Source code for qblox_instruments.native.cluster

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description    : Cluster native interface
# Git repository :
# Copyright (C) Qblox BV (2020)
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# -- include -----------------------------------------------------------------

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union, Iterable, Iterator
from functools import partial
from qblox_instruments import InstrumentClass, InstrumentType, TypeHandle
from qblox_instruments import DeviceInfo, resolve
from qblox_instruments.ieee488_2 import IpTransport, ClusterDummyTransport
from qblox_instruments.ieee488_2 import DummyBinnedAcquisitionData, DummyScopeAcquisitionData
from qblox_instruments.scpi import Cluster as ClusterScpi

import qblox_instruments.native.generic_func as gf

# -- class -------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class Cluster(ClusterScpi): """ Class that provides the native API for the Cluster. It provides methods to control all functions and features provided by the Cluster. Note that the bulk of the functionality of this class is contained in the :mod:`~qblox_instruments.native.generic_func` module so that this functionality can be shared between instruments. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __init__( self, identifier: str, port: Optional[int] = None, debug: Optional[int] = None, dummy_cfg: Optional[Dict] = None, ): """ Creates Cluster native interface object. Parameters ---------- identifier : str Instrument identifier. See :func:`~qblox_instruments.resolve()` for more information. port : Optional[int] Instrument port. If None, this will be determined automatically. debug : Optional[int] Debug level (0 | None = normal, 1 = no version check, >1 = no version or error checking). dummy_cfg : Optional[Dict] Configure as dummy using this configuration. For each slot that needs to be occupied by a module add the slot index as key and specify the type of module in the slot using the type :class:`~qblox_instruments.ClusterType`. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- RuntimeError Instrument cannot be reached due to invalid IP configuration. ConnectionError Instrument type is not supported. """ # Create transport layer (dummy or socket interface) if dummy_cfg is not None: self._transport = ClusterDummyTransport( dummy_cfg ) if debug is None: debug = 1 else: addr_info = resolve(identifier) if addr_info.protocol != "ip": raise RuntimeError( "Instrument cannot be reached due to invalid IP configuration. " "Use qblox-pnp tool to rectify; serial number is {}".format(addr_info.address) ) host = addr_info.address if port is None: port = addr_info.scpi_port self._transport = IpTransport(host=host, port=port) if debug is None: debug = 0 # Initialize parent class. super().__init__(self._transport, debug) # Set instrument type handle model = DeviceInfo.from_idn(super()._get_idn()).model self._type_handle = TypeHandle(model) if not self._type_handle.is_mm_type: raise ConnectionError( "Unsupported instrument type detected ({})".format(self.instrument_type) ) # Get a dictionary of SCPI and native functions that the functions in # the generic_func module require to operate. Create a function # reference container that we use to pass references to those functions # to functions in the generic_func module. self._funcs = gf.FuncRefs(self) for attr_name in self._funcs.funcs.keys(): if (self._funcs.funcs[attr_name] is None and hasattr(super(), attr_name)): self._funcs.register(getattr(super(), attr_name)) # Set module specific type and FuncRefs handles self._mod_handles = {} slot_info = self._get_mods_info() for slot_str in slot_info.keys(): slot = int(slot_str.split(" ")[1]) # Module type handle model = DeviceInfo.from_idn(slot_info[slot_str]["IDN"]).model mod_type_handle = TypeHandle(model) mod_type_handle._is_rf_type = bool(slot_info[slot_str]["RF"]) # Module FuncRefs mod_funcs = self._create_module_funcrefs(slot) # Update module handles dictionary self._mod_handles[str(slot)] = { "type_handle": mod_type_handle, "func_refs": mod_funcs, }
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _create_module_funcrefs(self, slot: int) -> gf.FuncRefs: """ Create function reference container object for a specific slot. This means that SCPI and native layer methods are customized using functools.partial to operate on a specific slot. The resulting methods are added to the function reference container, so that they can be used by the generic_func module. Parameters ---------- slot : int Slot index to create function reference container for. Returns ---------- FuncRefs Function reference container specific to single slot. Raises ---------- """ # Non-slot specific attributes funcs = gf.FuncRefs(self) funcs.register(getattr(super(), "_write")) funcs.register(getattr(super(), "_read_bin")) funcs.register(getattr(super(), "_flush_line_end")) # Slot specific attributes rb = super()._read_bin part_cmd = "SLOT{}:SEQuencer".format(slot) awg_wlist_rb = gf.create_read_bin(rb, part_cmd + "{}:AWG:WLISt?") acq_wlist_rb = gf.create_read_bin(rb, part_cmd + "{}:ACQ:WLISt?") acq_data_rb = gf.create_read_bin(rb, part_cmd + '{}:ACQ:ALISt:ACQuisition:DATA? "{}"') acq_list_rb = gf.create_read_bin(rb, part_cmd + "{}:ACQ:ALISt?") funcs.register(awg_wlist_rb, "_get_awg_waveforms") funcs.register(acq_wlist_rb, "_get_acq_weights") funcs.register(acq_data_rb, "_get_acq_acquisition_data") funcs.register(acq_list_rb, "_get_acq_acquisitions") funcs.register(partial(self._is_qrm_type, slot), "is_qrm_type") funcs.register(partial(self._is_rf_type, slot), "is_rf_type") # Remaining slot specific attributes for attr_name in funcs.funcs.keys(): if (funcs.funcs[attr_name] is None and hasattr(super(), attr_name)): attr = partial(getattr(super(), attr_name), slot) funcs.register(attr, attr_name) return funcs # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @property def instrument_class(self) -> InstrumentClass: """ Get instrument class (e.g. Pulsar, Cluster). Parameters ---------- Returns ---------- InstrumentClass Instrument class Raises ---------- """ return self._type_handle.instrument_class # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @property def instrument_type(self) -> InstrumentType: """ Get instrument type (e.g. MM, QRM, QCM). Parameters ---------- Returns ---------- InstrumentType Instrument type Raises ---------- """ return self._type_handle.instrument_type # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _present_at_init(self, slot: int) -> Tuple: """ Get an indication of module presence during initialization of this object for a specific slot in the Cluster and return the associated module type handle and function reference container if present. Parameters ---------- slot : int Slot index ranging from 1 to 20. Returns ---------- TypeHandle Module type handle FuncRefs Function reference container Raises ---------- KeyError Module is not available. """ if str(slot) in self._mod_handles: return ( self._mod_handles[str(slot)]["type_handle"], self._mod_handles[str(slot)]["func_refs"], ) else: raise KeyError("Module at slot {} is not available.".format(slot)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _module_type(self, slot: int) -> InstrumentType: """ Get indexed module's type (e.g. QRM, QCM). Parameters ---------- slot : int Slot index ranging from 1 to 20. Returns ---------- InstrumentType Module type Raises ---------- """ type_handle, _ = self._present_at_init(slot) return type_handle.instrument_type # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _is_qcm_type(self, slot: int) -> bool: """ Return if indexed module is of type QCM. Parameters ---------- slot : int Slot index ranging from 1 to 20. Returns ---------- bool True if module is of type QCM. Raises ---------- """ type_handle, _ = self._present_at_init(slot) return type_handle.is_qcm_type # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _is_qrm_type(self, slot: int) -> bool: """ Return if indexed module is of type QRM. Parameters ---------- slot : int Slot index ranging from 1 to 20. Returns ---------- bool: True if module is of type QRM. Raises ---------- """ type_handle, _ = self._present_at_init(slot) return type_handle.is_qrm_type # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _is_rf_type(self, slot: int) -> bool: """ Return if indexed module is of type QCM-RF or QRM-RF. Parameters ---------- slot : int Slot index ranging from 1 to 20. Returns ---------- bool: True if module is of type QCM-RF or QRM-RF. Raises ---------- """ type_handle, _ = self._present_at_init(slot) return type_handle.is_rf_type # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.get_scpi_commands) def _get_scpi_commands(self) -> Dict: return gf.get_scpi_commands(self._funcs) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @gf.copy_docstr(gf.get_idn) def get_idn(self) -> Dict: return gf.get_idn(self._funcs)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @gf.copy_docstr(gf.get_system_state) def get_system_state(self) -> gf.SystemState: return gf.get_system_state(self._funcs)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.set_acq_scope_config) def _set_acq_scope_config(self, slot: int, config: Dict) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.set_acq_scope_config(funcs, config) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.get_acq_scope_config) def _get_acq_scope_config(self, slot: int) -> Dict: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.get_acq_scope_config(funcs) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.set_acq_scope_config_val) def _set_acq_scope_config_val(self, slot: int, keys: Any, val: Any) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.set_acq_scope_config_val(funcs, keys, val) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.get_acq_scope_config_val) def _get_acq_scope_config_val(self, slot: int, keys: Any) -> Any: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.get_acq_scope_config_val(funcs, keys) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.set_sequencer_program) def _set_sequencer_program(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, program: str) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.set_sequencer_program(funcs, sequencer, program) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.set_sequencer_config) def _set_sequencer_config(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, config: Dict) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.set_sequencer_config(funcs, sequencer, config) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.get_sequencer_config) def _get_sequencer_config(self, slot: int, sequencer: int) -> Dict: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.get_sequencer_config(funcs, sequencer) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.set_sequencer_config_val) def _set_sequencer_config_val(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, keys: Any, val: Any) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.set_sequencer_config_val(funcs, sequencer, keys, val) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.get_sequencer_config_val) def _get_sequencer_config_val(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, keys: Any) -> Any: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.get_sequencer_config_val(funcs, sequencer, keys) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.set_sequencer_config_rotation_matrix) def _set_sequencer_config_rotation_matrix(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, phase_incr: float) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.set_sequencer_config_rotation_matrix(funcs, sequencer, phase_incr) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.get_sequencer_config_rotation_matrix) def _get_sequencer_config_rotation_matrix(self, slot: int, sequencer: int) -> float: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.get_sequencer_config_rotation_matrix(funcs, sequencer) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.set_sequencer_connect_out) def _set_sequencer_connect_out(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, output: int, state: str) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.set_sequencer_connect_out(funcs, sequencer, output, state) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @gf.copy_docstr(gf.get_sequencer_connect_out) def _get_sequencer_connect_out(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, output: int) -> str: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.get_sequencer_connect_out(funcs, sequencer, output) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.set_sequencer_connect_acq) def _set_sequencer_connect_acq(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, path: int, state: str) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.set_sequencer_connect_acq(funcs, sequencer, path, state) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @gf.copy_docstr(gf.get_sequencer_connect_acq) def _get_sequencer_connect_acq(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, path: int) -> str: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.get_sequencer_connect_acq(funcs, sequencer, path) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @gf.copy_docstr(gf.disconnect_outputs) def _disconnect_outputs(self, slot: int) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.disconnect_outputs(funcs) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @gf.copy_docstr(gf.disconnect_inputs) def _disconnect_inputs(self, slot: int) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.disconnect_inputs(funcs) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @gf.copy_docstr(gf.iter_connections) def _iter_connections(self, slot: int) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, str, str]]: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.iter_connections(funcs) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @gf.copy_docstr(gf.sequencer_connect) def _sequencer_connect(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, *connections: str) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.sequencer_connect(funcs, sequencer, *connections) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @gf.copy_docstr(gf.arm_sequencer) def arm_sequencer(self, slot: Optional[int] = None, sequencer: Optional[int] = None) -> None: if slot is not None: self._present_at_init(slot) else: slot = "" # Arm sequencers across all modules if sequencer is not None: gf.check_sequencer_index(sequencer) else: sequencer = "" # Arm all sequencers within a module return gf.arm_sequencer( self._funcs, "SLOT{}:SEQuencer{}".format(slot, sequencer) )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @gf.copy_docstr(gf.start_sequencer) def start_sequencer(self, slot: Optional[int] = None, sequencer: Optional[int] = None) -> None: if slot is not None: self._present_at_init(slot) else: slot = "" # Start sequencers across all modules if sequencer is not None: gf.check_sequencer_index(sequencer) else: sequencer = "" # Start all sequencers within a module return gf.start_sequencer( self._funcs, "SLOT{}:SEQuencer{}".format(slot, sequencer) )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @gf.copy_docstr(gf.stop_sequencer) def stop_sequencer(self, slot: Optional[int] = None, sequencer: Optional[int] = None) -> None: if slot is not None: self._present_at_init(slot) else: slot = "" # Stop sequencers across all modules if sequencer is not None: gf.check_sequencer_index(sequencer) else: sequencer = "" # Stop all sequencers within a module return gf.stop_sequencer( self._funcs, "SLOT{}:SEQuencer{}".format(slot, sequencer) )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @gf.copy_docstr(gf.get_sequencer_state) def get_sequencer_state(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, timeout: int = 0, timeout_poll_res: float = 0.02) -> gf.SequencerState: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.get_sequencer_state(funcs, sequencer, timeout, timeout_poll_res)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.add_waveforms) def _add_waveforms(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, waveforms: Dict) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.add_waveforms(funcs, sequencer, waveforms) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.delete_waveform) def _delete_waveform(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, name: str = "", all: bool = False) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.delete_waveform(funcs, sequencer, name, all) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @gf.copy_docstr(gf.get_waveforms) def get_waveforms(self, slot: int, sequencer: int) -> Dict: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.get_waveforms(funcs, sequencer)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.add_weights) def _add_weights(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, weights: Dict) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.add_weights(funcs, sequencer, weights) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.delete_weight) def _delete_weight(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, name: str = "", all: bool = False) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.delete_weight(funcs, sequencer, name, all) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @gf.copy_docstr(gf.get_weights) def get_weights(self, slot: int, sequencer: int) -> Dict: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.get_weights(funcs, sequencer)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @gf.copy_docstr(gf.get_acquisition_state) def get_acquisition_state(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, timeout: int = 0, timeout_poll_res: float = 0.02) -> bool: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.get_acquisition_state(funcs, sequencer, timeout, timeout_poll_res)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.add_acquisitions) def _add_acquisitions(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, acquisitions: Dict) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.add_acquisitions(funcs, sequencer, acquisitions) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.delete_acquisition) def _delete_acquisition(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, name: str = "", all: bool = False) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.delete_acquisition(funcs, sequencer, name, all) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @gf.copy_docstr(gf.delete_acquisition_data) def delete_acquisition_data(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, name: str = "", all: bool = False) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.delete_acquisition_data(funcs, sequencer, name, all)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @gf.copy_docstr(gf.store_scope_acquisition) def store_scope_acquisition(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, name: str) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.store_scope_acquisition(funcs, sequencer, name)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.get_acq_acquisition_data) def _get_acq_acquisition_data(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, name: str) -> Dict: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.get_acq_acquisition_data(self, funcs, sequencer, name) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @gf.copy_docstr(gf.get_acquisitions) def get_acquisitions(self, slot: int, sequencer: int) -> Dict: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.get_acquisitions(funcs, sequencer)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def delete_dummy_binned_acquisition_data(self, slot_idx: int, sequencer: Optional[int] = None, acq_index_name: Optional[str] = None): """ Delete all dummy binned acquisition data for the dummy. Parameters ---------- slot_idx : int Slot of the hardware you want to set the data to on a cluster. sequencer : Optional[int] Sequencer. acq_index_name : Optional[str] Acquisition index name. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- """ self._transport.delete_dummy_binned_acquisition_data(slot_idx, sequencer, acq_index_name)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_dummy_binned_acquisition_data(self, slot_idx: int, sequencer: int, acq_index_name: str, data: Iterable[Union[DummyBinnedAcquisitionData, None]]): """ Set dummy binned acquisition data for the dummy. Parameters ---------- slot_idx : int Slot of the hardware you want to set the data to on a cluster. sequencer : int Sequencer. acq_index_name : str Acquisition index name. data : Iterable[Union[DummyBinnedAcquisitionData, None]] Dummy data for the binned acquisition. An iterable of all the bin values. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- """ self._transport.set_dummy_binned_acquisition_data(slot_idx, sequencer, acq_index_name, data)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def delete_dummy_scope_acquisition_data(self, slot_idx: int, sequencer: Union[int, None]): """ Delete dummy scope acquisition data for the dummy. Parameters ---------- slot_idx : int Slot of the hardware you want to set the data to on a cluster. sequencer : Union[int, None] Sequencer. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- """ self._transport.delete_dummy_scope_acquisition_data(slot_idx)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_dummy_scope_acquisition_data(self, slot_idx: int, sequencer: Union[int, None], data: DummyScopeAcquisitionData): """ Set dummy scope acquisition data for the dummy. Parameters ---------- slot_idx : int Slot of the hardware you want to set the data to on a cluster. sequencer : Union[int, None] Sequencer. data : DummyScopeAcquisitionData Dummy data for the scope acquisition. Returns ---------- Raises ---------- """ self._transport.set_dummy_scope_acquisition_data(slot_idx, data)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @gf.copy_docstr(gf.set_sequence) def _set_sequence(self, slot: int, sequencer: int, sequence: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]], validation_enable: bool = True) -> None: _, funcs = self._present_at_init(slot) return gf.set_sequence(funcs, sequencer, sequence, validation_enable) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _get_modules_present(self, slot: int) -> bool: """ Get an indication of module presence for a specific slot in the Cluster. Parameters ---------- slot : int Slot index ranging from 1 to 20. Returns ---------- bool Module presence. Raises ---------- """ return (int(super()._get_modules_present()) >> (slot - 1)) & 1 == 1