #
Set current on DAC output
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- Cluster.set_dummy_binned_acquisition_data(slot_idx: int, sequencer: int, acq_index_name: str, data: Iterable[qblox_instruments.ieee488_2.dummy_transport.DummyBinnedAcquisitionData | None])#
Set dummy binned acquisition data for the dummy.
- Parameters:
slot_idx (int) – Slot of the hardware you want to set the data to on a cluster.
sequencer (int) – Sequencer.
acq_index_name (str) – Acquisition index name.
data (Iterable[Union[DummyBinnedAcquisitionData, None]]) – Dummy data for the binned acquisition. An iterable of all the bin values.
- Cluster.set_dummy_scope_acquisition_data(slot_idx: int, sequencer: int | None, data: qblox_instruments.ieee488_2.dummy_transport.DummyScopeAcquisitionData)#
Set dummy scope acquisition data for the dummy.
- Parameters:
slot_idx (int) – Slot of the hardware you want to set the data to on a cluster.
sequencer (Union[int, None]) – Sequencer.
data (DummyScopeAcquisitionData) – Dummy data for the scope acquisition.
- Cluster.set_inv_sync_filter(slot: int, tile_id: int, block_id: int, Mode: int) Any #
Set inverse sync filter mode
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- Cluster.set_ip_config(config: str) None #
Reconfigures the IP address of this device. The configuration will not go into effect until reboot() is called or the device is power-cycled.
- Parameters:
config (str) –
- IP configuration. May be one of the following things:
an IPv4 address including prefix length, for example, - the string dhcp to enable IPv4 DHCP, - an IPv6 address including prefix length, for example 1:2::3:4/64, or - a semicolon-separated combination of an IPv4 configuration (IP address or dhcp) and an IPv6 address.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- Cluster.set_mixer_settings_coarse_delay(slot: int, tile_id: int, block_id: int, delay: int) Any #
Set DAC NCO coarse delay
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- Cluster.set_mixer_settings_freq(slot: int, tile_id: int, block_id: int, NCO_frequency: int) Any #
Set DAC NCO frequency in MHz
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- Cluster.set_mixer_settings_mode(slot: int, tile_id: int, block_id: int, Mixer_mode: int) Any #
Set DAC NCO frequency in MHz
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- Cluster.set_mixer_settings_nco_phase_offset(slot: int, tile_id: int, block_id: int, nco_phase_offset: float) Any #
Set DAC NCO phase offset
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- Cluster.set_name(name: str) None #
Sets the customer-specified name of the instrument. The name must not contain any newlines, backslashes, or double quotes.
- Cluster.set_operation_complete() None #
Set device in operation complete query active state (see SCPI).
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- Cluster.set_pll_fsample(slot: int, clock_source: int, ref_clock_frequency: float, sampling_rate: float, tile_id: int) Any #
Set sampling clock and reference clock source and frequency
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- Cluster.set_questionable_enable(reg: int) None #
Set status questionable enable register (see SCPI).
- Cluster.set_rfdc_nyquist_zone(slot: int, tile_id: int, block_id: int, DAC_Nyquist_zone: int) Any #
Set DAC RFDC nyquist zone
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- Cluster.set_standard_event_status_enable(reg: int) None #
Set standard event status enable register (see SCPI).
- Cluster.start_adc_calib(slot: int) None #
Calibrates ADC delay and offset values. This method sets the correct delay values for every input data index (IO data lane) in order to avoid timing violations which occur while sampling ADC data. It also calibrates offsets internal to the ADC.
- Cluster.start_sequencer(slot: int | None = None, sequencer: int | None = None) None #
Start the indexed sequencer, thereby putting it in the running state. If an invalid sequencer index is given or the indexed sequencer was not yet armed, an error is set in system error. If no sequencer index is given, all armed sequencers are started and any sequencer not in the armed state is ignored. However, if no sequencer index is given and no sequencers are armed, and error is set in system error.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- Cluster.stop_sequencer(slot: int | None = None, sequencer: int | None = None) None #
Stop the indexed sequencer, thereby putting it in the stopped state. If an invalid sequencer index is given, an error is set in system error. If no sequencer index is given, all sequencers are stopped.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- Cluster.store_scope_acquisition(slot: int, sequencer: int, name: str) None #
After an acquisition has completed, store the scope acquisition results in the acquisition specified by name of the indexed sequencers. If an invalid sequencer index is given an error is set in system error. To get access to the acquisition results, the sequencer will be stopped when calling this function.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – Functionality not available on this module.
- Cluster.sync_dac(slot: int, tile_bitmask: int, tile_target_latency: int) Any #
MTS sync for DACs
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
QCoDeS module parameters#
Besides instrument parameters, the Cluster also has parameters for each module in the Cluster which are described in Module API.
Native interface#
- class qblox_instruments.native.Cluster(identifier: str, port: int | None = None, debug: int | None = None, dummy_cfg: Dict | None = None)[source]#
Class that provides the native API for the Cluster. It provides methods to control all functions and features provided by the Cluster.
Note that the bulk of the functionality of this class is contained in the
module so that this functionality can be shared between instruments.- __init__(identifier: str, port: int | None = None, debug: int | None = None, dummy_cfg: Dict | None = None)[source]#
Creates Cluster native interface object.
- Parameters:
identifier (str) – Instrument identifier. See
for more information.port (Optional[int]) – Instrument port. If None, this will be determined automatically.
debug (Optional[int]) – Debug level (0 | None = normal, 1 = no version check, >1 = no version or error checking).
dummy_cfg (Optional[Dict]) – Configure as dummy using this configuration. For each slot that needs to be occupied by a module add the slot index as key and specify the type of module in the slot using the type
- Raises:
RuntimeError – Instrument cannot be reached due to invalid IP configuration.
ConnectionError – Instrument type is not supported.
- property instrument_class: InstrumentClass#
Get instrument class (e.g. Cluster).
- Returns:
Instrument class
- Return type:
- property instrument_type: InstrumentType#
Get instrument type (e.g. MM, QRM, QCM).
- Returns:
Instrument type
- Return type:
- get_idn() Dict [source]#
Get device identity and build information and convert them to a dictionary.
- Returns:
Dictionary containing manufacturer, model, serial number and build information. The build information is subdivided into FPGA firmware, kernel module software, application software and driver software build information. Each of those consist of the version, build date, build Git hash and Git build dirty indication.
- Return type:
- get_system_status() SystemStatus [source]#
Get general system status and convert it to a
.- Returns:
Tuple containing general system status and corresponding flags.
- Return type:
- arm_sequencer(slot: int | None = None, sequencer: int | None = None) None [source]#
Prepare the indexed sequencer to start by putting it in the armed state. If no sequencer index is given, all sequencers are armed. Any sequencer that was already running is stopped and rearmed. If an invalid sequencer index is given, an error is set in system error.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- start_sequencer(slot: int | None = None, sequencer: int | None = None) None [source]#
Start the indexed sequencer, thereby putting it in the running state. If an invalid sequencer index is given or the indexed sequencer was not yet armed, an error is set in system error. If no sequencer index is given, all armed sequencers are started and any sequencer not in the armed state is ignored. However, if no sequencer index is given and no sequencers are armed, and error is set in system error.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- stop_sequencer(slot: int | None = None, sequencer: int | None = None) None [source]#
Stop the indexed sequencer, thereby putting it in the stopped state. If an invalid sequencer index is given, an error is set in system error. If no sequencer index is given, all sequencers are stopped.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- clear_sequencer_flags(slot: int | None = None, sequencer: int | None = None) None [source]#
Clear flags
- get_sequencer_status(slot: int, sequencer: int, timeout: int = 0, timeout_poll_res: float = 0.02) SequencerStatus [source]#
Get the sequencer status. If an invalid sequencer index is given, an error is set in system error. If the timeout is set to zero, the function returns the state immediately. If a positive non-zero timeout is set, the function blocks until the sequencer completes. If the sequencer hasn’t stopped before the timeout expires, a TimeoutError is thrown.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Tuple containing sequencer status and corresponding flags.
- Return type:
- Raises:
TimeoutError – Timeout
- arm_scope_trigger(slot: int | None = None) None [source]#
Prepare the scope trigger to start by putting it in the armed state. If it was already running, it is stopped and rearmed.
- Parameters:
slot (Optional[int]) – The slot index of the module being referred to.
- Raises:
RuntimeError – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- get_waveforms(slot: int, sequencer: int) Dict [source]#
Get all waveforms and weigths in the AWG waveform list of indexed sequencer. The returned dictionary is structured as follows:
name: waveform name.
data: waveform samples in a range of 1.0 to -1.0.
- index: waveform index used by the sequencer Q1ASM program to refer
to the waveform.
- get_weights(slot: int, sequencer: int) Dict [source]#
Get all weigths in the acquisition weight lists of indexed sequencer. The returned dictionary is structured as follows:
-name : weight name.
data: weight samples in a range of 1.0 to -1.0.
- index: weight index used by the sequencer Q1ASM program to refer
to the weight.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Dictionary with weights.
- Return type:
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – Functionality not available on this module.
- get_acquisition_status(slot: int, sequencer: int, timeout: int = 0, timeout_poll_res: float = 0.02) bool [source]#
Return acquisition binning completion status of the indexed sequencer. If an invalid sequencer is given, an error is set in system error. If the timeout is set to zero, the function returns the status immediately. If a positive non-zero timeout is set, the function blocks until the acquisition binning completes. If the acquisition hasn’t completed before the timeout expires, a TimeoutError is thrown. Note that when sequencer state checking is enabled, the sequencer state is checked using get_sequencer_status with the selected timeout period first and then the acquisition status is checked with the same timeout period. This means that the total timeout period is two times the set timeout period.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Indicates the acquisition binning completion status (False = uncompleted, True = completed).
- Return type:
- Raises:
TimeoutError – Timeout
NotImplementedError – Functionality not available on this module.
- delete_acquisition_data(slot: int, sequencer: int, name: str = '', all: bool = False) None [source]#
Delete data from an acquisition specified by name in the acquisition list of indexed sequencer or delete data in all acquisitions if all is True.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – Functionality not available on this module.
- store_scope_acquisition(slot: int, sequencer: int, name: str) None [source]#
After an acquisition has completed, store the scope acquisition results in the acquisition specified by name of the indexed sequencers. If an invalid sequencer index is given an error is set in system error. To get access to the acquisition results, the sequencer will be stopped when calling this function.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – Functionality not available on this module.
- get_acquisitions(slot: int, sequencer: int) Dict [source]#
Get all acquisitions in acquisition lists of indexed sequencer. The acquisition scope and bin data is normalized to a range of -1.0 to 1.0 taking both the bit widths of the processing path and average count into considaration. For the binned integration results, the integration length is not handled during normalization and therefore these values have to be divided by their respective integration lenghts. The returned dictionary is structured as follows:
name: acquisition name
index: acquisition index used by the sequencer Q1ASM program to refer to the acquisition.
acquisition: acquisition dictionary
scope: Scope data
path0: input path 0
data: acquisition samples in a range of 1.0 to -1.0.
out-of-range: out-of-range indication for the entire acquisition (False = in-range, True = out-of-range).
avg_cnt: number of averages.
path1: input path 1
data: acquisition samples in a range of 1.0 to -1.0.
out-of-range: out-of-range indication for the entire acquisition (False = in-range, True = out-of-range).
avg_cnt: number of averages.
bins: bin data
integration: integration data
path_0: input path 0 integration result bin list
path_1: input path 1 integration result bin list
threshold: threshold result bin list
valid: list of valid indications per bin
avg_cnt: list of number of averages per bin
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Dictionary with acquisitions.
- Return type:
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – Functionality not available on this module.
- scope_trigger_arm(slot: int) Dict [source]#
Arms the external scope trigger logic on a QTM, such that it will send a trigger to scope acquisition blocks in the I/O channels when the trigger condition is satisfied.
- Parameters:
slot (int) – The slot index of the module being referred to.
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – Functionality not available on this module.
- get_scope_data(slot: int, io_channel: int) Dict [source]#
Returns the QTM I/O channel scope data for the given slot and channel acquired since the previous call.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The acquired data. Empty if no data acquired since last call.
- Return type:
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – Functionality not available on this module.
- delete_dummy_binned_acquisition_data(slot_idx: int, sequencer: int | None = None, acq_index_name: str | None = None)[source]#
Delete all dummy binned acquisition data for the dummy.
- set_dummy_binned_acquisition_data(slot_idx: int, sequencer: int, acq_index_name: str, data: Iterable[DummyBinnedAcquisitionData | None])[source]#
Set dummy binned acquisition data for the dummy.
- Parameters:
slot_idx (int) – Slot of the hardware you want to set the data to on a cluster.
sequencer (int) – Sequencer.
acq_index_name (str) – Acquisition index name.
data (Iterable[Union[DummyBinnedAcquisitionData, None]]) – Dummy data for the binned acquisition. An iterable of all the bin values.
- delete_dummy_scope_acquisition_data(slot_idx: int, sequencer: int | None)[source]#
Delete dummy scope acquisition data for the dummy.
- set_dummy_scope_acquisition_data(slot_idx: int, sequencer: int | None, data: DummyScopeAcquisitionData)[source]#
Set dummy scope acquisition data for the dummy.
- Parameters:
slot_idx (int) – Slot of the hardware you want to set the data to on a cluster.
sequencer (Union[int, None]) – Sequencer.
data (DummyScopeAcquisitionData) – Dummy data for the scope acquisition.
SCPI interface#
- class qblox_instruments.scpi.Cluster(transport: Transport, debug: int = 0)[source]#
This interface provides an API for the mandatory and required SCPI calls and adds Cluster related functionality (see SCPI).
- __init__(transport: Transport, debug: int = 0)[source]#
Creates SCPI interface object.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
ConnectionError – Debug level is 0 and there is a device or version mismatch.
- get_system_error() str [source]#
Get system error from queue (see SCPI).
- Parameters:
- Returns:
System error description string.
- Return type:
- get_num_system_error() int [source]#
Get number of system errors (see SCPI).
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Current number of system errors.
- Return type:
- get_json_description() Any [source]#
Returns a JSON description of the instrument and all its managed modules.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Instrument description structure.
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- set_name(name: str) None [source]#
Sets the customer-specified name of the instrument. The name must not contain any newlines, backslashes, or double quotes.
- set_ip_config(config: str) None [source]#
Reconfigures the IP address of this device. The configuration will not go into effect until reboot() is called or the device is power-cycled.
- Parameters:
config (str) –
- IP configuration. May be one of the following things:
an IPv4 address including prefix length, for example, - the string dhcp to enable IPv4 DHCP, - an IPv6 address including prefix length, for example 1:2::3:4/64, or - a semicolon-separated combination of an IPv4 configuration (IP address or dhcp) and an IPv6 address.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- get_ip_config() str [source]#
Returns the IP address configuration that will go into effect when the device reboots.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- IP configuration. Can be one of the following things:
an IPv4 address including prefix length, for example, - the string dhcp to enable IPv4 DHCP, - an IPv6 address including prefix length, for example 1:2::3:4/64, or - a semicolon-separated combination of an IPv4 configuration (IP address or dhcp) and an IPv6 address.
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- reboot() None [source]#
Reboots the instrument.
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- get_status_byte() int [source]#
Get status byte register. Register is only cleared when feeding registers are cleared (see SCPI).
- get_service_request_enable() int [source]#
Get service request enable register. The register is cleared after reading it (see SCPI).
- set_standard_event_status_enable(reg: int) None [source]#
Set standard event status enable register (see SCPI).
- get_standard_event_status_enable() int [source]#
Get standard event status enable register. The register is cleared after reading it (see SCPI).
- get_standard_event_status() int [source]#
Get standard event status register. The register is cleared after reading it (see SCPI).
- set_operation_complete() None [source]#
Set device in operation complete query active state (see SCPI).
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- wait() None [source]#
Wait until operations completed before continuing (see SCPI).
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- preset_system_status() None [source]#
Preset system status registers. Connects general system status flags for PLL unlock and temperature out-of-range indications to event status enable, status questionable temperature and status questionable frequency registers respectively (see SCPI).
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- set_questionable_enable(reg: int) None [source]#
Set status questionable enable register (see SCPI).
- identify() None [source]#
Toggle frontpanel LEDs to visually identify the instrument.
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- Raises:
Exception – An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
- get_current_fpga_temperature(slot: int) float [source]#
Get current FPGA junction temperature (inside device).
- get_maximum_fpga_temperature(slot: int) float [source]#
Get maximum FPGA junction temperature since boot or clear (inside device).
- get_current_carrier_temperature(slot: int) float [source]#
Get current carrier board temperature (inside device).
- get_maximum_carrier_temperature(slot: int) float [source]#
Get maximum carrier board temperature since boot or clear (inside device).
- get_current_bp_temperature_0() float [source]#
Get current backplane board temperature from sensor 0 (inside device).
- get_maximum_bp_temperature_0() float [source]#
Get maximum backplane board temperature from sensor 0 since boot or clear (inside device).
- get_current_bp_temperature_1() float [source]#
Get current backplane board temperature from sensor 1 (inside device).
- get_maximum_bp_temperature_1() float [source]#
Get maximum backplane board temperature from sensor 1 since boot or clear (inside device).
- get_current_bp_temperature_2() float [source]#
Get current backplane board temperature from sensor 2 (inside device).
- get_maximum_bp_temperature_2() float [source]#
Get maximum backplane board temperature from sensor 2 since boot or clear (inside device).
- sync_dac(slot: int, tile_bitmask: int, tile_target_latency: int) Any [source]#
MTS sync for DACs
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- set_dac_current(slot: int, tile_id: int, block_id: int, current: int) Any [source]#
Set current on DAC output
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- reset_duc_phase(slot: int, tile_id: int, block_id: int) Any [source]#
Reset the NCO of the DAC
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- set_inv_sync_filter(slot: int, tile_id: int, block_id: int, Mode: int) Any [source]#
Set inverse sync filter mode
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- set_mixer_settings_freq(slot: int, tile_id: int, block_id: int, NCO_frequency: int) Any [source]#
Set DAC NCO frequency in MHz
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- set_mixer_settings_mode(slot: int, tile_id: int, block_id: int, Mixer_mode: int) Any [source]#
Set DAC NCO frequency in MHz
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- set_mixer_settings_coarse_delay(slot: int, tile_id: int, block_id: int, delay: int) Any [source]#
Set DAC NCO coarse delay
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- set_mixer_settings_nco_phase_offset(slot: int, tile_id: int, block_id: int, nco_phase_offset: float) Any [source]#
Set DAC NCO phase offset
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- set_rfdc_nyquist_zone(slot: int, tile_id: int, block_id: int, DAC_Nyquist_zone: int) Any [source]#
Set DAC RFDC nyquist zone
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- set_pll_fsample(slot: int, clock_source: int, ref_clock_frequency: float, sampling_rate: float, tile_id: int) Any [source]#
Set sampling clock and reference clock source and frequency
- Parameters:
- Returns:
RFDC execution status.
- Return type:
- Raises:
- get_assembler_status(slot: int) bool [source]#
Get assembler status. Refer to the assembler log to get more information regarding the assembler result.
Supporting classes and functions#
- Please have a look at: