Source code for pulsar_qrm.pulsar_qrm_ifc

# Description    : Pulsar QRM native interface
# Git repository :
# Copyright (C) Qblox BV (2020)

#-- include -------------------------------------------------------------------

import numpy
import struct
import time

#Add Qblox instruments build info
from qblox_instruments import build

#Add SCPI support
from pulsar_qrm.pulsar_qrm_scpi_ifc import pulsar_qrm_scpi_ifc

#-- class ---------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class pulsar_qrm_ifc(pulsar_qrm_scpi_ifc): """ Class that provides the native API for the Pulsar QrM. It provides methods to control all functions and features provided by the Pulsar QRM, like sequencer, waveform and acquistion handling. """ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __init__(self, transport_inst, debug = 0): """ Creates Pulsar QRM native interface object. Parameters ---------- transport_inst : :class:`~ieee488_2.transport` Transport class responsible for the lowest level of communication (e.g. ethernet). debug : int Debug level (0 = normal, 1 = no version check, >1 = no version or error checking). Returns ---------- :class:`~pulsar_qrm.pulsar_qrm_ifc` Pulsar QRM native interface object. Raises ---------- Exception Debug level is 0 and there is a version mismatch. """ #Initialize parent class. super(pulsar_qrm_ifc, self).__init__(transport_inst, debug)
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_scpi_commands(self): """ Get SCPI commands. Parameters ---------- Returns ---------- dict Dictionary containing all available SCPI commands, corresponding parameters, arguments and Python methods and finally a descriptive comment. Raises ---------- Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: #Format command string cmds = super()._get_scpi_commands() cmd_elem_list = cmds.split(';')[:-1] cmd_list = numpy.reshape(cmd_elem_list, (int(len(cmd_elem_list) / 9), 9)) cmd_dict = {cmd[0]: {"scpi_in_type": cmd[1].split(',') if cmd[1] != "None" and cmd[1] != "" else [], "scpi_out_type": cmd[2].split(',') if cmd[2] != "None" and cmd[2] != "" else [], "python_func": cmd[3], "python_in_type": cmd[4].split(',') if cmd[4] != "None" and cmd[4] != "" else [], "python_in_var": cmd[5].split(',') if cmd[5] != "None" and cmd[5] != "" else [], "python_out_type": cmd[6].split(',') if cmd[6] != "None" and cmd[6] != "" else [], "comment": cmd[8]} for cmd in cmd_list} return cmd_dict except: raise #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_idn(self): """ Get device identity and build information. Parameters ---------- Returns ---------- dict Dictionary containing manufacturer, model, serial number and build information. The build information is subdivided into FPGA firmware, kernel module software, application software and driver software build information. Each of those consist of the version, build date, build Git hash and Git build dirty indication. Raises ---------- Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: #Format IDN string idn = self._get_idn() idn_elem_list = idn.split(',') idn_build_list = idn_elem_list[-1].split(' ') idn_dict = {"manufacturer": idn_elem_list[0], "model": idn_elem_list[1], "serial_number": idn_elem_list[2], "firmware": {"fpga": {"version": idn_build_list[0].split("=")[-1], "date": idn_build_list[1].split("=")[-1], "hash": idn_build_list[2].split("=")[-1], "dirty": int(idn_build_list[3].split("=")[-1]) > 0}, "kernel_mod": {"version": idn_build_list[4].split("=")[-1], "date": idn_build_list[5].split("=")[-1], "hash": idn_build_list[6].split("=")[-1], "dirty": int(idn_build_list[7].split("=")[-1]) > 0}, "application": {"version": idn_build_list[8].split("=")[-1], "date": idn_build_list[9].split("=")[-1], "hash": idn_build_list[10].split("=")[-1], "dirty": int(idn_build_list[11].split("=")[-1]) > 0}, "driver": build.get_build_info()}} return idn_dict except: raise
[docs] def get_system_status(self): """ Get general system state. Parameters ---------- Returns ---------- dict Dictionary containing general status and corresponding flags: :Status: - OKAY: System is okay. - CRITICAL: An error indicated by the flags occured, but has been resolved. - ERROR: An error indicated by the flags is occuring. :Flags: - CARRIER_PLL_UNLOCK: Carrier board PLL is unlocked. - FPGA_PLL_UNLOCK: FPGA PLL is unlocked. - FPGA_TEMP_OR: FPGA temperature is out-of-range. - CARRIER_TEMP_OR: Carrier board temperature is out-of-range. - AFE_TEMP_OR: Analog frontend board temperature is out-of-range. Raises ---------- Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: #Format status string status = self._get_system_status() status_elem_list = status.split(';') status_flag_list = status_elem_list[-1].split(',')[:-1] if status_elem_list[-1] != '' else [] status_dict = {"status": status_elem_list[0], "flags": status_flag_list} return status_dict except: raise
@staticmethod #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_acq_scope_config_format(): """ Get format for converting the configuration dictionary to a C struct. Parameters ---------- Returns ---------- Raises ---------- """ acq_scope_cfg_format = 'I????II' acq_scope_float_cfg_format = "ff" return acq_scope_cfg_format + acq_scope_float_cfg_format #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _set_acq_scope_config(self, cfg_dict): """ Set configuration of the scope acquisition. The configuration consists of multiple parameters in a C struct format. If an invalid sequencer index is given or the configation struct does not have the correct format, an error is set in system error. Parameters ---------- config : dict Configuration dictionary. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: #Get current configuration and merge dictionaries cfg_dict = {**self._get_acq_scope_config(), **cfg_dict} #Set new configuration cfg = [#Scope acquisition cfg_dict["sel_acq"], #Acquisition select cfg_dict["avg_en_acq_path_0"], #Averaging enable path 0 cfg_dict["avg_en_acq_path_1"], #Averaging enable path 1 cfg_dict["trig_mode_acq_path_0"], #Trigger mode path 0 cfg_dict["trig_mode_acq_path_1"], #Trigger mode path 1 0, #Trigger level path 0 (unused) 0, #Trigger level path 1 (unused) #Scope acquisition floating point values to be converted cfg_dict["trig_lvl_acq_path_0_float"], #Trigger level path 0 as float cfg_dict["trig_lvl_acq_path_1_float"]] #Trigger level path 1 as float super()._set_acq_scope_config(struct.pack(pulsar_qrm_ifc._get_acq_scope_config_format(), *cfg)) except: raise #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_acq_scope_config(self): """ Get configuration of the scope acquisition. The configuration consists of multiple parameters in a C struct format. If an invalid sequencer index is given, an error is set in system error. Parameters ---------- Returns ---------- bytes Configuration struct. Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: cfg = struct.unpack(pulsar_qrm_ifc._get_acq_scope_config_format(), super()._get_acq_scope_config()) cfg_dict = {#Scope acquisition "sel_acq": cfg[0], "avg_en_acq_path_0": cfg[1], "avg_en_acq_path_1": cfg[2], "trig_mode_acq_path_0": cfg[3], "trig_mode_acq_path_1": cfg[4], "trig_lvl_acq_path_0": cfg[5], "trig_lvl_acq_path_1": cfg[6], #Scope acquisition floating point values "trig_lvl_acq_path_0_float": cfg[7], "trig_lvl_acq_path_1_float": cfg[8]} return cfg_dict except: raise #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _set_sequencer_program(self, sequencer, program): """ Assemble and set Q1ASM program for the indexed sequencer. If assembling failes, an exception is thrown with the assembler log. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. program : str Q1ASM program. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception Assembly failed. """ try: super()._set_sequencer_program(sequencer, program) except: print(self.get_assembler_log()) raise @staticmethod #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_sequencer_cfg_format(): """ Get format for converting the configuration dictionary to a C struct. Parameters ---------- Returns ---------- Raises ---------- """ seq_proc_cfg_format = '?I' awg_cfg_format = '??IIIIIIIIIII?IIIIIII??I' awg_float_cfg_format = 'fdffffff' acq_cfg_format = 'II?IIIq' acq_float_cfg_format = 'ffd' return seq_proc_cfg_format + awg_cfg_format + awg_float_cfg_format + acq_cfg_format + acq_float_cfg_format #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _set_sequencer_config(self, sequencer, cfg_dict): """ Set configuration of the indexed sequencer. The configuration consists dictionary containing multiple parameters that will be converted into a C struct supported by the Pulsar QRM. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. config : dict Configuration dictionary. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: #Get current configuration and merge dictionaries cfg_dict = {**self._get_sequencer_config(sequencer), **cfg_dict} #Set new configuration cfg = [#Sequence processor cfg_dict["sync_en"], #Sequence processor synchronization enable 0, #Sequence processor program counter start (unused) #AWG cfg_dict["cont_mode_en_awg_path_0"], #Continuous mode enable for AWG path 0 cfg_dict["cont_mode_en_awg_path_1"], #Continuous mode enable for AWG path 1 cfg_dict["cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path_0"], #continuous mode waveform index for AWG path 0 cfg_dict["cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path_1"], #Continuous mode waveform index for AWG path 1 cfg_dict["upsample_rate_awg_path_0"], #Upsample rate for AWG path 0 cfg_dict["upsample_rate_awg_path_1"], #Upsample rate for AWG path 1 0, #Gain for AWG path 0 (unused) 0, #Gain for AWG path 1 (unused) 0, #Offset for AWG path 0 (unused) 0, #Offset for AWG path 1 (unused) 0, #Phase increment; ultra-fine (unused) 0, #Phase increment; fine (unused) 0, #Phase increment; coarse (unused) 0, #Phase increment; sign (unused) 0, #Phase; ultra-fine (unused) 0, #Phase; fine (unused) 0, #Phase; coarse (unused) 0, #Mixer correction matrix a11 (unsued) 0, #Mixer correction matrix a12 (unsued) 0, #Mixer correction matrix a21 (unsued) 0, #Mixer correction matrix a22 (unsued) cfg_dict["mod_en_awg"], #Modulation enable for AWG paths 0 and 1 cfg_dict["mrk_ovr_en"], #Marker override enable cfg_dict["mrk_ovr_val"], #Marker override value #AWG floating point values to be converted cfg_dict["phase_offs_degree"], #Phase offset in degrees cfg_dict["freq_hz"], #Frequency in Hz cfg_dict["gain_awg_path_0_float"], #Gain for AWG path 0 as float cfg_dict["gain_awg_path_1_float"], #Gain for AWG path 1 as float cfg_dict["offset_awg_path_0_float"], #Offset for AWG path 0 as float cfg_dict["offset_awg_path_1_float"], #Offset for AWG path 1 as float cfg_dict["mixer_corr_phase_offset_degree_float"], #NCO compensation for mixer: phase offset cfg_dict["mixer_corr_gain_ratio_float"], #NCO compensation for mixer: gain imbalance #Acquisition cfg_dict["upsample_rate_acq_path_0"], #Upsample rate for acquisition path 0 cfg_dict["upsample_rate_acq_path_1"], #Upsample rate for acquisition path 1 cfg_dict["demod_en_acq"], #Demodulation enable cfg_dict["non_weighed_integration_len"], #Non weighed integration length 0, #Rotation matrix A11 (unused) 0, #Rotation matrix A12 (unused) 0, #Discretization threshold (unused) #Acquisition floating point values to be converted cfg_dict["rotation_matrix_a11"], #Rotation matrix A11 cfg_dict["rotation_matrix_a12"], #Rotation matrix A12 cfg_dict["discr_threshold"]] #Discretization threshold super()._set_sequencer_config(sequencer, struct.pack(pulsar_qrm_ifc._get_sequencer_cfg_format(), *cfg)) except: raise #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_sequencer_config(self, sequencer): """ Get configuration of the indexed sequencer. The configuration consists dictionary containing multiple parameters that will be converted from a C struct provided by the Pulsar QRM. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. Returns ---------- dict Configuration dictionary. Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: cfg = struct.unpack(pulsar_qrm_ifc._get_sequencer_cfg_format(), super()._get_sequencer_config(sequencer)) cfg_dict = {#Sequence processor "sync_en": cfg[0], #AWG "cont_mode_en_awg_path_0": cfg[2], "cont_mode_en_awg_path_1": cfg[3], "cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path_0": cfg[4], "cont_mode_waveform_idx_awg_path_1": cfg[5], "upsample_rate_awg_path_0": cfg[6], "upsample_rate_awg_path_1": cfg[7], "mod_en_awg": cfg[23], "mrk_ovr_en": cfg[24], "mrk_ovr_val": cfg[25], #AWG floating point values "phase_offs_degree": cfg[26], "freq_hz": cfg[27], "gain_awg_path_0_float": cfg[28], "gain_awg_path_1_float": cfg[29], "offset_awg_path_0_float": cfg[30], "offset_awg_path_1_float": cfg[31], "mixer_corr_phase_offset_degree_float": cfg[32], "mixer_corr_gain_ratio_float": cfg[33], #Acquisition "upsample_rate_acq_path_0": cfg[34], "upsample_rate_acq_path_1": cfg[35], "demod_en_acq": cfg[36], "non_weighed_integration_len": cfg[37], #Acquisition floating point values "rotation_matrix_a11": cfg[41], "rotation_matrix_a12": cfg[42], "discr_threshold": cfg[43]} return cfg_dict except: raise #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _set_sequencer_config_rotation_matrix(self, sequencer, phase_incr): """ Sets the integration result phase rotation matrix in the acquisition path. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. phase_incr : float Phase increment in degrees. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: self._set_sequencer_config(sequencer, {"rotation_matrix_a11": numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(360 - phase_incr)), "rotation_matrix_a12": numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(360 - phase_incr))}) except: raise #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_sequencer_config_rotation_matrix(self, sequencer): """ Gets the integration result phase rotation matrix in the acquisition path. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. Returns ---------- float Phase increment in degrees. Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: cfg = self._get_sequencer_config(sequencer) phase_incr = numpy.angle(cfg["rotation_matrix_a11"] + cfg["rotation_matrix_a12"] * 1j, deg=True) return 0 if phase_incr == 0 else \ 360 - phase_incr if phase_incr >= 0 else \ -1.0 * phase_incr except: raise #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _set_sequencer_channel_map(self, sequencer, output, enable): """ Set enable of the indexed sequencer's path to output. If an invalid sequencer index is given or the channel map is not valid, an error is set in system error. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. output : int output index. enable : bool Sequencer path to output enable Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: channel_map_bin = super()._get_sequencer_channel_map(sequencer) channel_map = list(struct.unpack("I"*int(len(channel_map_bin)/4),channel_map_bin)) if not output in channel_map and enable: channel_map.append(output) elif output in channel_map and not enable: channel_map.remove(output) super()._set_sequencer_channel_map(sequencer, struct.pack('I'*len(channel_map),*channel_map)) except: raise #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_sequencer_channel_map(self, sequencer, output): """ Get enable of the indexed sequencer's path to output. If an invalid sequencer index is given or the channel map is not valid, an error is set in system error. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. output : int output index. Returns ---------- bytes channel map list. Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: channel_map_bin = super()._get_sequencer_channel_map(sequencer) channel_map = list(struct.unpack("I"*int(len(channel_map_bin)/4),channel_map_bin)) return output in channel_map except: raise #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def arm_sequencer(self, sequencer=None): """ Prepare the indexed sequencer to start by putting it in the armed state. If no sequencer index is given, all sequencers are armed. Any sequencer that was already running is stopped and rearmed. If an invalid sequencer index is given, an error is set in system error. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: if sequencer is not None: self._arm_sequencer(sequencer) else: try: #Arm all sequencers (SCPI call) self._write('SEQuencer:ARM') except Exception as err: self._check_error_queue(err) finally: self._check_error_queue() except: raise
[docs] def start_sequencer(self, sequencer=None): """ Start the indexed sequencer, thereby putting it in the running state. If an invalid sequencer index is given or the indexed sequencer was not yet armed, an error is set in system error. If no sequencer index is given, all armed sequencers are started and any sequencer not in the armed state is ignored. However, if no sequencer index is given and no sequencers are armed, and error is set in system error. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: if sequencer is not None: self._start_sequencer(sequencer) else: try: #Start all sequencers (SCPI call) self._write('SEQuencer:START') except Exception as err: self._check_error_queue(err) finally: self._check_error_queue() except: raise
[docs] def stop_sequencer(self, sequencer=None): """ Stop the indexed sequencer, thereby putting it in the stopped state. If an invalid sequencer index is given, an error is set in system error. If no sequencer index is given, all sequencers are stopped. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: if sequencer is not None: self._stop_sequencer(sequencer) else: try: #Stop all sequencers (SCPI call) self._write('SEQuencer:STOP') except Exception as err: self._check_error_queue(err) finally: self._check_error_queue() except: raise
[docs] def get_sequencer_state(self, sequencer, timeout=0, timeout_poll_res=0.1): """ Get the sequencer state. If an invalid sequencer index is given, an error is set in system error. If the timeout is set to zero, the function returns the state immediately. If a positive non-zero timeout is set, the function blocks until the sequencer completes. If the sequencer hasn't stopped before the timeout expires, a timeout exception is thrown. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. timeout : int Timeout in minutes. timeout_poll_res : float Timeout polling resolution in seconds. Returns ---------- list Concatinated list of strings separated by the semicolon character. Status is indicated by one status string and an optional number of flags respectively ordered as: :Status: - IDLE: Sequencer waiting to be armed and started. - ARMED: Sequencer is armed and ready to start. - RUNNING: Sequencer is running. - Q1 STOPPED: Classical part of the sequencer has stopped; waiting for real-time part to stop. - STOPPED: Sequencer has completely stopped. :Flags: - DISARMED: Sequencer was disarmed. - FORCED STOP: Sequencer was stopped while still running. - SEQUENCE PROCESSOR Q1 ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION: Classical sequencer part executed an unknown instruction. - SEQUENCE PROCESSOR RT EXEC ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION: Real-time sequencer part executed an unknown instruction. - AWG WAVE PLAYBACK INDEX INVALID PATH 0: AWG path 0 tried to play an unknown waveform. - AWG WAVE PLAYBACK INDEX INVALID PATH 1: AWG path 1 tried to play an unknown waveform. - ACQ WEIGHT PLAYBACK INDEX INVALID PATH 0: Acquisition path 0 tried to play an unknown weight. - ACQ WEIGHT PLAYBACK INDEX INVALID PATH 1: Acquisition path 1 tried to play an unknown weight. - ACQ SCOPE DONE PATH 0: Scope acquisition for path 0 has finished. - ACQ SCOPE OUT-OF-RANGE PATH 0: Scope acquisition data for path 0 was out-of-range. - ACQ SCOPE OVERWRITTEN PATH 0: Scope acquisition data for path 0 was overwritten. - ACQ SCOPE DONE PATH 1: Scope acquisition for path 1 has finished. - ACQ SCOPE OUT-OF-RANGE PATH 1: Scope acquisition data for path 1 was out-of-range. - ACQ SCOPE OVERWRITTEN PATH 1: Scope acquisition data for path 1 was overwritten. - ACQ BINNING DONE: Acquisition binning completed. - ACQ BINNING FIFO ERROR: Acqusition binning encountered internal FIFO error. - ACQ BINNING COMM ERROR: Acqusition binning encountered internal communication error. - ACQ BINNING OUT-OF-RANGE: Acquisition binning data out-of-range. - ACQ INDEX INVALID: Acquisition tried to process an invalid acquisition. - ACQ BIN INDEX INVALID: Acquisition tried to process an invalid bin. - CLOCK INSTABILITY: Clock source instability occurred. Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. TypeError Timeout is not an integer. TimeoutError Timeout """ try: #Check timeout value if not isinstance(timeout, int): raise TypeError("Timeout is not an integer.") #Format status string status = self._get_sequencer_state(sequencer) status_elem_list = status.split(';') status_flag_list = status_elem_list[-1].split(',')[:-1] if status_elem_list[-1] != '' else [] status_dict = {"status": status_elem_list[0], "flags": status_flag_list} elapsed_time = 0.0 timeout = timeout * 60.0 while (status_dict["status"] == "RUNNING" or status_dict["status"] == "Q1 STOPPED") and elapsed_time < timeout: time.sleep(timeout_poll_res) status_dict = self.get_sequencer_state(sequencer) elapsed_time += timeout_poll_res if elapsed_time >= timeout: raise TimeoutError("Sequencer {} did not stop in timeout period of {} minutes.".format(sequencer, int(timeout / 60))) return status_dict except: raise
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _add_awg_waveform(self, sequencer, name, waveform, index=None): """ Add new waveform to AWG waveform list of indexed sequencer's AWG path. If an invalid sequencer index is given or if the waveform causes the waveform memory limit to be exceeded or if the waveform samples are out-of-range, an error is set in the system error. The waveform names 'all' and 'ALL' are reserved and adding waveforms with those names will also result in an error being set in system error. The optional index argument is used to specify an index for the waveform in the waveform list which is used by the sequencer Q1ASM program to refer to the waveform. If no index is given, the next available waveform index is selected (starting from 0). If an invalid waveform index is given, an error is set in system error. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. name : str Waveform name. waveform : list List of floats in the range of 1.0 to -1.0 representing the waveform. index : int Waveform index of the waveform in the waveform list. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: super()._add_awg_waveform(sequencer, name, len(waveform), False) self._set_awg_waveform_data(sequencer, name, waveform) if index is not None: self._set_awg_waveform_index(sequencer, name, index) except: raise #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_awg_waveforms(self, sequencer): """ Get all waveforms in waveform list of indexed sequencer's AWG path. If an invalid sequencer index is given, an error is set in system error. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. Returns ---------- dict Dictionary with waveforms. Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #Check input types. self._check_in_type(locals(), ['int']) #SCPI call try: num_waveforms = struct.unpack('I', self._read_bin('SEQuencer{}:AWG:WLISt?'.format(sequencer), False))[0] if num_waveforms == 0: self._flush_line_end() waveform_dict = {} for wave_it in range(0, num_waveforms): #Get name and index name = str(self._read_bin('', False), 'utf-8') index = struct.unpack('I', self._read_bin('', False))[0] #Get data if wave_it < (num_waveforms - 1): data = self._read_bin('', False) else: data = self._read_bin('', True) data = struct.unpack('f'*int(len(data)/4), data) #Add to dictionary waveform_dict[name] = {"index": index, "data": list(data)} return waveform_dict except Exception as err: self._check_error_queue(err) finally: self._check_error_queue() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _add_acq_weight(self, sequencer, name, weight, index=None): """ Add new weight to acquisition weight list of indexed sequencer's acquisition path. If an invalid sequencer index is given or if the weight causes the weight memory limit to be exceeded or if the weight samples are out-of-range, an error is set in the system error. The weight names 'all' and 'ALL' are reserved and adding weights with those names will also result in an error being set in system error. The optional index argument is used to specify an index for the weight in the weight list which is used by the sequencer Q1ASM program to refer to the weight. If no index is given, the next available weight index is selected (starting from 0). If an invalid weight index is given, an error is set in system error. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. name : str Weight name. weight : list List of floats in the range of 1.0 to -1.0 representing the weight. index : int Weight index of the weight in the weight list. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: super()._add_acq_weight(sequencer, name, len(weight), False) super()._set_acq_weight_data(sequencer, name, weight) if index is not None: self._set_acq_weight_index(sequencer, name, index) except: raise #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_acq_weights(self, sequencer): """ Get all weights in weight list of indexed sequencer's acquisition path. If an invalid sequencer index is given, an error is set in system error. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. Returns ---------- dict Dictionary with weights. Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #Check input types. self._check_in_type(locals(), ['int']) #SCPI call try: num_weights = struct.unpack('I', self._read_bin('SEQuencer{}:ACQ:WLISt?'.format(sequencer), False))[0] if num_weights == 0: self._flush_line_end() weight_dict = {} for weight_it in range(0, num_weights): #Get name and index name = str(self._read_bin('', False), 'utf-8') index = struct.unpack('I', self._read_bin('', False))[0] #Get data if weight_it < (num_weights - 1): data = self._read_bin('', False) else: data = self._read_bin('', True) data = struct.unpack('f'*int(len(data)/4), data) #Add to dictionary weight_dict[name] = {"index": index, "data": list(data)} return weight_dict except Exception as err: self._check_error_queue(err) finally: self._check_error_queue() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _add_acq_acquisition(self, sequencer, name, num_bins, index=None): """ Add new acquisition to acquisition list of indexed sequencer's acquisition path. If an invalid sequencer index is given or if the required acquisition memory cannot be allocated, an error is set in system error. The acquisition names 'all' and 'ALL' are reserved and adding those will also result in an error being set in system error. If no index is given, the next available weight index is selected (starting from 0). If an invalid weight index is given, an error is set in system error. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. name : str Acquisition name. num_bins : int Number of bins in acquisition. Maximum is 2^24. index : int Waveform index of the acquisition in the acquisition list. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: super()._add_acq_acquisition(sequencer, name, num_bins) if index is not None: self._set_acq_acquisition_index(sequencer, name, index) except: raise #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_acq_data_and_convert(self, scpi_cmd, flush_line_end): """ Get acquisition data and convert it to a dictionary. Parameters ---------- scpi_cmd : str SCPI command string used to set initial SCPI command. flush_line_end : bool Indication to flush final characters after final read. Returns ---------- dict Dictionary with data of single acquisition. Raises ---------- """ acquisition_dict = {"scope": {"path0": {"data": [], "out-of-range": False, "avg_cnt": 0}, "path1": {"data": [], "out-of-range": False, "avg_cnt": 0}}, "bins": {"integration": {"path0": [], "path1": []}, "threshold": [], "avg_cnt": []}} sample_width = 12 max_sample_value = 2**(sample_width-1)-1 #Retrieve scope data scope_data = self._read_bin(scpi_cmd, False) acquisition_dict["scope"]["path0"]["data"] = list(struct.unpack('i'*int(len(scope_data)/4), scope_data)) acquisition_dict["scope"]["path0"]["out-of-range"] = struct.unpack('?', self._read_bin('', False))[0] acquisition_dict["scope"]["path0"]["avg_cnt"] = struct.unpack('I', self._read_bin('', False))[0] scope_data = self._read_bin('', False) acquisition_dict["scope"]["path1"]["data"] = list(struct.unpack('i'*int(len(scope_data)/4), scope_data)) acquisition_dict["scope"]["path1"]["out-of-range"] = struct.unpack('?', self._read_bin('', False))[0] acquisition_dict["scope"]["path1"]["avg_cnt"] = struct.unpack('I', self._read_bin('', False))[0] #Normalize scope data avg_cnt = acquisition_dict["scope"]["path0"]["avg_cnt"] acquisition_dict["scope"]["path0"]["data"] = [val / max_sample_value if avg_cnt == 0 else val / max_sample_value / avg_cnt for val in acquisition_dict["scope"]["path0"]["data"]] avg_cnt = acquisition_dict["scope"]["path1"]["avg_cnt"] acquisition_dict["scope"]["path1"]["data"] = [val / max_sample_value if avg_cnt == 0 else val / max_sample_value / avg_cnt for val in acquisition_dict["scope"]["path1"]["data"]] #Retrieve bin data bins = self._read_bin('', flush_line_end) bin_format = 'QqqLL' num_bins = int(len(bins) / struct.calcsize('=' + bin_format)) bins = struct.unpack('=' + bin_format * num_bins, bins) for bin_idx in range(0, num_bins): valid = bins[bin_idx * len(bin_format)] if bool(valid): bin_path0 = bins[bin_idx * len(bin_format) + 1] bin_path1 = bins[bin_idx * len(bin_format) + 2] thres = bins[bin_idx * len(bin_format) + 3] avg_cnt = bins[bin_idx * len(bin_format) + 4] #Normalize bin_path0 = bin_path0 / (max_sample_value**2) if avg_cnt == 0 else bin_path0 / (max_sample_value**2) / avg_cnt bin_path1 = bin_path1 / (max_sample_value**2) if avg_cnt == 0 else bin_path1 / (max_sample_value**2) / avg_cnt thres = float(thres) if avg_cnt == 0 else thres / avg_cnt else: bin_path0 = float("NaN") bin_path1 = float("NaN") thres = float("NaN") avg_cnt = float("NaN") acquisition_dict["bins"]["integration"]["path0"].append(bin_path0) acquisition_dict["bins"]["integration"]["path1"].append(bin_path1) acquisition_dict["bins"]["threshold"].append(thres) #Normalize acquisition_dict["bins"]["avg_cnt"].append(avg_cnt) return acquisition_dict #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_acq_acquisition_data(self, sequencer, name): """ Get acquisition data of acquisition in acquisition list of indexed sequencer's acquisition path. The acquisition scope and bin data is normalized to a range of -1.0 to 1.0 taking both the bit widths of the processing path and average count into considaration. For the binned integration results, the integration length is not handled during normalization and therefore these values have to be divided by their respective integration lenghts. If an invalid sequencer index is given or if a non-existing acquisition name is given, an error is set in system error. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. name : str Acquisition name. Returns ---------- dict Dictionary with data of single acquisition. Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #Check input types. self._check_in_type(locals(), ['int', 'str']) #SCPI call try: return self._get_acq_data_and_convert('SEQuencer{}:ACQ:ALISt:ACQuisition:DATA? "{}"'.format(sequencer, name), True) except Exception as err: self._check_error_queue(err) finally: self._check_error_queue() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_acq_acquisitions(self, sequencer): """ Get all acquisitions in acquisition list of indexed sequencer's acquisition path. If an invalid sequencer index is given, an error is set in system error. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. Returns ---------- dict Dictionary with acquisitions. Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #Check input types. self._check_in_type(locals(), ['int']) #SCPI call try: num_acq = struct.unpack('I', self._read_bin('SEQuencer{}:ACQ:ALISt?'.format(sequencer), False))[0] if num_acq == 0: self._flush_line_end() acquisition_dict = {} for acq_it in range(0, num_acq): #Get name and index name = str(self._read_bin('', False), 'utf-8') index = struct.unpack('I', self._read_bin('', False))[0] #Get data if acq_it < (num_acq - 1): acq = self._get_acq_data_and_convert('', False) else: acq = self._get_acq_data_and_convert('', True) #Add to dictionary acquisition_dict[name] = {"index": index, "acquisition": acq} return acquisition_dict except Exception as err: self._check_error_queue(err) finally: self._check_error_queue() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _add_waveforms(self, sequencer, waveform_dict): """ Add all waveforms in JSON compatible dictionary to the AWG waveform list of indexed sequencer. The dictionary must be structured as follows: - name: waveform name. - data: waveform samples in a range of 1.0 to -1.0. - index: optional waveform index used by the sequencer Q1ASM program to refer to the waveform. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. waveform_dict : dict JSON compatible dictionary with one or more waveforms and weigths. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. KeyError Missing waveform data of waveform in dictionary. """ try: for name in waveform_dict: if "data" in waveform_dict[name]: if "index" in waveform_dict[name]: self._add_awg_waveform(sequencer, name, waveform_dict[name]["data"], waveform_dict[name]["index"]) else: self._add_awg_waveform(sequencer, name, waveform_dict[name]["data"]) else: raise KeyError("Missing data key for {} in AWG waveform dictionary".format(name)) except: raise #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _delete_waveforms(self, sequencer): """ Delete all waveforms in the AWG waveform list of indexed sequencer. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: self._delete_awg_waveform(sequencer, "all") except: raise #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_waveforms(self, sequencer): """ Get all waveforms and weigths in the AWG waveform list of indexed sequencer. The returned dictionary is structured as follows: - name: waveform name. - data: waveform samples in a range of 1.0 to -1.0. - index: waveform index used by the sequencer Q1ASM program to refer to the waveform. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. Returns ---------- dict Dictionary with waveforms. Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: return self._get_awg_waveforms(sequencer) except: raise
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _add_weights(self, sequencer, weight_dict): """ Add all weights in JSON compatible dictionary to the aquisition weight list of indexed sequencer. The dictionary must be structured as follows: - name : weight name. - data: weight samples in a range of 1.0 to -1.0. - index: optional waveweightform index used by the sequencer Q1ASM program to refer to the weight. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. weight_dict : dict JSON compatible dictionary with one or more weigths. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. KeyError Missing weight data of weight in dictionary. """ try: for name in weight_dict: if "data" in weight_dict[name]: if "index" in weight_dict[name]: self._add_acq_weight(sequencer, name, weight_dict[name]["data"], weight_dict[name]["index"]) else: self._add_acq_weight(sequencer, name, weight_dict[name]["data"]) else: raise KeyError("Missing data key for {} in acquisiton weight dictionary".format(name)) except: raise #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _delete_weights(self, sequencer): """ Delete all weights in the acquisition weights lists of indexed sequencer. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: self._delete_acq_weight(sequencer, "all") except: raise #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_weights(self, sequencer): """ Get all weigths in the acquisition weight lists of indexed sequencer. The returned dictionary is structured as follows: -name : weight name. - data: weight samples in a range of 1.0 to -1.0. - index: weight index used by the sequencer Q1ASM program to refer to the weight. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. Returns ---------- dict Dictionary with weights. Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: return self._get_acq_weights(sequencer) except: raise
[docs] def get_acquisition_state(self, sequencer, timeout=0, timeout_poll_res=0.1): """ Return acquisition binning completion state of the indexed sequencer. If an invalid sequencer is given, an error is set in system error. If the timeout is set to zero, the function returns the state immediately. If a positive non-zero timeout is set, the function blocks until the acquisition binning completes. If the acquisition hasn't completed before the timeout expires, a timeout exception is thrown. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. timeout : int Timeout in minutes. timeout_poll_res : float Timeout polling resolution in seconds. Returns ---------- bool Indicates the acquisition binning completion state (False = uncompleted, True = completed). Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. TypeError Timeout is not an integer. TimeoutError Timeout """ try: #Check timeout value if not isinstance(timeout, int): raise TypeError("Timeout is not an integer.") state = self.get_sequencer_state(sequencer) status = "ACQ BINNING DONE" in state["flags"] elapsed_time = 0.0 timeout = timeout * 60.0 while status != True and elapsed_time < timeout: time.sleep(timeout_poll_res) state = self.get_sequencer_state(sequencer) status = "ACQ BINNING DONE" in state["flags"] elapsed_time += timeout_poll_res if elapsed_time >= timeout: raise TimeoutError("Acquisitions on sequencer {} did not complete in timeout period of {} minutes.".format(sequencer, int(timeout / 60))) return status except: raise
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _add_acquisitions(self, sequencer, acquisition_dict): """ Add all waveforms and weights in JSON compatible dictionary to AWG waveform and aquisition weight lists of indexed sequencer. The dictionary must be structured as follows: - name: acquisition name. - num_bins: number of bins in acquisition. - index: optional acquisition index used by the sequencer Q1ASM program to refer to the acquition. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. acquisition_dict : dict JSON compatible dictionary with one or more acquisitions. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. KeyError Missing dictionary key in acquisitions. """ try: for name in acquisition_dict: if "num_bins" in acquisition_dict[name]: if "index" in acquisition_dict[name]: self._add_acq_acquisition(sequencer, name, acquisition_dict[name]["num_bins"], acquisition_dict[name]["index"]) else: self._add_acq_acquisition(sequencer, name, acquisition_dict[name]["num_bins"]) else: raise KeyError("Missing num_bins key for {} in acquisition dictionary".format(name)) except: raise #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _delete_acquisitions(self, sequencer): """ Delete all acquisitions from acquisition list of indexed sequencer. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: self._delete_acq_acquisition(sequencer, "all") except: raise #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def store_scope_acquisition(self, sequencer, name): """ After an acquisition has completed, store the scope acquisition results in the acquisition specified by name of the indexed sequencers. If an invalid sequencer index is given an error is set in system error. To get access to the acquisition results, the sequencer will be stopped when calling this function. Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. name : str Acquisition name. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: self._set_acq_acquisition_data(sequencer, name) except: raise
[docs] def get_acquisitions(self, sequencer): """ Get all acquisitions in acquisition lists of indexed sequencer. The acquisition scope and bin data is normalized to a range of -1.0 to 1.0 taking both the bit widths of the processing path and average count into considaration. For the binned integration results, the integration length is not handled during normalization and therefore these values have to be divided by their respective integration lenghts. The returned dictionary is structured as follows: - name: acquisition name - index: acquisition index used by the sequencer Q1ASM program to refer to the acquisition. - acquisition: acquisition dictionary - scope: Scope data - path0: input path 0 - data: acquisition samples in a range of 1.0 to -1.0. - out-of-range: out-of-range indication for the entire acquisition (False = in-range, True = out-of-range). - avg_cnt: number of averages. - path1: input path 1 - data: acquisition samples in a range of 1.0 to -1.0. - out-of-range: out-of-range indication for the entire acquisition (False = in-range, True = out-of-range). - avg_cnt: number of averages. - bins: bin data - integration: integration data - path_0: input path 0 integration result bin list - path_1: input path 1 integration result bin list - threshold: threshold result bin list - valid: list of valid indications per bin - avg_cnt: list of number of averages per bin Parameters ---------- sequencer : int Sequencer index. Returns ---------- dict Dictionary with acquisitions. Raises ---------- Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ try: return self._get_acq_acquisitions(sequencer) except: raise