


First, download the latest firmware for your instrument: Cluster, Pulsar QCM, Pulsar QRM. The firmware can then be installed using the Qblox Configuration Manager tool qblox-cfg, shipped with the qblox-instruments Python package.


In general, the Qblox Configuration Manager tool can do much more than what’s listed on this page. Run qblox-cfg --help for more information.

Before and after the update, you can verify the firmware version of the instruments, using a terminal of your choice (for qblox-cfg to be available, remember to activate the correct environment using conda activate my-env-name, see Installation):

$ qblox-cfg -v

Then execute the firmware update, replacing <filename.zip> with the file you downloaded (Note: You should not unzip the firmware) :

$ qblox-cfg update <filename.zip>

After executing this command, follow the instructions given by the Qblox Configuration Manager. For tracking the progress of the update, in case of a Cluster, look at the status (S) LED of the CMM, it will (also see Frontpanel LEDs):

  • Turn red/purple during the update of the CMM,

  • yellow during the update of the other modules,

  • and finally white when done.

In case of a Pulsar, the status (S) LED will go from yellow while in progress to green/blue when done.

IP address and name

Default IP address

The default IP address of the instrument is Replace the IP address in any instruction listed on this page if the instrument’s IP address was changed. To find the IP address of your instrument, see Finding the IP address of a module.

When connected to your instrument(s) directly or via network switches only (NOT via VPN or a router), you can instead use the instrument name or serial number to select an instrument.

You can use the Qblox Configuration Manager to update the IP address of your instrument (for qblox-cfg to be available, remember to activate the correct environment using conda activate my-env-name, see Installation):

$ qblox-cfg set-ip <new-ip-address>

Or to change its name:

$ qblox-cfg set-name <new-name>

You can perform several operations at once, should you want to. For example, this will set the IP address and update the firmware of the instrument (originally) at

$ qblox-cfg set-ip <new-ip-address> update <filename>

After the update is completed, verify firmware version via:

$ qblox-cfg <new-ip-address> -v

Host PC

Qblox Instruments

To update your installation of the qblox-instruments driver package, run (make sure you have activated the correct environment using conda activate my-env-name, see Installation):

$ pip install --upgrade qblox-instruments

Please make sure that the driver version you install is compatible with your Cluster or Pulsar firmware, verify via the driver changelog on PyPi.


If you have quantify-core or quantify-scheduler installed, a new version of Qblox Instruments may require you to update these as well:

$ pip install --upgrade qblox-instruments quantify-core quantify-scheduler