# Description : Pulsar QRM QCoDeS interface
# Git repository : https://gitlab.com/qblox/packages/software/qblox_instruments.git
# Copyright (C) Qblox BV (2020)
#-- include -------------------------------------------------------------------
from ieee488_2.transport import ip_transport, pulsar_dummy_transport
from pulsar_qrm.pulsar_qrm_ifc import pulsar_qrm_ifc
from qcodes import validators as vals
from qcodes import Instrument
from jsonschema import validate
from functools import partial
import json
#-- class ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class pulsar_qrm_qcodes(pulsar_qrm_ifc, Instrument):
This class connects `QCoDeS <https://qcodes.github.io/Qcodes/>`_ to the Pulsar QRM native interface. Do not directly instantiate this class, but instead instantiate either the
:class:`~.pulsar_qrm` or :class:`~.pulsar_qrm_dummy`.
[docs] def __init__(self, name, transport_inst, debug=0):
Creates Pulsar QRM QCoDeS class and adds all relevant instrument parameters. These instrument parameters call the associated methods provided by the native interface.
name : str
Instrument name.
transport_inst : :class:`~ieee488_2.transport`
Transport class responsible for the lowest level of communication (e.g. ethernet).
debug : int
Debug level (0 = normal, 1 = no version check, >1 = no version or error checking).
Debug level is 0 and there is a version mismatch.
.. Note::
To get a complete of list of the QCoDeS parameters, run the following code.
.. code-block:: Python
from pulsar_qrm.pulsar_qrm import pulsar_qrm_dummy
qrm = pulsar_qrm_dummy("qrm")
for call in qrm.snapshot()['parameters']:
print(getattr(qrm, call).__doc__)
#Initialize parent classes.
super(pulsar_qrm_qcodes, self).__init__(transport_inst, debug)
Instrument.__init__(self, name)
#Set instrument parameters
self._num_sequencers = 6
#Set JSON schema to validate JSON file with
self._wave_and_prog_json_schema = {"title": "Sequencer waveforms and program container",
"description": "Contains both all waveforms, weights and acquisitions and a program required for a sequence.",
"type": "object",
"required": ["program", "waveforms", "weights", "acquisitions"],
"properties": {
"program": {
"description": "Sequencer assembly program in string format.",
"type": "string"
"waveforms": {
"description": "Waveform dictionary containing one or multiple AWG waveform(s).",
"type": "object",
"weights": {
"description": "Weight dictionary containing one or multiple acquisition weights(s).",
"type": "object",
"acquisitions": {
"description": "Acquisition dictionary containing information about one or multiple acquisition(s).",
"type": "object"
self._wave_json_schema = {"title": "Waveform/weight container",
"description": "Waveform/weight dictionary for a single waveform.",
"type": "object",
"required": ["data"],
"properties": {
"data": {
"description": "List of waveform samples.",
"type": "array"
"index": {
"description": "Optional waveform index number.",
"type": "number"
self._acq_json_schema = {"title": "Acquisition container",
"description": "Acquisition dictionary for a single acquisition.",
"type": "object",
"required": ["num_bins"],
"properties": {
"num_bins": {
"description": "Number of bins in acquisition.",
"type": "number"
"index": {
"description": "Optional waveform index number.",
"type": "number"
#Add QCoDeS parameters
label = "Reference source.",
docstring = "Sets/gets reference source ('internal' = internal 10 MHz, 'external' = external 10 MHz).",
unit = '',
vals = vals.Bool(),
val_mapping = {"internal": True, "external": False},
set_parser = bool,
get_parser = bool,
set_cmd = self._set_reference_source,
get_cmd = self._get_reference_source
if self._get_lo_hw_present():
label = "Local Oscillator frequency for output 0 and input 0.",
docstring = "Sets/gets the local oscillator frequency for output 0 and input 0.",
unit = 'Hz',
vals = vals.Numbers(2e9, 18e9),
set_parser = int,
get_parser = int,
set_cmd = self._set_lo_freq_1,
get_cmd = self._get_lo_freq_1
if not self._get_lo_hw_present():
label = "Input 0 gain.",
docstring = "Sets/gets input 0 gain in a range of -6dB to 26dB with a resolution of 1dB per step.",
unit = 'dB',
vals = vals.Numbers(-6, 26),
set_parser = int,
get_parser = int,
set_cmd = self._set_in_amp_gain_0,
get_cmd = self._get_in_amp_gain_0
label = "Input 1 gain.",
docstring = "Sets/gets input 1 gain in a range of -6dB to 26dB with a resolution of 1dB per step.",
unit = 'dB',
vals = vals.Numbers(-6, 26),
set_parser = int,
get_parser = int,
set_cmd = self._set_in_amp_gain_1,
get_cmd = self._get_in_amp_gain_1
if self._get_lo_hw_present():
label = "Output 0 offset for path 0.",
docstring = "Sets/gets output 0 offset for path 0.",
unit = 'mV',
vals = vals.Numbers(-84.0, 73.0),
set_parser = float,
get_parser = float,
set_cmd = self._set_out_amp_offset_0,
get_cmd = self._get_out_amp_offset_0
label = "Output 0 offset for path 1.",
docstring = "Sets/gets output 0 offset for path 1.",
unit = 'mV',
vals = vals.Numbers(-84.0, 73.0),
set_parser = float,
get_parser = float,
set_cmd = self._set_out_amp_offset_1,
get_cmd = self._get_out_amp_offset_1
label = "Output 0 offset.",
docstring = "Sets/gets output 0 offset.",
unit = 'V',
vals = vals.Numbers(-1.0, 1.0),
set_parser = float,
get_parser = float,
set_cmd = self._set_dac_offset_0,
get_cmd = self._get_dac_offset_0
label = "Output 1 offset.",
docstring = "Sets/gets output 1 offset.",
unit = 'V',
vals = vals.Numbers(-1.0, 1.0),
set_parser = float,
get_parser = float,
set_cmd = self._set_dac_offset_1,
get_cmd = self._get_dac_offset_1
#--Scope acquisition settings------------------------------------------
label = "Scope acquisition trigger mode for input path 0.",
docstring = "Sets/gets scope acquisition trigger mode for input path 0 ('sequencer' = triggered by sequencer, 'level' = triggered by input level).",
unit = '',
vals = vals.Bool(),
val_mapping = {"level": True, "sequencer": False},
set_parser = bool,
get_parser = bool,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_acq_scope_config_val, "trig_mode_acq_path_0"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_acq_scope_config_val, "trig_mode_acq_path_0")
label = "Scope acquisition trigger mode for input path 0.",
docstring = "Sets/gets scope acquisition trigger mode for input path 1 ('sequencer' = triggered by sequencer, 'level' = triggered by input level).",
unit = '',
vals = vals.Bool(),
val_mapping = {"level": True, "sequencer": False},
set_parser = bool,
get_parser = bool,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_acq_scope_config_val, "trig_mode_acq_path_1"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_acq_scope_config_val, "trig_mode_acq_path_1")
label = "Scope acquisition trigger level when using input level trigger mode for input path 0.",
docstring = "Sets/gets scope acquisition trigger level when using input level trigger mode for input path 0.",
unit = '',
vals = vals.Numbers(-1.0, 1.0),
set_parser = float,
get_parser = float,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_acq_scope_config_val, "trig_lvl_acq_path_0_float"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_acq_scope_config_val, "trig_lvl_acq_path_0_float")
label = "Scope acquisition trigger level when using input level trigger mode for input path 1.",
docstring = "Sets/gets scope acquisition trigger level when using input level trigger mode for input path 1.",
unit = '',
vals = vals.Numbers(-1.0, 1.0),
set_parser = float,
get_parser = float,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_acq_scope_config_val, "trig_lvl_acq_path_1_float"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_acq_scope_config_val, "trig_lvl_acq_path_1_float")
label = "Scope acquisition sequencer select for when using sequencer trigger mode.",
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer select that specifies which sequencer triggers the scope acquisition when using sequencer trigger mode.",
unit = '',
vals = vals.Numbers(0, self._num_sequencers),
set_parser = int,
get_parser = int,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_acq_scope_config_val, "sel_acq"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_acq_scope_config_val, "sel_acq")
label = "Scope acquisition averaging mode enable for input path 0.",
docstring = "Sets/gets scope acquisition averaging mode enable for input path 0.",
unit = '',
vals = vals.Bool(),
set_parser = bool,
get_parser = bool,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_acq_scope_config_val, "avg_en_acq_path_0"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_acq_scope_config_val, "avg_en_acq_path_0")
label = "Scope acquisition averaging mode enable for input path 0.",
docstring = "Sets/gets scope acquisition averaging mode enable for input path 0.",
unit = '',
vals = vals.Bool(),
set_parser = bool,
get_parser = bool,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_acq_scope_config_val, "avg_en_acq_path_1"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_acq_scope_config_val, "avg_en_acq_path_1")
for seq_idx in range(0, self._num_sequencers):
#--Sequencer settings----------------------------------------------
label = "Sequencer {} path 0 output 0 enable.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} channel map enable of path 0 to output 0.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Bool(),
set_parser = bool,
get_parser = bool,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_channel_map, seq_idx, 0),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_channel_map, seq_idx, 0)
label = "Sequencer {} path 1 output 1 enable.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} channel map enable of path 1 to output 1.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Bool(),
set_parser = bool,
get_parser = bool,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_channel_map, seq_idx, 1),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_channel_map, seq_idx, 1)
label = "Sequencer {} synchronization enable which enables party-line synchronization.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} synchronization enable which enables party-line synchronization.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Bool(),
set_parser = bool,
get_parser = bool,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "sync_en"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "sync_en")
label = "Sequencer {} NCO frequency.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} NCO frequency in Hz with a resolution of 0.25 Hz.".format(seq_idx),
unit = 'Hz',
vals = vals.Numbers(-300e6, 300e6),
set_parser = float,
get_parser = float,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "freq_hz"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "freq_hz")
label = "Sequencer {} NCO phase offset.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} NCO phase offset in degrees with a resolution of 3.6e-7 degrees.".format(seq_idx),
unit = 'Degrees',
vals = vals.Numbers(0, 360),
set_parser = float,
get_parser = float,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "phase_offs_degree"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "phase_offs_degree")
label = "Sequencer {} marker override enable.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} marker override enable.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Bool(),
set_parser = bool,
get_parser = bool,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "mrk_ovr_en"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "mrk_ovr_en")
label = "Sequencer {} marker override value.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} marker override value. Bit index corresponds to marker channel index.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Numbers(0, 15),
set_parser = int,
get_parser = int,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "mrk_ovr_val"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "mrk_ovr_val")
label = "Sequencer {} AWG waveforms, acquistion weights, acquisitions and ASM program.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets sequencer {} AWG waveforms, acquistion weights, acquisitions and ASM program. Valid input is a string representing the JSON filename.".format(seq_idx),
vals = vals.Strings(),
set_parser = str,
get_parser = str,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_waveforms_and_program, seq_idx),
#--AWG settings----------------------------------------------------
label = "Sequencer {} continous waveform mode enable for AWG path 0.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} continous waveform mode enable for AWG path 0.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Bool(),
set_parser = bool,
get_parser = bool,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "cont_mode_en_awg_path_0"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "cont_mode_en_awg_path_0")
label = "Sequencer {} continous waveform mode enable for AWG path 1.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} continous waveform mode enable for AWG path 1.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Bool(),
set_parser = bool,
get_parser = bool,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "cont_mode_en_awg_path_1"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "cont_mode_en_awg_path_1")
label = "Sequencer {} continous waveform mode waveform index for AWG path 0.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} continous waveform mode waveform index or AWG path 0.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Numbers(0, 2**10-1),
set_parser = int,
get_parser = int,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path_0"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path_0")
label = "Sequencer {} continous waveform mode waveform index for AWG path 1.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} continous waveform mode waveform index or AWG path 1.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Numbers(0, 2**10-1),
set_parser = int,
get_parser = int,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path_1"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path_1")
label = "Sequencer {} upsample rate for AWG path 0.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} upsample rate for AWG path 0.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Numbers(0, 2**16-1),
set_parser = int,
get_parser = int,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "upsample_rate_awg_path_0"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "upsample_rate_awg_path_0")
label = "Sequencer {} upsample rate for AWG path 1.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} upsample rate for AWG path 1.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Numbers(0, 2**16-1),
set_parser = int,
get_parser = int,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "upsample_rate_awg_path_1"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "upsample_rate_awg_path_1")
label = "Sequencer {} gain for AWG path 0.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} gain for AWG path 0.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Numbers(-1.0, 1.0),
set_parser = float,
get_parser = float,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "gain_awg_path_0_float"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "gain_awg_path_0_float")
label = "Sequencer {} gain for AWG path 1.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} gain for AWG path 1.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Numbers(-1.0, 1.0),
set_parser = float,
get_parser = float,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "gain_awg_path_1_float"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "gain_awg_path_1_float")
label = "Sequencer {} offset for AWG path 0.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} offset for AWG path 0.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Numbers(-1.0, 1.0),
set_parser = float,
get_parser = float,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "offset_awg_path_0_float"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "offset_awg_path_0_float")
label = "Sequencer {} offset for AWG path 1.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} offset for AWG path 1.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Numbers(-1.0, 1.0),
set_parser = float,
get_parser = float,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "offset_awg_path_1_float"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "offset_awg_path_1_float")
label = "Sequencer {} mixer phase imbalance correction for AWG; applied to AWG path 1 relative to AWG path 0 and measured in degrees.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} mixer phase imbalance correction for AWG; applied to AWG path 1 relative to AWG path 0 and measured in degrees".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Numbers(-45.0, 45.0),
set_parser = float,
get_parser = float,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "mixer_corr_phase_offset_degree_float"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "mixer_corr_phase_offset_degree_float")
label = "Sequencer {} mixer gain imbalance correction for AWG; equal to AWG path 1 amplitude divided by AWG path 0 amplitude.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} mixer gain imbalance correction for AWG; equal to AWG path 1 amplitude divided by AWG path 0 amplitude.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Numbers(0.5, 2.0),
set_parser = float,
get_parser = float,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "mixer_corr_gain_ratio_float"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "mixer_corr_gain_ratio_float")
label = "Sequencer {} modulation enable for AWG.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} modulation enable for AWG.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Bool(),
set_parser = bool,
get_parser = bool,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "mod_en_awg"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "mod_en_awg")
#--Acquisition settings--------------------------------------------
label = "Sequencer {} demodulation enable for acquisition.".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} demodulation enable for acquisition.".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Bool(),
set_parser = bool,
get_parser = bool,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "demod_en_acq"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "demod_en_acq")
label = "Sequencer {} integration length for acquisition paths 0 and 1".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} integration length in number of samples for non-weighed acquisitions on paths 0 and 1. Must be a multiple of 4".format(seq_idx),
unit = '',
vals = vals.Multiples(4, min_value=4, max_value=2**24-4),
set_parser = int,
get_parser = int,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "non_weighed_integration_len"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "non_weighed_integration_len")
label = "Sequencer {} integration result phase rotation".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} integration result phase rotation in degrees.".format(seq_idx),
unit = 'Degrees',
vals = vals.Numbers(0, 360),
set_parser = float,
get_parser = float,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_rotation_matrix, seq_idx),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_rotation_matrix, seq_idx)
label = "Sequencer {} discretization threshold".format(seq_idx),
docstring = "Sets/gets sequencer {} discretization threshold for discretizing the phase rotation result. ".format(seq_idx) + \
"Discretization is done by comparing the threshold to the rotated integration result of path 0. " + \
"This comparison is applied before normalization (i.e. division) of the rotated value " + \
"with the integration length and therefore the threshold needs to be compensated " + \
"(i.e. multiplied) with this length for the discretization to function properly.",
unit = '',
vals = vals.Numbers(-1.0*(2**24-4), 1.0*(2**24-4)),
set_parser = float,
get_parser = float,
set_cmd = partial(self._set_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "discr_threshold"),
get_cmd = partial(self._get_sequencer_config_val, seq_idx, "discr_threshold")
def _set_acq_scope_config_val(self, param, val):
Set value of specific scope acquisition parameter.
param : str
Parameter name.
Value to set parameter to.
Invalid input parameter type.
An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1.
All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
self._set_acq_scope_config({param: val})
def _get_acq_scope_config_val(self, param):
Get value of specific scope acquistion parameter.
param : str
Parameter name.
Parameter value.
Invalid input parameter type.
An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1.
All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
return self._get_acq_scope_config()[param]
def _set_sequencer_config_val(self, sequencer, param, val):
Set value of specific sequencer parameter.
sequencer : int
Sequencer index.
param : str
Parameter name.
Value to set parameter to.
Invalid input parameter type.
An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1.
All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
self._set_sequencer_config(sequencer, {param: val})
def _get_sequencer_config_val(self, sequencer, param):
Get value of specific sequencer parameter.
sequencer : int
Sequencer index.
param : str
Parameter name.
Parameter value.
Invalid input parameter type.
An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1.
All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
return self._get_sequencer_config(sequencer)[param]
def _set_sequencer_waveforms_and_program(self, sequencer, file_name):
Set sequencer waveforms and program from JSON file. The JSON file needs to apply the schema specified by :member:`pulsar_qrm.pulsar_qrm_qcodes._wave_and_prog_json_schema`
and :member:`pulsar_qrm.pulsar_qrm_qcodes._wave_json_schema`.
sequencer : int
Sequencer index.
file_name : str
Sequencer waveforms and program file.
Invalid input parameter type.
An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1.
All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
Assembly failed.
Invalid JSON file.
with open(file_name, 'r') as file:
wave_and_prog_dict = json.load(file)
validate(wave_and_prog_dict, self._wave_and_prog_json_schema)
for name in wave_and_prog_dict["waveforms"]:
validate(wave_and_prog_dict["waveforms"][name], self._wave_json_schema)
for name in wave_and_prog_dict["weights"]:
validate(wave_and_prog_dict["weights"][name], self._wave_json_schema)
for name in wave_and_prog_dict["acquisitions"]:
validate(wave_and_prog_dict["acquisitions"][name], self._acq_json_schema)
self._add_waveforms(sequencer, wave_and_prog_dict["waveforms"])
self._add_weights(sequencer, wave_and_prog_dict["weights"])
self._add_acquisitions(sequencer, wave_and_prog_dict["acquisitions"])
self._set_sequencer_program(sequencer, wave_and_prog_dict["program"])
#-- class ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class pulsar_qrm(pulsar_qrm_qcodes):
Pulsar QRM driver class based on `QCoDeS <https://qcodes.github.io/Qcodes/>`_ that uses an IP socket to communicate
with the instrument.
[docs] def __init__(self, name, host, port=5025, debug=0):
Creates Pulsar QRM driver object.
name : str
Instrument name.
host : str
Instrument IP address.
port : int
Instrument port.
debug : int
Debug level (0 = normal, 1 = no version check, >1 = no version or error checking).
Debug level is 0 and there is a version mismatch.
#Create transport layer (socket interface)
transport_inst = ip_transport(host=host, port=port)
#Initialize parent classes.
super(pulsar_qrm, self).__init__(name, transport_inst, debug)
#-- class ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class pulsar_qrm_dummy(pulsar_qrm_qcodes):
Pulsar QRM driver class based on `QCoDeS <https://qcodes.github.io/Qcodes/>`_ that uses the :class:`~ieee488_2.transport.pulsar_dummy_transport` layer
to substitute an actual Pulsar QRM to allow software stack development without hardware.
[docs] def __init__(self, name, debug=1):
Creates Pulsar QRM driver object. The debug level must be set to >= 1.
name : str
Instrument name.
debug : int
Debug level (0 = normal, 1 = no version check, >1 = no version or error checking).
#Create transport layer (socket interface)
transport_inst = pulsar_dummy_transport(pulsar_qrm_ifc._get_acq_scope_config_format(), pulsar_qrm_ifc._get_sequencer_cfg_format())
#Initialize parent classes.
super(pulsar_qrm_dummy, self).__init__(name, transport_inst, debug)