Source code for qblox_instruments.native.spi_rack_modules.d5a_module

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description    : D5a SPI module native interface
# Git repository :
# Copyright (C) Qblox BV (2021)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

import numpy as np
import threading
from time import sleep

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

from spirack.D5a_module import D5a_module as D5aApi
from qblox_instruments.native.spi_rack_modules import SpiModuleBase

class DummyD5aApi:
    Mock implementation of
    `spirack API <>`_,
    for use with the dummy drivers.

    # DAC software span constants
    range_4V_uni = 0
    range_4V_bi = 2
    range_8V_uni = 1
    range_8V_bi = 3
    range_2V_bi = 4
        "range_4V_uni": range_4V_uni,
        "range_8V_uni": range_8V_uni,
        "range_4V_bi": range_4V_bi,
        "range_8V_bi": range_8V_bi,
        "range_2V_bi": range_2V_bi,
    DAC_RESOLUTION = 2 ** 18

    def __init__(
        module: int,
        reset_voltages: bool = True,
        num_dacs: int = 16
        Instantiates the mock communication layer with identical parameters to
        the `spirack.D5a_module.D5a_module` constructor.

        spi_rack : DummySpiApi
            Mock SPI_rack class object via which the communication runs
        module : int
            module number set on the hardware
        reset_voltages : bool
            if True, then reset all voltages to zero and change the span
            to `range_4V_bi`. If a voltage jump would occur, then ramp
            to zero in steps of 10 mV
        num_dacs: int
            number of DAC channels available

        self.parent = spi_rack
        self._voltages = [0.0] * num_dacs
        init_span = self.SPAN_MAPPING["range_4V_bi"] if reset_voltages else 0
        self._num_dacs = num_dacs
        self._spans = [init_span] * num_dacs
        self.address = module

    def change_span_update(self, DAC: int, span: int) -> None:
        Mocks the `change_span_update` function of the API.

        DAC : int
            Current output of which to change the span
        span : int
            Values for the span as mentioned in the datasheet, use from

        self._spans[DAC] = span

    def change_span(self, DAC: int, span: int) -> None:
        Mocks the `change_span` function of the API.

        DAC : int
            Current output of which to change the span
        span : int
            Values for the span as mentioned in the datasheet, use from

        self.change_span_update(DAC, span)

    def set_voltage(self, DAC: int, voltage: float) -> None:
        Mocks the `set_voltage` function of the API

        DAC: int
            DAC inside the module of which to update the voltage
        voltage: float
            new DAC voltage

        self._voltages[DAC] = voltage

    def get_settings(self, DAC: int) -> Tuple[float, int]:
        Mocks the `get_settings` function of the API

        DAC : int
            Current output of which the settings will be read

        return self._voltages[DAC], self._spans[DAC]

    def get_stepsize(self, DAC: int) -> float:
        Mocks the `get_stepsize` function of the API.

        DAC : int
            DAC inside the module of which the stepsize is calculated

            Smallest voltage step possible with DAC
        if DAC not in range(self._num_dacs):
            raise ValueError(
                "D5a module {} [get_stepsize]: DAC {} does not exist.".format(self.address, DAC)

        voltage_ranges = {
            "range_4V_uni": 4.0,
            "range_8V_uni": 8.0,
            "range_4V_bi": 8.0,
            "range_8V_bi": 16.0,
            "range_2V_bi": 4,

        # Reverse dict lookup
        span_as_str = next(
            key for key, value in self.SPAN_MAPPING.items() if value == self._spans[DAC]
        return voltage_ranges[span_as_str] / self.DAC_RESOLUTION

[docs] class D5aModule(SpiModuleBase): """ Native driver for the D5a SPI module. """ NUMBER_OF_DACS = 16 # Set by hardware constraints
[docs] def __init__( self, parent, name: str, address: int, reset_voltages: bool = False, dac_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, is_dummy: bool = False, ): """ Instantiates the driver object. This is the object that should be instantiated by the :func:`~qblox_instruments.native.SpiRack.add_spi_module` function. Parameters ---------- parent Reference to the :class:`~qblox_instruments.native.SpiRack` parent object. This is handled by the :func:`~qblox_instruments.native.SpiRack.add_spi_module` function. name : str Name given to the InstrumentChannel. address : int Module number set on the hardware. reset_voltages : bool If True, then reset all voltages to zero and change the span to `range_max_bi`. dac_names : Optional[List[str]] List of all the names to use for the dac channels. If no list is given or is None, the default name "dac{i}" is used for the i-th dac channel. is_dummy : bool If true, do not connect to physical hardware, but use dummy module. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- ValueError Length of the dac names list does not match the number of dacs. """ super().__init__(parent, name, address) api = DummyD5aApi if is_dummy else D5aApi self.api = api( parent.spi_rack, module=address, reset_voltages=reset_voltages, num_dacs=self.NUMBER_OF_DACS, ) self._channels = [] for dac in range(self.NUMBER_OF_DACS): if dac_names is None: ch_name = "dac{}".format(dac) elif len(dac_names) == self.NUMBER_OF_DACS: ch_name = dac_names[dac] else: raise ValueError( f"Length of dac_names must be {self.NUMBER_OF_DACS}" ) channel = D5aDacChannel(self, ch_name) self._channels.append(channel)
[docs] def set_dacs_zero(self) -> None: """ Sets all voltages of all outputs to 0. Returns ---------- """ for ch in self._channels: ch.voltage(0)
class D5aDacChannel: """ Native driver for the dac channels of the D5a module. This class is used by the :class:`~qblox_instruments.native.spi_rack_modules.D5aModule` to define the individual dac channels and should not be used directly. """ def __init__(self, parent: D5aModule, name: str): """ Constructor for the dac channel instrument channel. Parameters ---------- parent : D5aModule Reference to the parent :class:`~qblox_instruments.native.spi_rack_modules.D5aModule` name : str Name for the instrument channel dac : int Number of the dac that this channel corresponds to Returns ---------- Raises ---------- """ self._api = parent.api self._chan_name = name self._ramping_enabled = False self._ramp_rate = 100e-3 self._ramp_max_step = 100e-3 self._is_ramping = False self._ramp_thread = None def _get_span(self, dac: int) -> int: """ Gets the span set by the module. Parameters ---------- dac : int the dac of which to get the span Returns ---------- int The current span """ _, span = self._api.get_settings(dac) return span def _set_span(self, dac: int, val: int) -> None: """ Sets the span set by the module. Parameters ---------- dac : int the dac of which to set the span val: int The integer representation of the new spen Raises ---------- ValueError When the present current on the output does not fit into the new span """ v, _ = self._api.get_settings(dac) # check if v fits into the new span if val == self._api.range_4V_uni: maxV = 4.0 minV = 0.0 elif val == self._api.range_4V_bi: maxV = 4.0 minV = -4.0 if val == self._api.range_8V_uni: maxV = 8.0 minV = 0.0 elif val == self._api.range_8V_bi: maxV = 8.0 minV = -8.0 elif val == self._api.range_2V_bi: maxV = 2.0 minV = -2.0 if v < minV or v > maxV: raise ValueError(f'Present voltage is {v} V, which is out of the range [{minV} V, {maxV } V], the newly selected span') self._api.change_span(dac, val) self.set_voltage_instant(dac, v) def _get_voltage(self, dac: int) -> float: """ " Gets the voltage set by the module. Parameters ---------- dac : int the dac of which to get the voltage Returns ---------- float The output voltage reported by the hardware """ voltage, _ = self._api.get_settings(dac) return voltage def _set_voltage(self, dac: int, val: float) -> None: """ Sets the voltage either through ramping or instantly. Parameters ---------- dac : int the dac of which to set the voltage val : float The new value of the voltage Returns ---------- """ if self._ramping_enabled: self._set_voltage_ramp(dac, val) else: self.set_voltage_instant(dac, val) def set_voltage_instant(self, dac: int, val: float) -> None: """ " Wrapper function around the set_voltage API call. Instantaneously sets the voltage. Parameters ---------- dac : int the dac of which to set the voltage val : float The new value of the voltage Returns ---------- """ self._api.get_settings(dac) self._api.set_voltage(dac, val) def _set_voltage_ramp(self, dac: int, val: float) -> None: """ Ramps the voltage in steps set by `ramp_max_step` with a rate set by `ramp_rate`. Ramping is non-blocking so the user should check `is_ramping() == False` to see if the final value is reached. Parameters ---------- dac : int the dac of which to set the voltage val : float The new value of the voltage after ramping Returns ---------- """ class RampThread(threading.Thread): """ Inner class that defines a thread that can be safely killed. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(target=self.worker_function, *args, **kwargs) self._stopped = False def worker_function(self, ch, dac, vals, dt): """ Conducts the actual ramping """ for val in vals: if self._stopped: return sleep(dt) ch.set_voltage_instant(dac, val) ch._is_ramping = False def exit(self): """ Stops the thread. """ self._stopped = True # Start of function code # Stop ramping to the value set previously, and ramp to new value. if self._is_ramping: self._ramp_thread.exit() self._is_ramping = True val_begin = self._get_voltage(dac) num_steps = int(np.ceil(np.abs(val_begin - val) / self._ramp_max_step)) vals = np.linspace(val_begin, val, num_steps) dt = np.abs(val_begin - val) / self._ramp_rate / num_steps th = RampThread(args=(self, dac, vals, dt)) self._ramp_thread = th th.start()