Source code for cluster.cluster_scpi_ifc

# Description    : SCPI interface
# Git repository :
# Copyright (C) Qblox BV (2020)


#-- include --------------------------------------------------------------------

import sys
import struct
import re
import json

#Add IEEE488.2 support
from ieee488_2.ieee488_2 import ieee488_2

#-- decorator-------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def scpi_error_check(func): """ Decorator that catches and checks for errors on an SCPI call. Parameters ---------- func Class method that performs an SCPI call Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception An error was found in system error or an exception was passed as input argument. """ def decorator_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as err: args[0]._check_error_queue(err) finally: args[0]._check_error_queue() return decorator_wrapper
#-- class ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class cluster_scpi_ifc(ieee488_2): """ This interface provides an API for the mandatory and required SCPI calls and adds Pulsar related functionality (see `SCPI <>`_). """ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __init__(self, transport_inst, debug = 0): """ Creates SCPI interface object. Parameters ---------- transport_inst : :class:`~ieee488_2.transport` Transport class responsible for the lowest level of communication (e.g. ethernet). debug : int Debug level (0 = normal, 1 = no version check, >1 = no version or error checking). Returns ---------- :class:`~cluster.cluster_scpi_ifc` SCPI interface object. Raises ---------- Exception Debug level is 0 and there is a version mismatch. """ #Store parameters for later use. self._debug = debug #Initialize parent class. super(cluster_scpi_ifc, self).__init__(transport_inst) if self._debug == 0: #Check if build is compatible. build = self._read("*IDN?").split(',')[-1] build_ref = "fwVersion=0.1.1 fwBuild=20/12/2021-12:55:28 fwHash=0x1193794E fwDirty=0 kmodVersion=0.1.1 kmodBuild=20/12/2021-12:55:28 kmodHash=0x1193794E kmodDirty=0 swVersion=0.1.1 swBuild=20/12/2021-12:55:28 swHash=0x1193794E swDirty=0" if build != build_ref: build = re.split(' |=', build) build_ref = re.split(' |=', build_ref) raise ConnectionError("cluster_scpi_ifc version is not compatible with device version:\n" + \ "\n" + \ " pulsar_qcm_scpi_ifc: device version:\n" + \ "Firmware; Version: {} {}\n".format( build_ref[1], build[1]) + \ " Date: {} {}\n".format( build_ref[3], build[3]) + \ " Hash: {} {}\n".format( build_ref[5], build[5]) + \ " Dirty: {} {}\n".format(build_ref[7], build[7]) + \ "Kernel module; Version: {} {}\n".format( build_ref[9], build[9]) + \ " Date: {} {}\n".format( build_ref[11], build[11]) + \ " Hash: {} {}\n".format( build_ref[13], build[13]) + \ " Dirty: {} {}\n".format(build_ref[15], build[15]) + \ "Application; Version: {} {}\n".format( build_ref[17], build[17]) + \ " Date: {} {}\n".format( build_ref[19], build[19]) + \ " Hash: {} {}\n".format( build_ref[21], build[21]) + \ " Dirty: {} {}\n".format(build_ref[23], build[23]) + \ "\n" + \ "Please update your device's firmware or the Qblox Instruments package.") #Clear SCPI error queue. while int(self._read('SYSTem:ERRor:COUNt?')) != 0: self._read('SYSTem:ERRor:NEXT?')
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @scpi_error_check def _get_idn(self): """ Get device identity and build information. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- str Concatinated list of strings separated by the semicolon character. The IDN consists of four strings respectively ordered as: - Manufacturer - Model - Serial number - Build information Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('*IDN?') return var0 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @scpi_error_check def reset(self): """ Reset device and clear all status and event registers (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call self._write('*RST')
[docs] @scpi_error_check def clear(self): """ Clear all status and event registers (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call self._write('*CLS')
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_status_byte(self): """ Get status byte register. Register is only cleared when feeding registers are cleared (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- int Status byte register. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('*STB?') return int(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def set_service_request_enable(self, reg): """ Set service request enable register (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- reg : int Service request enable register. Returns ------- None Raises ------ Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #Check input types. self._check_in_type(locals(), ['int']) #SCPI call self._write('*SRE {}'.format(reg))
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_service_request_enable(self): """ Get service request enable register. The register is cleared after reading it (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- int Service request enable register. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('*SRE?') return int(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def set_standard_event_status_enable(self, reg): """ Set standard event status enable register (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- reg : int Standard event status enable register. Returns ------- None Raises ------ Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #Check input types. self._check_in_type(locals(), ['int']) #SCPI call self._write('*ESE {}'.format(reg))
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_standard_event_status_enable(self): """ Get standard event status enable register. The register is cleared after reading it (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- int Standard event status enable register. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('*ESE?') return int(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_standard_event_status(self): """ Get standard event status register. The register is cleared after reading it (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- int Standard event status register. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('*ESR?') return int(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def set_operation_complete(self): """ Set device in operation complete query active state (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call self._write('*OPC')
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_operation_complete(self): """ Get operation complete state (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- bool Operation complete state (False = running, True = completed). Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('*OPC?') return bool(int(var0))
[docs] @scpi_error_check def test(self): """ Run self-test. Currently not implemented (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- bool Test result (False = failed, True = success). Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('*TST?') return bool(int(var0))
[docs] @scpi_error_check def wait(self): """ Wait until operations completed before continuing (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call self._write('*WAI')
[docs] def get_system_error(self): """ Get system error from queue (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- str System error description string. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('SYSTem:ERRor:NEXT?') return var0
[docs] def get_num_system_error(self): """ Get number of system errors (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- int Current number of system errors. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('SYSTem:ERRor:COUNt?') return int(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_system_version(self): """ Get SCPI system version (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- str SCPI system version. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('SYSTem:VERSion?') return var0
[docs] @scpi_error_check def preset_system_status(self): """ Preset system status registers. Connects general system status flags for PLL unlock and temperature out-of-range indications to event status enable, status questionable temperature and status questionable frequency registers respectively (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call self._write('STATus:PRESet')
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_questionable_condition(self): """ Get status questionable condition register (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- int Status questionable condition register. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:QUEStionable:CONDition?') return int(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_questionable_event(self): """ Get status questionable event register (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- int Status questionable event register. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:QUEStionable:EVENt?') return int(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def set_questionable_enable(self, reg): """ Set status questionable enable register (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- reg : int Status questionable enable register. Returns ------- None Raises ------ Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #Check input types. self._check_in_type(locals(), ['int']) #SCPI call self._write('STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle {}'.format(reg))
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_questionable_enable(self): """ Get status questionable enable register (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- int Status questionable enable register. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle?') return int(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_operation_condition(self): """ Get status operation condition register (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- int Status operation condition register. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:OPERation:CONDition?') return int(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_operation_events(self): """ Get status operation event register (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- int Status operation event register. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:OPERation:EVENt?') return int(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def set_operation_enable(self, reg): """ Set status operation enable register (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- reg : int Status operation enable register. Returns ------- None Raises ------ Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #Check input types. self._check_in_type(locals(), ['int']) #SCPI call self._write('STATus:OPERation:ENABle {}'.format(reg))
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_operation_enable(self): """ Get status operation enable register (see `SCPI <>`_). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- int Status operation enable register. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:OPERation:ENABle?') return int(var0)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @scpi_error_check def _get_scpi_commands(self): """ Get SCPI commands. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- str Concatenated list of strings separated by the semicolon character. Each command consists of nine sections respectively ordered as: - SCPI command pattern - SCPI input type - SCPI output type - Python function - Python input types (comma separated) - Python input variable names (comma separated) - Python output types (comma separated) - User access level (0 = public, >=1 = private) - Comment Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('*CMDS?') return var0 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @scpi_error_check def identify(self): """ Toggle frontpanel LEDs to visually identify the instrument. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call self._write('*IDENtify')
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @scpi_error_check def _get_system_status(self): """ Get general system state. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- str Concatenated list of strings separated by the semicolon character. Status is indicated by one status string and an optional number of flags respectively ordered as: :Status: - ``OKAY``: System is okay. - ``CRITICAL``: An error indicated by the flags occurred, but has been resolved. - ``ERROR``: An error indicated by the flags is occurring. :Flags: - ``CARRIER PLL UNLOCKED`` - ``FPGA PLL UNLOCKED`` - ``LO PLL UNLOCKED`` (only for RF-modules) - ``FPGA TEMPERATURE OUT-OF-RANGE`` - ``CARRIER TEMPERATURE OUT-OF-RANGE`` - ``AFE TEMPERATURE OUT-OF-RANGE`` - ``LO TEMPERATURE OUT-OF-RANGE`` - ``BACKPLANE TEMPERATURE OUT-OF-RANGE`` (only for Cluster) Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:GENeral:STATE?') return var0 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_current_fpga_temperature(self): """ Get current FPGA junction temperature (inside device). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- float Current FPGA junction temperature. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature:FPGA:CURRent?') return float(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_maximum_fpga_temperature(self): """ Get maximum FPGA junction temperature since boot or clear (inside device). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- float Maximum FPGA junction temperature. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature:FPGA:MAXimum?') return float(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_current_carrier_temperature(self): """ Get current carrier board temperature (inside device). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- float Current carrier board temperature. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature:CARRier:CURRent?') return float(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_maximum_carrier_temperature(self): """ Get maximum carrier board temperature since boot or clear (inside device). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- float Maximum carrier board temperature. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature:CARRier:MAXimum?') return float(var0)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @scpi_error_check def _set_reference_source(self, internal): """ Set reference (10MHz) clock source. Parameters ---------- internal : bool Reference clock source (False = External, True = Internal). Returns ------- None Raises ------ Exception Invalid input parameter type. Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #Check input types. self._check_in_type(locals(), ['bool']) #SCPI call self._write('STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency:REFerence:SRC {}'.format(0 if internal == False else 1)) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @scpi_error_check def _get_reference_source(self): """ Get reference (10MHz) clock source. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- bool Reference clock source (False = External, True = Internal). Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:QUEStionable:FREQuency:REFerence:SRC?') return bool(int(var0)) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @scpi_error_check def _get_modules_present(self): """ Get an indication of module presence for each slot of the Cluster. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- int Module present indication where each bit represents a single slot and the LSB is slot 1 (False = not present, True = present). Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('BP:MODules?') return int(var0) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_current_bp_temperature_0(self): """ Get current backplane board temperature from sensor 0 (inside device). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- float Current backplane board temperature from sensor 0. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature:BP0:CURRent?') return float(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_maximum_bp_temperature_0(self): """ Get maximum backplane board temperature from sensor 0 since boot or clear (inside device). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- float Maximum backplane board temperature from sensor 0. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature:BP0:MAXimum?') return float(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_current_bp_temperature_1(self): """ Get current backplane board temperature from sensor 1 (inside device). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- float Current backplane board temperature from sensor 1. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature:BP1:CURRent?') return float(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_maximum_bp_temperature_1(self): """ Get maximum backplane board temperature from sensor 1 since boot or clear (inside device). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- float Maximum backplane board temperature from sensor 1. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature:BP1:MAXimum?') return float(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_current_bp_temperature_2(self): """ Get current backplane board temperature from sensor 2 (inside device). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- float Current backplane board temperature from sensor 2. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature:BP2:CURRent?') return float(var0)
[docs] @scpi_error_check def get_maximum_bp_temperature_2(self): """ Get maximum backplane board temperature from sensor 2 since boot or clear (inside device). Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- float Maximum backplane board temperature from sensor 2. Raises ------ Exception An error is reported in system error and debug <= 1. All errors are read from system error and listed in the exception. """ #SCPI call var0 = self._read('STATus:QUEStionable:TEMPerature:BP2:MAXimum?') return float(var0)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- def _check_in_type(self, in_arg_dict, in_type_list): """ Checks input argument types against reference types. Parameters ---------- in_arg_dict : dict Dictionary with input arguments created by locals(). in_type_list : list List of reference input argument types. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception Input argument type mismatch. """ if self._debug <= 1: del in_arg_dict['self'] in_val_list = [in_arg_dict[name] for name in in_arg_dict] for i, (in_val, in_type) in enumerate(zip(in_val_list, in_type_list)): if str(type(in_val).__name__) == "list" or str(type(in_val).__name__) == "ndarray": if len(in_val) > 0: in_val = in_val[0] else: raise TypeError("Unexpected type for input argument {}, expected {} but got empty {}.".format(i, in_type, str(type(in_val).__name__))) if str(type(in_val).__name__)[:len(in_type)] != in_type: raise TypeError("Unexpected type for input argument {}, expected {} but got {}.".format(i, in_type, str(type(in_val).__name__))) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _check_error_queue(self, err=None): """ Check system error for errors. Empties and prints the complete error queue. Parameters ---------- err : Exception Exception to reraise. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- Exception An error was found in system error or an exception was passed as input argument. """ if self._debug <= 1: errors = [str(err)] if err is not None else [] while int(self._read('SYSTem:ERRor:COUNt?')) != 0: errors.append(','.join(self._read('SYSTem:ERRor:NEXT?').split(',')[1:])) if len(errors) > 0: if err is not None: err_type = type(err) else: err_type = Exception raise err_type('\n'.join(errors)).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2]) from None