See also
A Jupyter notebook version of this tutorial can be downloaded here
Qblox basic sequencing#
This tutorial outputs the same waveforms as in the Basic Sequencing tutorial, but using quantify instead.
Quantify allows a either a gate or pulse to be played from a qblox instrument. Gates are performed on qubits (see Operations and Qubits) and pulses are played on ports (see Schedules and Pulses).
In this tutorial, we will play both gates and pulses.
First we set the data directory.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable
import numpy as np
from qcodes.instrument import find_or_create_instrument
from import gaussian
from qblox_instruments import Cluster, ClusterType
from import handling as dh
from quantify_scheduler import (
from quantify_scheduler.backends.graph_compilation import SerialCompiler
from quantify_scheduler.helpers.mock_instruments import MockLocalOscillator
from quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator.components.qblox import ClusterComponent
from quantify_scheduler.operations import NumericalPulse, SquarePulse, X
from qblox_instruments.qcodes_drivers.module import Module
Data will be saved in:
First, we define a quantum device with one transmon (qubit).
The transmon here is a device element (typically a type of qubit) and is only necessary when using a gate operation, since the same gate can be implemented differently on different types of device elements. Take for example the Measure
operation. The state of a transmon is determined by measuring a signal sent to a resonator coupled to it, but the state of a spin qubit is determined by measuring a current.
single_transmon_device = find_or_create_instrument(QuantumDevice, recreate=True, name="DUT")
transmon = find_or_create_instrument(BasicTransmonElement, recreate=True, name="transmon")
We will assume the transmon is already calibrated, and that we know the frequency of the qubit and the parameters for a \(\pi\)-pulse. We can assign this known frequency and \(\pi\)-pulse parameters to the transmon.
transmon.clock_freqs.f01(5e9) # The |0> <=> |1> transition frequency is at 5 GHz.
transmon.rxy.amp180(0.3) # The amplitude of a pi pulse is 0.3
Next, we define the module(s) that are connected to the quantum device.
In this case, one Qblox Cluster with a QCM (or QRM) in slot 4.
We will use three outputs of the QCM for the tutorial to showcase both real and complex output signals. Please make appropriate modifications if using a QRM which only has two outputs.
We scan for the available devices connected via ethernet using the Plug & Play functionality of the Qblox Instruments package (see Plug & Play for more info).
!qblox-pnp list
cluster_ip = ""
cluster_name = "cluster0"
Connect to Cluster#
We now make a connection with the Cluster.
cluster = find_or_create_instrument(
2: ClusterType.CLUSTER_QCM,
4: ClusterType.CLUSTER_QRM,
6: ClusterType.CLUSTER_QCM_RF,
8: ClusterType.CLUSTER_QRM_RF,
if cluster_ip is None
else None
Get connected modules#
def get_connected_modules(cluster: Cluster, filter_fn: Callable | None = None) -> dict[int, Module]:
def checked_filter_fn(mod: ClusterType) -> bool:
if filter_fn is not None:
return filter_fn(mod)
return True
return {
mod.slot_idx: mod for mod in cluster.modules if mod.present() and checked_filter_fn(mod)
# QRM baseband modules
modules = get_connected_modules(cluster, lambda mod: mod.is_qrm_type and not mod.is_rf_type)
{4: <Module: cluster0_module4 of Cluster: cluster0>}
module = modules[4]
slot_no = module.slot_idx
if module.is_qcm_type:
module_type = "QCM"
if module.is_qrm_type:
module_type = "QRM"
Create a dummy Local Oscillator with the same name as in the hardware config. This can be replaced with a microwave generator in an actual situation
lo1 = find_or_create_instrument(MockLocalOscillator, recreate=True, name="lo1")
Now we define the connections between the quantum device and the qblox instrument(s). For this we define a hardware config according to the Qblox backend tutorial.
hardware_config = {
"backend": "quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox_backend.hardware_compile", # Use the Qblox backend
"cluster0": { # The first instrument is named "cluster0"
"instrument_type": "Cluster", # The instrument is a Qblox Cluster
"ref": "internal", # Use the internal reference clock
f"cluster0_module{slot_no}": { # This is the module in slot <slot_no> of the cluster. (slot 0 has the CMM)
"instrument_type": f"{module_type}", # The module is either a QCM or QRM module
"complex_output_0": { # The module will output a real signal from output 0 (O1)
"lo_name": "lo1", # output 0 and 1 (O1 and O2) are connected to the I and Q ports of an IQ mixer with a LocalOscillator by the name lo1
"portclock_configs": [ # Each output can contain upto 6 portclocks. We will use only one for this tutorial
"port": "transmon:mw", # This output is connected to the microwave line of qubit 0
"clock": "transmon.01", # This clock tracks the |0> <=> |1> transition of the transmon
"lo1": {
"instrument_type": "LocalOscillator",
"frequency": 4.9e9,
"power": 20,
}, # lo1 has a frequency of 4.9 GHz and is set to a power level of 20 (can be dBm)
if module_type == "QCM":
hardware_config["cluster0"][f"cluster0_module{slot_no}"]["real_output_2"] = (
{ # The QCM will output a real signal from output 2
"portclock_configs": [
"port": "transmon:fl", # This output is connected to the flux line of qubit 2
"clock": "cl0.baseband", # This default value (clock with zero frequency) is used if a clock is not provided.
We can now create a Schedule
of pulses or gates to play.
sched = Schedule(
"Basic sequencing", repetitions=2**27
) # The schedule will be played repeatedly 2^27 times
Let’s create the control portion of an experiment.
First we specify an arbitrary numerical pulse to be played on the microwave port of the transmon.
Here we play a gaussian pulse constructed from the scipy library.
t = np.arange(0, 48.5e-9, 1e-9)
gaussian_pulse = sched.add(
samples=0.2 * gaussian(len(t), std=0.12 * len(t))
- 1j * gaussian(len(t), std=0.12 * len(t)), # Numerical pulses can be complex as well.
Next, we apply a square pulse to the flux port of the transmon at the same time as the Gaussian Pulse
if module_type == "QCM":
square_pulse = sched.add(
SquarePulse(amp=0.4, duration=32e-9, port="transmon:fl", clock="cl0.baseband"),
ref_pt="start", # Play at the start of
ref_op=gaussian_pulse, # the gaussian pulse
rel_time=0e-9, # Delay the pulse by 0 ns
Finally, we apply an X gate to the transmon. This uses the stored parameters in the transmon
pi_pulse = sched.add(X(, ref_op=gaussian_pulse)
ClockResource(name="transmon.01", freq=transmon.clock_freqs.f01())
) # A ClockResource is necessary for the schedule to know the frequency of the transmon.
We then compile the schedule to produce instructions for the instruments.
We use the SerialCompiler
here, which first converts all gates to pulses, then all pulses to instrument instructions.
compiler = SerialCompiler(name="compiler")
compiled_sched = compiler.compile(
schedule=sched, config=single_transmon_device.generate_compilation_config()
/builds/qblox/packages/software/qblox_instruments_docs/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/quantify_scheduler/backends/qblox/ FutureWarning: The hardware configuration dictionary is deprecated and will not be supported in quantify-scheduler >= 1.0.0. Please use a `HardwareCompilationConfig` instead. For more information on how to migrate from old- to new-style hardware specification, please visit in the documentation.
(<Figure size 1000x621 with 1 Axes>,
<Axes: title={'center': 'Basic sequencing'}, xlabel='Time [ns]', ylabel='Amplitude [V]'>)

We can view the compiled sequencer instructions sent to the QCM module. This may be compared to the program in the Basic Sequencing tutorial. Notice the extra instructions here that set the gain for each waveform played and the automatically calculated wait times.
set_mrk 0 # set markers to 0
wait_sync 4
upd_param 4
wait 4 # latency correction of 4 + 0 ns
move 134217728,R0 # iterator for loop with label start
upd_param 4
set_awg_gain 6554,-32768 # setting gain for NumericalPulse
play 0,0,4 # play NumericalPulse (48 ns)
wait 44 # auto generated wait (44 ns)
set_awg_gain 9821,0 # setting gain for X transmon
play 1,1,4 # play X transmon (20 ns)
wait 16 # auto generated wait (16 ns)
loop R0,@start
Instrument coordinator#
We create and instrument coordinator to prepare and run the schedule
instrument_coordinator = find_or_create_instrument(
InstrumentCoordinator, recreate=True, name="instrument_coordinator"
# Set the qcodes parameters and upload the schedule program
We can now start the playback of the schedule. If you wish to view the signals on an oscilloscope, you can make the necessary connections and set up the oscilloscope accordingly.
# Start the hardware execution