# Description : Cluster native interface
# Git repository : https://gitlab.com/qblox/packages/software/qblox_instruments.git
# Copyright (C) Qblox BV (2020)
#-- include -------------------------------------------------------------------
import numpy
#Add Qblox instruments build info
from qblox_instruments import build
#Add SCPI support
from cluster.cluster_scpi_ifc import cluster_scpi_ifc
#-- class ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class cluster_ifc(cluster_scpi_ifc):
Class that provides the native API for the Cluster. It provides methods to control all
functions and features provided by the Cluster.
[docs] def __init__(self, transport_inst, debug = 0):
Creates Cluster native interface object.
transport_inst : :class:`~ieee488_2.transport`
Transport class responsible for the lowest level of communication (e.g. ethernet).
debug : int
Debug level (0 = normal, 1 = no version check, >1 = no version or error checking).
Cluster native interface object.
Debug level is 0 and there is a version mismatch.
#Initialize parent class.
super(cluster_ifc, self).__init__(transport_inst, debug)
def _get_scpi_commands(self):
Get SCPI commands.
Dictionary containing all available SCPI commands, corresponding parameters, arguments and Python methods and finally a descriptive comment.
An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1.
All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
#Format command string
cmds = super()._get_scpi_commands()
cmd_elem_list = cmds.split(';')[:-1]
cmd_list = numpy.reshape(cmd_elem_list, (int(len(cmd_elem_list) / 9), 9))
cmd_dict = {cmd[0]: {"scpi_in_type": cmd[1].split(',') if cmd[1] != "None" and cmd[1] != "" else [],
"scpi_out_type": cmd[2].split(',') if cmd[2] != "None" and cmd[2] != "" else [],
"python_func": cmd[3],
"python_in_type": cmd[4].split(',') if cmd[4] != "None" and cmd[4] != "" else [],
"python_in_var": cmd[5].split(',') if cmd[5] != "None" and cmd[5] != "" else [],
"python_out_type": cmd[6].split(',') if cmd[6] != "None" and cmd[6] != "" else [],
"comment": cmd[8]} for cmd in cmd_list}
return cmd_dict
[docs] def get_idn(self):
Get device identity and build information.
Dictionary containing manufacturer, model, serial number and build information. The build information is subdivided into FPGA firmware,
kernel module software, application software and driver software build information. Each of those consist of the version, build date,
build Git hash and Git build dirty indication.
An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1.
All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
#Format IDN string
idn = self._get_idn()
idn_elem_list = idn.split(',')
idn_build_list = idn_elem_list[-1].split(' ')
idn_dict = {"manufacturer": idn_elem_list[0],
"model": idn_elem_list[1],
"serial_number": idn_elem_list[2],
"firmware": {"fpga": {"version": idn_build_list[0].split("=")[-1],
"date": idn_build_list[1].split("=")[-1],
"hash": idn_build_list[2].split("=")[-1],
"dirty": int(idn_build_list[3].split("=")[-1]) > 0},
"kernel_mod": {"version": idn_build_list[4].split("=")[-1],
"date": idn_build_list[5].split("=")[-1],
"hash": idn_build_list[6].split("=")[-1],
"dirty": int(idn_build_list[7].split("=")[-1]) > 0},
"application": {"version": idn_build_list[8].split("=")[-1],
"date": idn_build_list[9].split("=")[-1],
"hash": idn_build_list[10].split("=")[-1],
"dirty": int(idn_build_list[11].split("=")[-1]) > 0},
"driver": build.get_build_info()}}
return idn_dict
[docs] def get_system_status(self):
Get general system state.
Dictionary containing general status and corresponding flags:
- OKAY: System is okay.
- CRITICAL: An error indicated by the flags occured, but has been resolved.
- ERROR: An error indicated by the flags is occuring.
- CARRIER_PLL_UNLOCK: Carrier board PLL is unlocked.
- FPGA_PLL_UNLOCK: FPGA PLL is unlocked.
- FPGA_TEMP_OR: FPGA temperature is out-of-range.
- CARRIER_TEMP_OR: Carrier board temperature is out-of-range.
An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1.
All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
#Format status string
status = self._get_system_status()
status_elem_list = status.split(';')
status_flag_list = status_elem_list[-1].split(',')[:-1] if status_elem_list[-1] != '' else []
status_dict = {"status": status_elem_list[0],
"flags": status_flag_list}
return status_dict
def _get_modules_present(self, slot):
Get an indication of module presence for a specific slot in the Cluster.
slot : int
Slot index ranging from 1 to 20 to get module presence for.
Module presence (False = not present, True = present).
An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1.
All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception.
return (int(super()._get_modules_present()) >> (slot - 1)) & 1 == 1