See also
A Jupyter notebook version of this tutorial can be downloaded here
Characterizing Input Offset#
The Qblox QRM and QRM-RF use analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) to digitize the incoming analog signals. Due to thermal, manufacturing effects or other factors, the digitized signal is not centered around 0V but has a small offset, which we will hereby refer to as input (ADC) offset. This input offset can get demodulated and integrated by the hardware along with the signal. The integrated offset can then show up as oscillations in the result, e.g. during a frequency sweep. In this section we show how to measure and calibrate away this offset to prevent such effects.
Measuring the Offset#
We will use a simple scope acquisition to determine the mean value of this offset. Before proceeding, please make sure that there is no DC signal going into to your QRM.
First, we are going to import the required packages.
from __future__ import annotations
import json
import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from qcodes.instrument import find_or_create_instrument
from qblox_instruments import Cluster, ClusterType
from qblox_instruments.qcodes_drivers.module import Module
Scan For Clusters#
We scan for the available devices connected via ethernet using the Plug & Play functionality of the Qblox Instruments package (see Plug & Play for more info).
!qblox-pnp list
cluster_ip = ""
cluster_name = "cluster0"
Connect to Cluster#
We now make a connection with the Cluster.
cluster = find_or_create_instrument(
2: ClusterType.CLUSTER_QCM,
4: ClusterType.CLUSTER_QRM,
6: ClusterType.CLUSTER_QCM_RF,
8: ClusterType.CLUSTER_QRM_RF,
10: ClusterType.CLUSTER_QTM,
if cluster_ip is None
else None
Get connected modules#
def get_connected_modules(cluster: Cluster, filter_fn: Callable | None = None) -> dict[int, Module]:
def checked_filter_fn(mod: ClusterType) -> bool:
if filter_fn is not None:
return filter_fn(mod)
return True
return {
mod.slot_idx: mod for mod in cluster.modules if mod.present() and checked_filter_fn(mod)
# QRM modules
modules = get_connected_modules(cluster, lambda mod: mod.is_qrm_type and not mod.is_rf_type)
# This uses the module of the correct type with the lowest slot index
module = list(modules.values())[0]
Reset the Cluster#
We reset the Cluster to enter a well-defined state. Note that resetting will clear all stored parameters, so resetting between experiments is usually not desirable.
Status: OKAY, Flags: NONE, Slot flags: NONE
Specify acquisitions#
We need to specify the acquisitions so that the instrument can allocate the required memory for its acquisition list. In this case we will create 5 acquisition specifications that each create one or multiple bins.
# Acquisitions
acquisitions = {
"non_weighed": {"num_bins": 10, "index": 0},
"weighed": {"num_bins": 10, "index": 1},
"large": {"num_bins": 131072, "index": 2},
"avg": {"num_bins": 10, "index": 3},
"single": {"num_bins": 1, "index": 4},
# Create a helper function that creates an acquisition program, runs the sequencer and calculates the ADC offsets based on acquired results.
def acquire_scope_and_calc_offsets() -> tuple[float, float]:
seq_prog = """
move 1000, R0 #Loop iterator.
loop: acquire 0,1,20000 #Acquire bins and store them in "non_weighed" acquisition.
loop R0, @loop #Run until number of iterations is done.
stop #Stop.
# Add sequence program, waveforms, weights and acquisitions to single dictionary and write to JSON file.
sequence = {
"waveforms": {},
"weights": {},
"acquisitions": acquisitions,
"program": seq_prog,
with open("sequence.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
json.dump(sequence, file, indent=4)
# Upload sequence.
# Arm and start sequencer.
# Wait for the acquisition to stop
# Retrieve results
module.store_scope_acquisition(0, "single")
single_acq = module.get_acquisitions(0)
I_data = np.array(single_acq["single"]["acquisition"]["scope"]["path0"]["data"])
Q_data = np.array(single_acq["single"]["acquisition"]["scope"]["path1"]["data"])
# Plot results
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.plot(I_data, label="I")
ax.plot(Q_data, label="Q")
ax.set_xlabel("Time (ns)", fontsize=20)
ax.set_ylabel("Relative amplitude", fontsize=20)
# Print mean offset values
I_offset, Q_offset = np.mean(I_data), np.mean(Q_data)
print(f"I Offset : {I_offset * 1e3:.3f} mV \nQ Offset : {Q_offset * 1e3:.3f} mV")
if np.isnan(I_offset):
warnings.warn("Determining offset failed, setting to 0.")
I_offset = 0
if np.isnan(Q_offset):
Q_offset = 0
warnings.warn("Determining offset failed, setting to 0.")
return I_offset, Q_offset
# Map sequencer to specific outputs (but first disable all sequencer connections)
adc_offset_path0 = module.in0_offset
adc_offset_path1 = module.in1_offset
# Ensure offset is reset to zero
# Configure scope mode
# Configure integration
# Configure the sequencer
I_offset, Q_offset = acquire_scope_and_calc_offsets()

I Offset : 12.917 mV
Q Offset : -8.845 mV
Correcting the Offsets#
One can correct for these offsets by changing the reference Voltage of the ADC. This can be done using the parameters QRM.in0_offset and QRM.in1_offset.
adc_offset_path0(-I_offset) # Negative sign to compensate for the offset
Repeating the offset measurement as before, we get:
I_offset, Q_offset = acquire_scope_and_calc_offsets()

I Offset : -3.181 mV
Q Offset : 1.643 mV
Advanced ADC Offset Calibration : Curve Fitting Method#
As you may have noticed in the previous section, manually compensating for the offset does not entirely eliminate it, leaving some residual offset. This is because of the non-linear effects of these input offsets. To circumvent this, one can curve-fit the dependence of the set offset value on the actual offset value. In the following section, we do this by fitting 10 setpoints against the 10 measured offset values from the binned acquisition with a function. We then find the roots/zeros of this function to set the actual offset to zero.
# Define helper functions
def get_real_root(coeffs: np.array) -> np.array:
if all(np.isnan(coeffs)):
warnings.warn("All NaN array. Returning 0.")
return 0
for root in np.roots(coeffs):
if root.imag == 0:
output = root
return np.real(output)
def get_curve(x: np.array, coeffs: np.array) -> np.array:
y = 0
for i, coeff in enumerate(coeffs):
y += coeff * x ** (len(coeffs) - (i + 1))
return y
# Define the program that we will run
seq_prog = """
move 0,R0 #Loop iterator.
move 100, R1 #Averages
acquire 0,R0,20000 #Acquire bins and store them in "non_weighed" acquisition.
loop R1, @avg_loop
add R0,1,R0 #Increment iterator
nop #Wait a cycle for R0 to be available.
jlt R0,100,@loop #Run until number of iterations is done.
stop #Stop.
# Add sequence program, waveforms, weights and acquisitions to single dictionary and write to JSON file.
sequence = {
"waveforms": {},
"weights": {},
"acquisitions": acquisitions,
"program": seq_prog,
with open("sequence.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
json.dump(sequence, file, indent=4)
# Upload sequence.
Let’s start the sequence and retrieve the results.
# Set the domain (X) around these original offset values
I_offset_setpoints = np.linspace(-10e-3 + adc_offset_path0(), +10e-3 + adc_offset_path0(), 12)
Q_offset_setpoints = np.linspace(-10e-3 + adc_offset_path1(), +10e-3 + adc_offset_path1(), 12)
int_len = module.sequencer0.integration_length_acq()
I_offset_sum, Q_offset_sum = [], []
for I_offset_i, Q_offset_i in zip(I_offset_setpoints, Q_offset_setpoints):
module.delete_acquisition_data(0, all=True)
module.get_acquisition_status(0, 1)
non_weighed_acq = module.get_acquisitions(0)["non_weighed"]
I_offset_sum += [
np.mean(non_weighed_acq["acquisition"]["bins"]["integration"]["path0"]) * 1e3 / int_len
Q_offset_sum += [
np.mean(non_weighed_acq["acquisition"]["bins"]["integration"]["path1"]) * 1e3 / int_len
output = {
"offsets_I": I_offset_setpoints,
"offsets_Q": Q_offset_setpoints,
"I_m": I_offset_sum,
"Q_m": Q_offset_sum,
## Fit I offset and find its root
coeffs = np.polyfit(np.array(output["offsets_I"]) * 1e3, np.array(output["I_m"]), 3)
new_I_offset = get_real_root(coeffs)
output["offsets_I"] * 1e3,
get_curve(np.array(output["offsets_I"]) * 1e3, coeffs),
plt.scatter(output["offsets_I"] * 1e3, output["I_m"], c="b")
# Fit Q offset and find its root
coeffs = np.polyfit(np.array(output["offsets_Q"]) * 1e3, np.array(output["Q_m"]), 3)
new_Q_offset = get_real_root(coeffs)
output["offsets_Q"] * 1e3,
get_curve(np.array(output["offsets_Q"]) * 1e3, coeffs),
plt.scatter(output["offsets_Q"] * 1e3, output["Q_m"], c="r")
# Plot zeros on the plot
plt.xlabel("Set Offset (mV)")
plt.ylabel("Observed Offset (mV)")
f"Offset setpoints corresponding to observed zero offset: \nI offset: {new_I_offset}\nQ offset: {new_Q_offset}"
Offset setpoints corresponding to observed zero offset:
I offset: -9.953228409185703
Q offset: 7.303841107713823

Applying The Offset Corrections#
Using the zeros obtained from the curve fitting, we attempt to correct for the input offsets again:
adc_offset_path0(new_I_offset * 1e-3) # Multiplying by 1e-3 to convert to mV
adc_offset_path1(new_Q_offset * 1e-3)
I_offset_calib, Q_offset_calib = acquire_scope_and_calc_offsets()

I Offset : -0.033 mV
Q Offset : -0.331 mV
As you can see, you have calibrated away the offsets to sub-millivolt range, which is at the limit of the ADC resolution.
We advise you to check/calibrate these offset values every few days if they are vital for your experiments, especially when you are dealing with low input signals.
Finally, let’s stop the sequencers if they haven’t already and close the instrument connection. One can also display a detailed snapshot containing the instrument parameters before closing the connection by uncommenting the corresponding lines.
# Stop both sequencers.
# Print status of both sequencers (should now say it is stopped).
# Print an overview of the instrument parameters.
# Reset the cluster
Status: OKAY, State: STOPPED, Info Flags: FORCED_STOP, Warning Flags: NONE, Error Flags: NONE, Log: []
parameter value
connected : True
in0_gain : -6 (dB)
in0_offset : -0.0099532 (V)
in1_gain : -6 (dB)
in1_offset : 0.0073038 (V)
marker0_exp0_config : bypassed
marker0_exp1_config : bypassed
marker0_exp2_config : bypassed
marker0_exp3_config : bypassed
marker0_fir_config : bypassed
marker0_inv_en : False
marker1_exp0_config : bypassed
marker1_exp1_config : bypassed
marker1_exp2_config : bypassed
marker1_exp3_config : bypassed
marker1_fir_config : bypassed
marker1_inv_en : False
marker2_exp0_config : bypassed
marker2_exp1_config : bypassed
marker2_exp2_config : bypassed
marker2_exp3_config : bypassed
marker2_fir_config : bypassed
marker2_inv_en : False
marker3_exp0_config : bypassed
marker3_exp1_config : bypassed
marker3_exp2_config : bypassed
marker3_exp3_config : bypassed
marker3_fir_config : bypassed
marker3_inv_en : False
out0_exp0_config : bypassed
out0_exp1_config : bypassed
out0_exp2_config : bypassed
out0_exp3_config : bypassed
out0_fir_config : bypassed
out0_latency : 0 (s)
out0_offset : 0 (V)
out1_exp0_config : bypassed
out1_exp1_config : bypassed
out1_exp2_config : bypassed
out1_exp3_config : bypassed
out1_fir_config : bypassed
out1_latency : 0 (s)
out1_offset : 0 (V)
present : True
scope_acq_avg_mode_en_path0 : True
scope_acq_avg_mode_en_path1 : True
scope_acq_sequencer_select : 0
scope_acq_trigger_level_path0 : 0
scope_acq_trigger_level_path1 : 0
scope_acq_trigger_mode_path0 : sequencer
scope_acq_trigger_mode_path1 : sequencer
parameter value
connect_acq_I : in0
connect_acq_Q : in1
connect_out0 : I
connect_out1 : Q
cont_mode_en_awg_path0 : False
cont_mode_en_awg_path1 : False
cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path0 : 0
cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path1 : 0
demod_en_acq : False
gain_awg_path0 : 1
gain_awg_path1 : 1
integration_length_acq : 16000
marker_ovr_en : False
marker_ovr_value : 0
mixer_corr_gain_ratio : 1
mixer_corr_phase_offset_degree : -0
mod_en_awg : False
nco_freq : 0 (Hz)
nco_freq_cal_type_default : off (Hz)
nco_phase_offs : 0 (Degrees)
nco_prop_delay_comp : 0 (ns)
nco_prop_delay_comp_en : False (ns)
offset_awg_path0 : 0
offset_awg_path1 : 0
sync_en : False
thresholded_acq_marker_address : 1
thresholded_acq_marker_en : False
thresholded_acq_marker_invert : False
thresholded_acq_rotation : 0 (Degrees)
thresholded_acq_threshold : 0
thresholded_acq_trigger_address : 1
thresholded_acq_trigger_en : False
thresholded_acq_trigger_invert : False
trigger10_count_threshold : 1
trigger10_threshold_invert : False
trigger11_count_threshold : 1
trigger11_threshold_invert : False
trigger12_count_threshold : 1
trigger12_threshold_invert : False
trigger13_count_threshold : 1
trigger13_threshold_invert : False
trigger14_count_threshold : 1
trigger14_threshold_invert : False
trigger15_count_threshold : 1
trigger15_threshold_invert : False
trigger1_count_threshold : 1
trigger1_threshold_invert : False
trigger2_count_threshold : 1
trigger2_threshold_invert : False
trigger3_count_threshold : 1
trigger3_threshold_invert : False
trigger4_count_threshold : 1
trigger4_threshold_invert : False
trigger5_count_threshold : 1
trigger5_threshold_invert : False
trigger6_count_threshold : 1
trigger6_threshold_invert : False
trigger7_count_threshold : 1
trigger7_threshold_invert : False
trigger8_count_threshold : 1
trigger8_threshold_invert : False
trigger9_count_threshold : 1
trigger9_threshold_invert : False
ttl_acq_auto_bin_incr_en : False
ttl_acq_input_select : 0
ttl_acq_threshold : 0
upsample_rate_awg_path0 : 0
upsample_rate_awg_path1 : 0
parameter value
connect_acq_I : off
connect_acq_Q : off
connect_out0 : off
connect_out1 : off
cont_mode_en_awg_path0 : False
cont_mode_en_awg_path1 : False
cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path0 : 0
cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path1 : 0
demod_en_acq : False
gain_awg_path0 : 1
gain_awg_path1 : 1
integration_length_acq : 1024
marker_ovr_en : False
marker_ovr_value : 0
mixer_corr_gain_ratio : 1
mixer_corr_phase_offset_degree : -0
mod_en_awg : False
nco_freq : 0 (Hz)
nco_freq_cal_type_default : off (Hz)
nco_phase_offs : 0 (Degrees)
nco_prop_delay_comp : 0 (ns)
nco_prop_delay_comp_en : False (ns)
offset_awg_path0 : 0
offset_awg_path1 : 0
sync_en : False
thresholded_acq_marker_address : 1
thresholded_acq_marker_en : False
thresholded_acq_marker_invert : False
thresholded_acq_rotation : 0 (Degrees)
thresholded_acq_threshold : 0
thresholded_acq_trigger_address : 1
thresholded_acq_trigger_en : False
thresholded_acq_trigger_invert : False
trigger10_count_threshold : 1
trigger10_threshold_invert : False
trigger11_count_threshold : 1
trigger11_threshold_invert : False
trigger12_count_threshold : 1
trigger12_threshold_invert : False
trigger13_count_threshold : 1
trigger13_threshold_invert : False
trigger14_count_threshold : 1
trigger14_threshold_invert : False
trigger15_count_threshold : 1
trigger15_threshold_invert : False
trigger1_count_threshold : 1
trigger1_threshold_invert : False
trigger2_count_threshold : 1
trigger2_threshold_invert : False
trigger3_count_threshold : 1
trigger3_threshold_invert : False
trigger4_count_threshold : 1
trigger4_threshold_invert : False
trigger5_count_threshold : 1
trigger5_threshold_invert : False
trigger6_count_threshold : 1
trigger6_threshold_invert : False
trigger7_count_threshold : 1
trigger7_threshold_invert : False
trigger8_count_threshold : 1
trigger8_threshold_invert : False
trigger9_count_threshold : 1
trigger9_threshold_invert : False
ttl_acq_auto_bin_incr_en : False
ttl_acq_input_select : 0
ttl_acq_threshold : 0
upsample_rate_awg_path0 : 0
upsample_rate_awg_path1 : 0
parameter value
connect_acq_I : off
connect_acq_Q : off
connect_out0 : off
connect_out1 : off
cont_mode_en_awg_path0 : False
cont_mode_en_awg_path1 : False
cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path0 : 0
cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path1 : 0
demod_en_acq : False
gain_awg_path0 : 1
gain_awg_path1 : 1
integration_length_acq : 1024
marker_ovr_en : False
marker_ovr_value : 0
mixer_corr_gain_ratio : 1
mixer_corr_phase_offset_degree : -0
mod_en_awg : False
nco_freq : 0 (Hz)
nco_freq_cal_type_default : off (Hz)
nco_phase_offs : 0 (Degrees)
nco_prop_delay_comp : 0 (ns)
nco_prop_delay_comp_en : False (ns)
offset_awg_path0 : 0
offset_awg_path1 : 0
sync_en : False
thresholded_acq_marker_address : 1
thresholded_acq_marker_en : False
thresholded_acq_marker_invert : False
thresholded_acq_rotation : 0 (Degrees)
thresholded_acq_threshold : 0
thresholded_acq_trigger_address : 1
thresholded_acq_trigger_en : False
thresholded_acq_trigger_invert : False
trigger10_count_threshold : 1
trigger10_threshold_invert : False
trigger11_count_threshold : 1
trigger11_threshold_invert : False
trigger12_count_threshold : 1
trigger12_threshold_invert : False
trigger13_count_threshold : 1
trigger13_threshold_invert : False
trigger14_count_threshold : 1
trigger14_threshold_invert : False
trigger15_count_threshold : 1
trigger15_threshold_invert : False
trigger1_count_threshold : 1
trigger1_threshold_invert : False
trigger2_count_threshold : 1
trigger2_threshold_invert : False
trigger3_count_threshold : 1
trigger3_threshold_invert : False
trigger4_count_threshold : 1
trigger4_threshold_invert : False
trigger5_count_threshold : 1
trigger5_threshold_invert : False
trigger6_count_threshold : 1
trigger6_threshold_invert : False
trigger7_count_threshold : 1
trigger7_threshold_invert : False
trigger8_count_threshold : 1
trigger8_threshold_invert : False
trigger9_count_threshold : 1
trigger9_threshold_invert : False
ttl_acq_auto_bin_incr_en : False
ttl_acq_input_select : 0
ttl_acq_threshold : 0
upsample_rate_awg_path0 : 0
upsample_rate_awg_path1 : 0
parameter value
connect_acq_I : off
connect_acq_Q : off
connect_out0 : off
connect_out1 : off
cont_mode_en_awg_path0 : False
cont_mode_en_awg_path1 : False
cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path0 : 0
cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path1 : 0
demod_en_acq : False
gain_awg_path0 : 1
gain_awg_path1 : 1
integration_length_acq : 1024
marker_ovr_en : False
marker_ovr_value : 0
mixer_corr_gain_ratio : 1
mixer_corr_phase_offset_degree : -0
mod_en_awg : False
nco_freq : 0 (Hz)
nco_freq_cal_type_default : off (Hz)
nco_phase_offs : 0 (Degrees)
nco_prop_delay_comp : 0 (ns)
nco_prop_delay_comp_en : False (ns)
offset_awg_path0 : 0
offset_awg_path1 : 0
sync_en : False
thresholded_acq_marker_address : 1
thresholded_acq_marker_en : False
thresholded_acq_marker_invert : False
thresholded_acq_rotation : 0 (Degrees)
thresholded_acq_threshold : 0
thresholded_acq_trigger_address : 1
thresholded_acq_trigger_en : False
thresholded_acq_trigger_invert : False
trigger10_count_threshold : 1
trigger10_threshold_invert : False
trigger11_count_threshold : 1
trigger11_threshold_invert : False
trigger12_count_threshold : 1
trigger12_threshold_invert : False
trigger13_count_threshold : 1
trigger13_threshold_invert : False
trigger14_count_threshold : 1
trigger14_threshold_invert : False
trigger15_count_threshold : 1
trigger15_threshold_invert : False
trigger1_count_threshold : 1
trigger1_threshold_invert : False
trigger2_count_threshold : 1
trigger2_threshold_invert : False
trigger3_count_threshold : 1
trigger3_threshold_invert : False
trigger4_count_threshold : 1
trigger4_threshold_invert : False
trigger5_count_threshold : 1
trigger5_threshold_invert : False
trigger6_count_threshold : 1
trigger6_threshold_invert : False
trigger7_count_threshold : 1
trigger7_threshold_invert : False
trigger8_count_threshold : 1
trigger8_threshold_invert : False
trigger9_count_threshold : 1
trigger9_threshold_invert : False
ttl_acq_auto_bin_incr_en : False
ttl_acq_input_select : 0
ttl_acq_threshold : 0
upsample_rate_awg_path0 : 0
upsample_rate_awg_path1 : 0
parameter value
connect_acq_I : off
connect_acq_Q : off
connect_out0 : off
connect_out1 : off
cont_mode_en_awg_path0 : False
cont_mode_en_awg_path1 : False
cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path0 : 0
cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path1 : 0
demod_en_acq : False
gain_awg_path0 : 1
gain_awg_path1 : 1
integration_length_acq : 1024
marker_ovr_en : False
marker_ovr_value : 0
mixer_corr_gain_ratio : 1
mixer_corr_phase_offset_degree : -0
mod_en_awg : False
nco_freq : 0 (Hz)
nco_freq_cal_type_default : off (Hz)
nco_phase_offs : 0 (Degrees)
nco_prop_delay_comp : 0 (ns)
nco_prop_delay_comp_en : False (ns)
offset_awg_path0 : 0
offset_awg_path1 : 0
sync_en : False
thresholded_acq_marker_address : 1
thresholded_acq_marker_en : False
thresholded_acq_marker_invert : False
thresholded_acq_rotation : 0 (Degrees)
thresholded_acq_threshold : 0
thresholded_acq_trigger_address : 1
thresholded_acq_trigger_en : False
thresholded_acq_trigger_invert : False
trigger10_count_threshold : 1
trigger10_threshold_invert : False
trigger11_count_threshold : 1
trigger11_threshold_invert : False
trigger12_count_threshold : 1
trigger12_threshold_invert : False
trigger13_count_threshold : 1
trigger13_threshold_invert : False
trigger14_count_threshold : 1
trigger14_threshold_invert : False
trigger15_count_threshold : 1
trigger15_threshold_invert : False
trigger1_count_threshold : 1
trigger1_threshold_invert : False
trigger2_count_threshold : 1
trigger2_threshold_invert : False
trigger3_count_threshold : 1
trigger3_threshold_invert : False
trigger4_count_threshold : 1
trigger4_threshold_invert : False
trigger5_count_threshold : 1
trigger5_threshold_invert : False
trigger6_count_threshold : 1
trigger6_threshold_invert : False
trigger7_count_threshold : 1
trigger7_threshold_invert : False
trigger8_count_threshold : 1
trigger8_threshold_invert : False
trigger9_count_threshold : 1
trigger9_threshold_invert : False
ttl_acq_auto_bin_incr_en : False
ttl_acq_input_select : 0
ttl_acq_threshold : 0
upsample_rate_awg_path0 : 0
upsample_rate_awg_path1 : 0
parameter value
connect_acq_I : off
connect_acq_Q : off
connect_out0 : off
connect_out1 : off
cont_mode_en_awg_path0 : False
cont_mode_en_awg_path1 : False
cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path0 : 0
cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path1 : 0
demod_en_acq : False
gain_awg_path0 : 1
gain_awg_path1 : 1
integration_length_acq : 1024
marker_ovr_en : False
marker_ovr_value : 0
mixer_corr_gain_ratio : 1
mixer_corr_phase_offset_degree : -0
mod_en_awg : False
nco_freq : 0 (Hz)
nco_freq_cal_type_default : off (Hz)
nco_phase_offs : 0 (Degrees)
nco_prop_delay_comp : 0 (ns)
nco_prop_delay_comp_en : False (ns)
offset_awg_path0 : 0
offset_awg_path1 : 0
sync_en : False
thresholded_acq_marker_address : 1
thresholded_acq_marker_en : False
thresholded_acq_marker_invert : False
thresholded_acq_rotation : 0 (Degrees)
thresholded_acq_threshold : 0
thresholded_acq_trigger_address : 1
thresholded_acq_trigger_en : False
thresholded_acq_trigger_invert : False
trigger10_count_threshold : 1
trigger10_threshold_invert : False
trigger11_count_threshold : 1
trigger11_threshold_invert : False
trigger12_count_threshold : 1
trigger12_threshold_invert : False
trigger13_count_threshold : 1
trigger13_threshold_invert : False
trigger14_count_threshold : 1
trigger14_threshold_invert : False
trigger15_count_threshold : 1
trigger15_threshold_invert : False
trigger1_count_threshold : 1
trigger1_threshold_invert : False
trigger2_count_threshold : 1
trigger2_threshold_invert : False
trigger3_count_threshold : 1
trigger3_threshold_invert : False
trigger4_count_threshold : 1
trigger4_threshold_invert : False
trigger5_count_threshold : 1
trigger5_threshold_invert : False
trigger6_count_threshold : 1
trigger6_threshold_invert : False
trigger7_count_threshold : 1
trigger7_threshold_invert : False
trigger8_count_threshold : 1
trigger8_threshold_invert : False
trigger9_count_threshold : 1
trigger9_threshold_invert : False
ttl_acq_auto_bin_incr_en : False
ttl_acq_input_select : 0
ttl_acq_threshold : 0
upsample_rate_awg_path0 : 0
upsample_rate_awg_path1 : 0
Status: OKAY, Flags: NONE, Slot flags: NONE